Da Xiong looked at the fourth child who was dying on the ground, and rubbed his fists excitedly. After some actual combat, he could already fully feel the powerful effect of this ability and the power it brought him, and this power Exactly what he was after.

Just as the big bear was trying to find and tie the fourth child back with a rope, his size suddenly shrank, and he felt a burst of weakness, as if the duration of the madness ability had ended.

The pain of Big Bear suddenly increased when the ability ended. The wound on his skin seemed to tear his whole person apart, and because of excessive blood loss, he also felt dizzy on his head.

The physical drop made Big Bear suddenly feel a little unbearable. He squatted on the ground with his head in his hands. He couldn't take it for a long time. It seems that his ability will have sequelae for a few minutes after overuse...

The fourth child who was severely injured by the big bear also noticed the abnormal situation of the big bear. She struggled to sit up despite the physical pain. This was the only chance she could kill the big bear.

Such a strong ability person must not let him continue to live, otherwise it will be detrimental to her organization in the future...

After sitting up, the fourth child quickly formed a seal with both hands, trying to squeeze out the last trace of brain power and use the ability to solve the big bear, even if she forcibly overdrawn her brain power.

And when the fourth child's abilities were condensed in half, she suddenly heard a faint footstep behind her, and the frightened fourth child immediately looked back.

I saw a large black wolf beast slowly approaching her. On the back of the wolf was a little girl with an indifferent face. The little girl was holding an unknown pistol and pointed at her. , This person and wolf are Xiaowan and Black Demon Wolf.

In fact, Xiaowan was always nearby. When Daxiong spotted the fourth child, she rushed over, but when she saw Daxiong fighting with the fourth child, she only watched from a distance, until now Daxiong was in danger.

However, the appearance of Xiaowan and the Black Demon Wolf made the fourth child really desperate. She was a little skeptical of life now, not knowing what monsters she was facing.

First, there was a strong man with superpowers who could grow bigger but couldn't beat them to death. Now there is a little girl riding a large wolf beast. Shouldn't this big wolf beast like to eat people? Why does it live in peace with humans...

Although the fourth child had a lot of questions, Xiao Wan didn't intend to answer the fourth child. She directly pulled the trigger and pointed the pistol at the fourth child's hands that were in Jieyin.

The fourth child wailed again and fell down, unable to sit up anymore, and Xiaowan forcibly interrupted most of the abilities that had been cast. The bright red blood gradually soaked her black robe, and after all this was done. Xiaowan just said indifferently, "So you are not threatened."

After removing the threat of the fourth child, Xiao Wan directed the Black Demon Wolf to walk in the direction of Big Bear. Big Bear seemed to have recovered a lot, and was squatting on the ground looking at Xiao Wan awkwardly, with gratitude in her eyes.

Although he was resisting the discomfort brought by his body with all his strength just now, he also knew that Xiaowan helped him, otherwise he might be attacked by the black-robed man...

"Uncle Big Bear, is your wound okay? Why didn't you just kill her?" Xiao Wan puzzled Da Xiong, because from the usual way of getting along, Big Bear is not a soft-hearted person.

When Daxiong saw Xiaowan's question, he scratched his head awkwardly, "It's okay, it's all minor injuries. At first, I felt that she was an important person. Maybe I would know some important news. I want to keep alive. Who knows her? I also have those weird abilities, which made me almost caught..."

Xiaowan looked at the embarrassed bear, couldn't help but smiled, and pointed to the fourth wife who was lying on the ground immovably, "But you beat her so hard to speak..."

Daxiong heard Xiaowan teasing him, and smiled, then slowly stood up. The wound on his skin had stopped bleeding. After possessing the power, even if he did not activate the power, his recovery power was much stronger than before. But the change in his body just now made him almost uncomfortable.

After moving his hands and feet and discovering that there was no major problem, Da Xiong slowly walked to the fourth child. One more thing he did not do was to uncover the mask on the face of the black-robed man to see what is underneath the mask. Where is sacred.

The black-robed man's mask was slowly uncovered by the big bear. No more accidents happened this time. Under the mask was a beautiful woman, about thirty years old, and at first glance there was nothing special.

If you have to say a special place, there is a mark on the woman's right face that looks like a horoscope, which looks like a sign of a certain organization.

The fourth child was seriously injured, and now it’s difficult to move her fingers. After her mask was uncovered, she could only stare at Big Bear and Xiaowan viciously. If her eyes could kill people, Big Bear and Xiaowan would have been killed by her a lot. Time...

Xiaowan also climbed down from the Black Demon Wolf and walked to the fourth child, ignoring the ferocious eyes of the fourth child, and looked at the mark on the fourth child's face curiously, but she just looked at it, and didn't know that it represented. what.

When Da Xiong saw that there was a woman under the mask, he was very surprised. At first, he thought it was a wretched perverted man wrapped in a black robe and wearing a mask, pretending to be mysterious.

However, after knowing the **** of the fourth child, Da Xiong suddenly realized something. Since this is a woman, isn't the lump that he just hit on her breasts...

After realizing this, Da Xiong looked around subconsciously, thinking to himself that fortunately, no one saw their fighting process just now, otherwise he would be embarrassed again...

At this moment, the butcher and Zeng Hu hurried over with the rebels. They all solved the guards of the Baisha Consortium a few minutes ago, and then they rushed over without stopping, just because they were afraid of the big bear and the small Wan accident.

But now it seems that they were worrying too much. The butcher was relieved when he saw the black-robed man lying on the ground, thinking that fortunately Xiao Wan was clever and knew how to outflank, otherwise he would really let the black-robed man run away.

But when the butcher saw the fourth child's face, his face suddenly became serious, and he walked quickly to the fourth child and squatted down, carefully watching the mark on the fourth child's face.

"Do you know what that means?" Big Bear asked casually when he saw the butcher so nervous.

The butcher nodded and said solemnly, "This is a member of an organization. The organization's name is Babuzhong. Before the end of the world, this organization had a lot of secret cooperation with the Baisha Consortium. It was a shameless thing. It may be a member of Babuzhong. If this is the case, then we are probably in big trouble!

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