"I'll go out with you too, I'm fairly familiar with this area, I guess I can help a little bit." At this time, Hongyue also stood up and agreed.

"Okay, let's set off right away. After we find the ice-burning beast, I will be responsible for watching it there. You will come back to inform the Lu Army and try to solve all this before dawn!" The watcher clenched her fist with a look of determination.

After defending in the Frost Forest for so many days, he can finally attack once.

"Bring it with you, maybe you can know some clues, it's better than staying here." Lu Jun pointed to the ice-eater that was still tied up.

"Okay, the Frost Forest will be handed over to you." After saying this, the watchman grabbed the ice-burning beast with some violence, raised his hand and summoned some flying creatures of the elven race down and left with the red moon. Up.

Looking at the watchman and the back of Hongyue, the Lu Army slumped on the ground with some weakness.

In fact, he just couldn't hold it, after all, after fighting for so long, he didn't rest at all, and it was normal for him to lose strength.

It's just that he didn't want to worry about the Red Moon and the Watchers, so he never showed it.

Seeing this scene before him, Wu Yong subconsciously wanted to come and support the Lu Army, but the Lu Army raised his hand and refused: "I'm fine, just sit for a while, just wait."

"Is there anything I can do now?" Wu Yong asked immediately.

Because he felt that he was doing nothing here, which was kind of weird.

As for why he didn't go outside with the watchman, he knew that he was not strong enough, and it would be useless if he went, so he might as well help the Lu Army here.

"Go around and look at our defense line. If you have any suggestions, tell me. Pay attention to the situation in the sky. If the bone dragon comes back, you should also notify me. I have to relax a little bit. My head hurts..." Lu Jun clutched his head and said.

Seeing this, Wu Yong stopped disturbing the Lu Army, and quickly rode a bone dragon out of the area.

The Lu Jun said he wanted to take a break, but he didn't dare to relax too much, because the situation did not allow him to do so, and he had to pay close attention to every second.

So the next moment, the Lu Army summoned the seriously injured Southern Giant Beast Dragon to help it deal with its wounds and recover its injuries.

Although he can recover in the dragon training module, it is too slow, and a little external force must be used.

As the road army was busy, the Giganotosaurus finally got better. Now just let it return to the dragon training module and rest for a few hours, and it is estimated that it can regain its combat effectiveness.

At this time, it was less than forty minutes before Red Moon and the Watcher left. Under normal circumstances, they would not come back so quickly anyway.

Looking at the elven creatures surrounding the defense line, the road army slowly walked towards the location of the tree of life.

Since coming here, he hasn't really seen the Tree of Life yet, so it is necessary to take a look.

While walking on the road, the Lu Army also encountered the Centurion Snow Bear who had returned from the Westerly Fortress in advance.

It was obviously very happy to see the Route Army, and it has been following the Route Army, just like at the Westwind Fortress.

After Lu Jun asked the Centurion Snow Bear for some news about the Snow Bear family, he stopped saying anything and let the Centurion Snow Bear follow.

After walking for a few minutes, the Lu Army and the Snow Bear Centurion came to the location of the Tree of Life.

This place was originally the "house" of the Snow Bear clan. At that time, when fighting against the undead creatures, the Elf clan had nowhere to go. They found such a place to place the tree of life on the advice of the road army.

If you look from a high place, you can see that the tree of life at this time has grown a lot, which is too different from when the Lu Jun just planted it, making the Lu Jun a little unrecognizable...

"The leader of the undead clan is a super flying creature with an appearance similar to that of a bone dragon. The name is Bone Demon. It belongs to one of the powerful warriors under Naozu."

"As for the specific ability, I am not particularly clear, because I have never worked with it, only know that its combat ability in the air is very terrifying."

"My suggestion is to send more elven warriors out as soon as the undead creatures have not moved yet to find the location of the leader of the ice-eater.

"The bone dragons I brought back then are probably back. We can attack immediately and grab the leader of the ice-eaters."

"As long as this step can be completed, it will be found by the Ice Witch King, and that doesn't matter." Lu Jun replied confidently.

He personally thinks that there is nothing wrong with his plan, if he doesn't even have this confidence, then he would not have proposed it before.

"By the way, didn't the Night Demon come with you? Where did the bone dragons you brought? Why didn't you see them?" The Watcher turned around and asked her question.

Since meeting Lu Jun, she hasn't seen the figure of the Night Demon and the Bone Dragon Army, naturally she can't figure it out...

"The Night Demon is here, but I made some mistakes in the previous decision. I sent it to search for information about the leader of the undead. If I knew the leader of the undead was in the Frost Forest, I would not let it go..." Speaking of this Shi Lujun was still very depressed.

Because if the Night Demon is here, maybe he can win this battle today, it's a pity...

"The Bone Dragon Army is also there, but when we retreated, we chose to divide the troops into two ways. They have to take a long way to come back." Wu Yong answered the watcher when he took the road army.

"Okay, then I will let the elven creatures scatter and search immediately, hoping that it won't be discovered by the Ice Witch King in advance." The watcher was still worried when he said these words, and it seemed that she was very worried these days.

"Well, send the powerful team down, come back and tell me as soon as there is news, I have to wait for the bone dragons here, otherwise the Night Demon and I will not be there, the bone dragons will not necessarily obey the order." Lu Jun nodded and said With.

In fact, he originally wanted to go on his own, after all, it was more reliable.

But he thought again that the bone dragons hadn't come back, and if he wasn't there, no one would command the bone dragon.

And he has injuries on his body, and it is not very convenient to go out now.

So let the elves go, they are familiar with the terrain on the field, maybe they can find them faster than him.

But the watchman did not join the road army at once. Instead, he fell into thinking for a while, and shook his head until several seconds later: "My thought is that I took some elves out to find them, and you and Hongyue stayed behind. Frosty Forest."

"In this way, the speed of finding the leader of the ice-burning beast will be much faster. If the Frost Forest is attacked, you will have a way to deal with it. What do you think?"

"Well, if you want to go out, then go. This is indeed the fastest solution. I will be optimistic about the Frost Forest." Lu Jun nodded slightly, if the Watcher is willing to go out for him, It is indeed the best choice.

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