Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1748: Dragon Assault

"My lord, these are the elves brought from the private garden. They are all here." The captain of the city guard reported directly to the Lu Army. After all, the Lu Army is now the "boss."

"Why is that so?! What's the rest?! What about those in the hands of other forces?! Are you tricky?!" Lu Jun's tone increased several times, because he could see that the number of these elves was still not enough. .

While speaking, the Lu Army raised a double-headed spear, and made a 20-centimeter wound on Takada's left leg.

This made Takata almost collapsed. You must know that the injury on his right leg is not healed. Now another injury is added to his left leg, and it is deeper than the right leg...

"Ah!!! What does it matter to me?! You row him!" Takada raised his head and looked at the Lu Army, holding his injured thigh with his hand and pointing at the city guard chief, "You **** want to kill me, don't you? Didn’t I ask you to bring them all?! Where are the remaining elves?!"

The captain of the city guard, who was screamed by the Lu Army and Takada, was taken aback for a while, and quickly waved his hand and explained: "No, sir, I'm going to find those forces and let them hand over the elves, but they seem to be discussing As good as it is, none of them are willing to pay."

"Later I told them about your current situation, and they were even more reluctant. They also said that you die if you die, it's up to them, so I can only return with the elves in the garden..."

"Impossible! They couldn't possibly say that!" Takada yelled, enduring the pain, completely distrusting the words of the city guard.

Because since the leader of Xueyue City, those forces have been frantically infatuating with him, and they are obedient to him, how can they say that now?

"This is true... the soldiers traveling with me can testify to me..." The captain of the city guard was a little helpless. If Takata didn't believe it, then he couldn't help it.

"It seems that these people want him to die, so as to replace his position in Xueyue City, and they don't think so in one day or two days." Hongyue said what he was thinking all at once.

In fact, the facts are really what Hongyue said. After the road army and others captured Xueying and captured Gaotian, the forces of Xueyue City knew about it.

Soon they began to discuss how to deal with this matter, because Gao Tian was their leader in Xueyue City, in control of hundreds of thousands of city guards, if it was not handled well, the entire Xueyue City would suffer.

After some thoughts, these forces all made a decision, that is, not to rescue Takata, let Takata be killed by someone with unknown origin.

Then they can take the opportunity to disintegrate the city guards of Xueyue City, thus achieving the purpose of separating Xueyue City.

To know that Xueyue City is a big "cake" in their eyes, as long as they can get a small piece of it, then their future life will be easier.

But this plan must have Takata die, and the way to speed up Takata's death is also very simple, that is, let the elves not let go, let people who don't know the source directly kill Takata.

In this way, they are equivalent to killing with a knife, even if the city guard wants to blame them, they can't be blamed.

Maybe you can still see the city guards fighting with these people, then they can take advantage of the fishermen.

This plan was approved by all the forces, and they also made follow-up plans.

That is, all the forces will send a part of their troops to Xueying, and after the group of unknown people have killed Takata, they will take action to kill these people...

With the help of the surrounding fire, the commander of the city guard saw Takata's gesture, but he was a little puzzled, not knowing what Takata asked him to do in the past.

However, in the end, he put down his weapon, raised his hands, and walked slowly towards Takada's position, thumping in his heart, for fear that these black-robed men would suddenly attack him.

Especially the Giganotosaurus who was looking left and right not far away made his legs tremble. It was the first time he saw this creature.

Fortunately, the black robe man and the southern giant beast dragon did not embarrass the city guard leader, so he easily walked to Takada.

"Taka... Takada-sama... Are you looking for me?" The city guard said with a vibrato.

"Quickly... pass on my order and let all the forces hand over the elves I gave them. Besides, go to my private forest garden and bring all the elves here..." Takada said. Speaking out of breath, the loss of blood made him weak.

After finishing talking, Takada blinked at the captain of the city guard. It was obvious that he wanted the captain of the city guard to find a way to save him.

All this was in sight, so the next moment, he raised his left fist and aimed it at Takata's stomach with a few violent blows, causing Takata to spit on the ground, almost vomiting bile.

"Just do as he said, just bring me the elves, don't mess around, or you and him will both die, understand?" Lu Jun patted the captain of the city guard on the shoulder, his tone was very soft .

"Understood...understood...I'll go down and do it right away..." The captain of the city guard looked at the Lu Army, and then at Takada who was still vomiting, his hands trembling all the time.

Immediately after that, the captain of the city guard trot all the way down, and left directly with thousands of soldiers.

Before leaving, don’t forget to tell the surrounding city guards not to mess around, and just wait for his news, because the Lu Army’s words just now really make him remember...

Now that their captain said so, the other City Guard soldiers would naturally have no other actions, and continue to confront the black-robed people quietly.

In this way, with the passage of time, more than two hours passed quickly. During this period, the road army and others had been waiting for the captain of the city guard to return without any friction.

In order to prevent Takata from losing too much blood and dying, the Lu Army also asked a black-robed man to treat Takata for a while, anyway, it was the same if he was cured.

When the time came to nine o'clock in the evening, the watchman next to him suddenly walked to the road army, leaning on the road army’s ears: "My lord, the elves are already on standby outside. The army has also arrived and can enter the city at any time."

"Okay, I see." Lu Jun responded softly. Since this is the case, then he will have no problem even if he wants to attack the city next.

Just when the Lu Army waited a little irritated, the city guard commander finally returned. In addition to his own fighters, he also brought thousands of elves, both men and women.

These elves seem to be in a good state of mind. It is estimated that Takata just caught them and raised them, without torturing them.

The surrounding city guards looked at the elves brought over, their eyes widened. One is that the faces of these elves are amazing, and the other is that a large number of them have never seen such creatures.

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