However, in the next two seconds, Akko saw an incredible scene when Anan, who was dying on the ground, suddenly grew a lot of hair.

It's just that the hair here does not refer to hair, but refers to the growth of a lot of mutated hyena-like hair on the skin and body, and then the body size has increased by nearly 30%.

The fingers and toes have grown extremely sharp claws, and there is an extra tail. They almost broke the clothes and night vision equipment, and all the wounds have recovered. It is like changing a body. It seems that there is no miracle. Appeared on Ruan Bing's side, but appeared on Anan...

The most terrifying thing is that Anan's face has also changed to the appearance of a mutant hyena, his eyes become blood red, and the sharp fangs make it even more ferocious and cruel.

After transforming, Anan slowly stood up with both feet, looked at her hands in doubt, as if she was not familiar with her changes, and then pulled off her upper body clothes to reveal the thick hair on her body, leaving only one. Pants.

The mutant hyenas, who had been attacking the crowd all the time, stopped their offensive actions after seeing Anan's changes, because they felt a strong pressure from Anan. This pressure made them very uncomfortable and did not dare to attack at will.

Akko and the other girls also took two steps back after seeing Anan's changes. After all, Anan's appearance was too scary. The originally noisy battlefield suddenly became silent because of Anan's changes...

If Lu Jun were here, he would know that Anan suddenly realized the transformation-like power, just like the woman in the cellar suddenly realized the mental power field when she was extremely sad.

As for the reason, it is temporarily unclear. Maybe this is a human talent, or it may be because Anan sucked a lot of mutant hyena blood and some other things. This kind of problem cannot be explained in a sentence or two.

And Anan seemed to understand something after seeing his own changes, he finally had special abilities! I am excited about becoming stronger, but also worried. What if he doesn't change back, isn't he a monster?

Knowing that he was scary now, Anan didn't dare to look at Ak, and walked directly towards the mutant hyena group, staggering, as if a baby was learning to walk, he was familiarizing himself with his body.

After getting acquainted with his body, Anan walked faster and faster, and finally ran directly, rushing towards the mutant hyena group, this speed has exceeded the limit that humans can reach.

Of course Anan didn't rush over to climb relatives with the mutant hyenas. His heart was extremely angry, and these mutant hyenas were his targets.

He moved his claws and plunged directly into the heads of the two C-tier mutant hyenas at the front. The sharp giant claws encountered almost no resistance, and the two mutant hyenas were killed on the spot.

Then Anan kept moving with his hand, grabbing another D-tier mutant hyena, inserting the giant claws into the belly of the D-tier mutant hyena, pulling out a lot of disgusting internal organs and throwing it on the ground, and then kicked the D-tier The mutant hyena's head was smashed, and a series of attacks were flowing.

After being killed by the three companions, the surrounding mutant hyenas finally reacted, stepping back two steps one after another, looking at Anan's eyes with some doubts.

They felt that in addition to the coerciveness of Anan, there was an aura of their kind, but since they were of the same kind, why did Anan attack them?

However, Anan was not interested in answering the question of the mutant hyena, and his movements never stopped, constantly killing the mutant hyena that was still in doubt.

Finally, after Anan killed more than a dozen mutant hyenas, the mutant hyena group finally began to resist, and the mutant hyenas of Tier B took the lead to attack Anan.

Forty or fifty mutant hyenas surrounded Anan and continued to attack. Anan relied on the strength, speed, and defensive bonuses after the transformation to the enemy, without losing the wind.

Soon the mutant hyenas found that Anan was too difficult to deal with. They would not be able to deal with Anan at all, or they could not beat Anan at all.

Seeing this, the mutant hyenas immediately changed their strategy, leaving dozens of powerful Tier B mutant hyenas to drag Anan, and the other mutant hyenas ran towards the girls behind Anan.

Some people may wonder, is Anan so strong? He can fight dozens of Tier B mutant hyenas as soon as he acquires the ability. In fact, it is not that Anan is so strong, but the mutant hyenas are relatively weak.

They are creatures that rely on numbers to win. There is no difference between ranks D, C and B except for the differences in size and physical strength. Unless they can reach rank A, they will have a qualitative change, becoming a three-headed emperor and possessing numbers. A powerful ability.

Before that, in addition to their quantitative advantages, in terms of their individual strength, even the mutant hyenas of Tier B were just "little weak chickens". After Anan turned on the transformation ability, they were stronger and faster than them. Fast, defense is higher than them.

They couldn't even break Anan's defenses, so they could only contain Anan, and could not pose too much threat to Anan.

However, if they want to go over Anan to sneak attack on Ruan Bing and others, Anan can't help it. He can't stop hundreds of mutant hyenas. After all, he is only a body superpower and does not have a very powerful range attack ability. It seems that mutant hyenas also understand this.

Seeing that the mutant hyenas were about to rush to the back, Anan panicked and wanted to quickly return to defense, but the Tier B mutant hyena blocked him to death. He killed one and another would pop up, which made him Irritable, can only speed up the attack speed.

And the girls just saw a glimmer of hope of victory, and they were about to be put out in a blink of an eye, but they were really unwilling to do so. Could it be that miracles have appeared, they still can't win?

"You get in the car! I'll guard this intersection!" Fortunately, at this time, Anan finally broke through the enclosure of the Tier B mutant hyena and returned to defense in time. A claw swept two mutant hyenas to death, and then said to the women.

Seeing this, the girls immediately joined forces and put the dizzy Ruan Bing in the off-road vehicle, and then sat in with a gun. Only Lin Xiaobai stayed outside to assist Anan's defense. She had combat uniforms, so as long as she protected her head, she was not afraid .

Seeing that Anan was still conscious, and still recognizing who they were, and still standing on their side, they no longer feared the appearance of Anan.

In this way, Anan and Lin Xiaobai stood in front of the defense line composed of two off-road vehicles and an Ankylosaurus, blocking the attack of all mutant hyenas, while Ruan Xue and Akko assisted in shooting from the windows of the off-road vehicles.

The battle situation is gradually stabilized. If it continues like this, if nothing happens, they should be able to kill all mutant hyenas within 20 minutes and end the battle...

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