Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1749: Kill through

Fortunately, Lu Jun had been paying attention to Zhou Shang's actions. He grinned immediately and made a cruel expression when he saw Zhou Shang's intention to slip.

Then he gestured to the watcher and the surrounding black-robed people, letting them see the situation here.

Immediately after, he opened his own dragon form, grew dragon wings, and rose into the air, chasing after Zhou Shang.

Seeing that the Lu Army could fly and were still chasing him, Zhou Shang was anxious, and he slammed his right flank and shot hundreds of black feathers, covering the position of the Lu Army, intending to slow the advance of the Lu Army.

But at this level of attack, the Lu Army would not pay attention to it at all. A particle shield would block it, and it would be able to speed up and chase forward.

Feeling the aura that Lu Jun was much stronger than him, Zhou Shang was panicked, and flew forward while turning his head.

If it was normal, he would have turned around and attacked the road army, but now there are bone dragons everywhere, he must not stay here for too long, otherwise he will definitely be entangled, and can only speed up and escape the pursuit of the road army.

Fortunately, Zhou Shang's flying ability still had two brushes, and he quickly separated from the Lu Army by a short distance, and had a chance to completely throw away the Lu Army.

This gave Zhou Shang's morale a boost. He had already thought about it. As long as he could get rid of the road army, he would immediately return to the place where he lived and take away the spar he had collected since the last days. That was a lot of wealth.

Immediately afterwards, he will leave Xueyue City completely, fly to the south, run far away, and stop when he finds a new residence.

Although the way forward is unknown, as long as he has a spar in his hand, coupled with his abilities, he can remix wherever he goes.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, and it is not too late for him to come back and find Lu Jun and Takada after he becomes stronger...

Just as Zhou Shangmei thought about this, he suddenly found that the road army behind him had disappeared, and there was no road army around him.

Did you get rid of him? ! This thought came into his mind when a Ji Ling last week.

But before he could implement it, he saw a figure appearing right in front of him, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be the Lu Army, only ten meters away from him, and they were about to hit him.

"How could it be! How could you be so fast!" Zhou Shang could not help yelling.

Because the Lu Army was behind him last moment, now he is in front of him, which is not the speed that a normal person can achieve.

Lu Jun didn't answer Zhou Shang's question, he still sneered, waving the dragon's tail just flicked Zhou Shang, and directly hit Zhou Shang's chest.

In fact, at his speed, he would have been able to catch up to Zhou Shang. The reason why he didn't exert any effort and made the illusion that he could not catch up was to reduce Zhou Shang's vigilance and make Zhou Shang mistakenly think that he could escape safely.

"Also, these elves must not suffer casualties, otherwise I will let you go and bury them." Lu Jun looked around and said softly.

"Understood, even if you don't tell me, I will bring them back. This is my fault. Don't worry." Takada agreed to the Lu Jun.

One minute later, the entire sky was full of bone dragons and gargoyles, and there were more than 40,000 in total, almost all the flying power possessed by the Lu Army.

The night demon who led the undead creatures also flew down on a bone dragon, kneeling on the ground, bowed his head, and said piously in undead language: "Sir, our air power is already in place, and more ground power Coming now, give your order!"

After the watchman's translation, the Lu Army waved his hand and signaled the Night Demon to stand up: "Don't kill innocent people, just drive away the people holding torches. If you resist, kill them again. You are not allowed to eat the bodies of these people. ."

Although the Lu Army wanted to use the power of undead creatures to fight this time, he didn't want human casualties to be too great, so the basic bottom line was still necessary.

"Yes, my lord, I will clear my surroundings in ten minutes!" The Night Demon responded seriously.

Immediately afterwards, the Night Demon mounted the Bone Dragon again, sending off offensive brain waves while flying upwards.

Bone dragons and gargoyles also flew down collectively at this time, quickly approaching the crowds of large and small forces.

Seeing that these monsters were aimed at them, Zhou Shang instantly felt that something was wrong, and immediately sent out another signal, shouting at the distant supers: "Quickly come out and kill Takata! Otherwise we have to finish it!"

The ability players who received the signal immediately reacted and ordered the people around to withstand the monster above, so that they had time to attack Takata's position.

These people naively thought that as long as you kill Takada, the monster above will disperse...

But with the strength of ordinary people and no weapons such as firearms in his hands, how could he be able to stop the bone dragon, even against the gargoyle.

In addition, Takada has the protection of the road army, and there is no ability to hit him, even with the third-order ability.

Therefore, the offensive composed of these supernaturalists was quickly defeated, and was beaten by the bone dragon's frost ability.

In fact, the main reason is that the strength of these ability players is too weak, and there are no strong large-scale abilities. Those first-order abilities are just like scratching the bone dragon, and naturally there is no way to take the bone dragon.

Thousands of supernatural beings couldn't stop the bone dragon army, let alone the ordinary people around, their morale fell to the bottom in an instant and began to flee around.

The bone dragons did not kill ordinary people who fled, because the Lu Army and the Night Demon's orders were only to disperse, and they did not let them kill them all.

Only the abilities who are still resisting are miserable, people are constantly dying under the frost ability of the bone dragon, and there is no time to take care of Takada's situation.

The city guards were both scared and nervous watching all this, they were very worried that these bone dragons would attack them later.

If even the supernatural powers of these forces can't help the bone dragon, then they are even more helpless fighters who are only slightly stronger than ordinary people...

Fortunately, the things that the city guards were worried about did not happen. The bone dragons and gargoyles still obeyed the orders and would not do anything against the city guards.

With the passage of time, more and more people with supernatural powers died, and there were crying and wailing everywhere.

Flying in midair, Zhou Shang saw this scene and realized that they were defeated and it was impossible to win the battle, so he began to retreat and wanted to escape.

But where to escape at the moment is another question. Since they knew that they had turned against Gao Tian and didn't kill Gao Tian, ​​then Xueyue City and the others couldn't stay there anymore, they had to look elsewhere.

But now the sky is freezing and there are monsters everywhere, and Xueyue City is a relatively safe place within a hundred kilometers. Where can I go if I leave here?

If Zhou were given another chance, he would never come to kill Takata, and if it hadn't been for greed, he would not fall into this situation.

However, in any case, it is still necessary to leave here first, otherwise the life will be lost.

So in the next moment, I won't stay here, just waving my wings and flying away, wanting to take advantage of the chaos to leave.

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