The butcher knew that Xiao Wan and Da Xiong had gone to outflank the back of the people of the Baisha Consortium, and none of them could escape!

The fourth child quickly ran out of Weimu Town and came to the intersection of the town, but she was surprised to find that the two trucks they had parked at the intersection of town were gone!

But what she didn't understand was that the car key was clearly in her pocket. How could the truck be driven away without the key?

"Are you looking for a car? I'm sorry, I pushed all your cars away, hehehe." When the fourth child was still wondering, Da Xiong suddenly rushed out of the building on the side and pointed his rifle at the fourth child. , And said with a smirk, it was Xiao Wan who asked him to wait here, but he didn't expect to be able to wait for someone. She still looked like a boss.

Seeing that Da Xiong's rifle had been opened for insurance, the fourth child could fire at any time, so he didn't dare to move and stood still, but her right hand wrapped in black robe seemed to be secretly playing tricks.

Who knew that Big Bear suddenly fired two shots at the fourth child's calf. The fourth child screamed in pain before falling down, clutching his bleeding calf and slumping on the ground.

"You'd better not move, although I want to catch alive, but if you are restless, I don't mind killing you." Da Xiong sneered and shook the rifle in his hand to the old fourth.

Seeing that the fourth child is the boss, he moved to catch it alive. Maybe he could ask for important information. If he asks it, it’s not too late to kill, but the big bear is not stupid. Naturally, he knows that the fourth child’s little actions just under the black robe is afraid of old age. Four tricks ran away, so he directly abolished one foot of Old Si.

Seeing that Big Bear shot her so decisively, and knowing that Big Bear would really kill her, he didn't dare to move any more, clutching his calf in pain. She knew she was planted here today.

Seeing that the fourth child looked innocent, Daxiong walked towards the fourth child slowly, and lightly opened the black robe on the head of the fourth child with the muzzle. He was very curious about the face under the black robe. .

The black robe was smoothly provoked by the big bear. The fourth child did not make any resistance, but just after the black robe fell off, the grimace mask on the fourth child's face frightened the big bear. He thought to the people of this force. It’s so mysterious, it’s not enough to wear a black robe, but to wear such a terrible mask...

But the more this happened, the more curious about the face under the mask, Big Bear stretched out his left hand to tear apart this grimace mask, and the moment Big Bear touched the mask, something happened. The mask on the fourth child’s face suddenly A hole was automatically opened, and a large amount of black mist sprayed out from it.

Da Xiong subconsciously kicked Old Si, then stretched back his left hand and took two steps back, covering his mouth and nose to prevent inhaling the black mist spreading around him.

But these black fog seemed to have no effect on the human body. On the contrary, the rifle in Big Bear's hand began to age after being exposed to the black fog, and some cracks appeared in some places, which seemed to be useless.

Is there such a thing? What kind of black technology is this? Daxiong was surprised secretly in his heart, but after Daxiong’s rifle was broken, the fourth child who was sitting on the ground was not idle. She seized the opportunity and quickly formed a seal with her hands. Suddenly, many fallen leaves appeared out of thin air around her. .

"Kill Qianye!" When the fallen leaves gathered to a certain extent, the fourth child suddenly shouted and waved his hands, sweeping all the dozens of fallen leaves around to the place of the big bear.

Listening to the breaking air in the air, the big bear also felt danger when he looked at the fallen leaves flying over. There are still some fallen leaves here, obviously sharp "blade", it seems that the man in black is also a man in front of him. stranger.

But the big bear was not afraid, and even a little excited, because he could finally try the effect of his ability in actual combat. After carrying the tree for a day, he was suffocated.

"Frenzy!" Big Bear also directly used his powers, his size instantly increased, his clothes were broken by his strong muscles, and his height of more than two meters made him look like a giant.

The flying fallen leaves continuously scratched the bear's skin, causing bloodstains to appear on his body, but it only scratched the skin, because these sharp fallen leaves could not penetrate the bear's tough muscles.

The fourth child looked at her unfavorable means of killing but couldn’t help the big guy in front of her. She was very surprised. She didn’t expect that there would be a supernatural power here. You must know that even if they are such a powerful organization, the power users now have. Not much...

Although Chiba Killer didn't kill Big Bear all at once, the fourth child didn't want to just get caught. Anyway, she couldn't run away. Even if she desperately died, she would die with Big Bear!

The fourth child who was ready to fight to the death speeded up his brain power, once again summoned a large piece of fallen leaves, and then used Chiba Kill again before the duration of the last Chiba Kill.

Dozens of larger fallen leaves flew towards the big bear at a faster speed, and at this time the big bear had no fewer than fifty blood stains cut by the fallen leaves, and blood was bleeding from all parts of the body.

But under the blessing of the madness ability, both the recovery power and the defense power of the big bear are stronger than before, and the pain is also reduced a lot, so this injury is nothing to him.

Seeing the fourth child swinging dozens of blade-like leaves at him again, Big Bear didn't plan to defend it ignorantly this time. He held his stout arm to cover his head and neck, tightening his muscles, and He rushed towards the fourth place and rushed directly into the center of dozens of leaves.

These flying fallen leaves continued to eat away at Big Bear's skin again, but Big Bear completely ignored it, and continued to rush forward, carrying the damage of these fallen leaves, as if he could not feel the pain, only the fourth child in his eyes.

The fourth child looked at the big bear rushing towards her, and was panicked. Her methods were exhausted, but the big man in front of him was still like a okay person, it was a monster...

The old fourth tried to stand up and escape, but her calf was injured and she couldn't stand up at all, let alone escape. After only a few moves on the ground, the big bear rushed in front of her.

Da Xiong looked at the fourth child on the ground with a sneer, then bent down and raised his casserole-big fist against the fourth child’s chest and punched him. Da Xiong only felt that he hit a limp, but he was not aware of it. What's up there...

The fourth child could not bear the punch of the big bear. She was directly beaten by the big bear and flew out two meters away. After rolling a circle, she fell to the ground. She only felt a sharp pain in her chest, which she had never had in her life. I can no longer feel the presence of my chest, and my ribs seem to have been broken several times, making it difficult to breathe.

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