Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1478: Naga and the ghost fight

And in the next few minutes, Wu Yong also talked to Lu Jun carefully about the things the Watcher had told him and some details.

For example, how did the watchman give him the fountain of life before he left...

After listening to it, Lu Jun slowly nodded, with an expression that suddenly realized that Wu Yong had already seen the Watcher, which he really didn't expect.

"You mean the watchman is right next to the tree of life?" Lu Jun turned around and suddenly looked at Wu Yong.

If this is the case, then he will just drop in, and there will be no need to find someone.

"Yes, they are all there." Wu Yong nodded quickly.

"Then... Is the condition of the Tree of Life okay? Has it been burned by the fire?" Lu Jun couldn't help asking again.

After all, the tree of life is the foundation of the elves, and he has to care about it. If something goes wrong with the tree of life, the trouble will be big.

"Um...sir, to tell you the truth, I actually don't know what the tree of life is, let alone what it does. If you mean the biggest tree, it's okay. The flame did not burn there, and the watchman She was not injured, and she was very energetic when meeting me."

"It's just that I have been flying around this forest for a long time and found that there are undead creatures everywhere, and there are very few elven creatures left."

"If we didn't arrive in time, the elven creatures of the Frost Forest might not even be able to survive tonight..."

When he said this, Wu Yong's words were filled with luck and regret, because he saw too many corpses along the way.

"Oh, it turned out to be so, then I know it, let's meet them now, and see how we should defend against the enemy." The Lu Jun slowly nodded his head and said.

"Then...sir, what do the bone dragons do? I saw them flying away in the other direction..." Wu Yong pointed to the opposite place.

He knew that the bone dragon was the top priority of this battle, and without the aid of the bone dragon, the next battle would not be necessary.

"Don't worry, they will come back, just take a detour." Lu Jun shook his head, obviously not thinking about it.

Because he has arranged these bone dragons, it stands to reason that there will be no problems.

Seeing that Lu Jun was so sure, Wu Yong couldn't say anything any more. He nodded silently, waiting quietly for the bone dragon under his crotch to take them to the tree of life.

If you look at the distant scene at this time, you will find that the surrounding flames are much smaller.

And as the wind and snow intensify, these flames are getting smaller and smaller, and it is estimated that they will be completely extinguished in less than half an hour.

This also means that the red moon has controlled the fire, otherwise it would not be possible.

Moreover, the undead creatures scattered throughout the Frost Forest also stopped their attacks, seeming to have received some orders.

This is good news for both the road army and the elves, after all, it gives them a chance to breathe.

The entire Frost Forest has also regained its tranquility due to the arrival of the road army, although it may only be a few hours, it is also rare and valuable...

In this way, after another few minutes of flying, the bone dragon under Lu Jun's crotch slowly stopped, because they had already reached their destination.

At the moment when the bone dragon came over, a large group of flying elves rushed out from the tree of life.

They are the garrison around the tree of life, and the task is to prevent undead creatures from approaching the tree of life.

But as soon as they flew up, they found that it was the Lu Army riding on the bone dragon, which could be regarded as their high lord.

This made them both surprised and happy, and immediately let them make a way to successfully fly under the tree of life...

Although it wanted to rush into the center of the frost forest, where the tree of life was, and directly eradicate the elven creatures, this was also its original goal.

But now the situation has changed, because the road army has come over and brought reinforcements. They can no longer advance as aggressively as before.

What's more, the Ice Witch King was hit hard at this time, and his strength was not as good as before, so it's better to adjust it first.

In this way, after the battle with the Lu Army was over and after some thoughts, the Ice Witch King decided to withdraw temporarily.

This also means that the Lu Army has protected the frosty forest invisibly, so that the elves can survive until dawn.

As for how the battle will develop in the new day, it is not something that can be inferred at this time...

Of course, the Lu Jun still didn't know that the Ice Witch King had no plans to pursue it anymore. He was still immersed in the previous battle on the back of the bone dragon.

At the same time, he was also delighted at the short-lived victory, thinking to himself that Wu Yong had actually rescued him from the Ice Witch King. It was an incredible thing...

"Thank you tonight. It really helped me a lot. When the things here are over, I can satisfy your one wish and treat it as a reward." Lu Jun said politely.

The fact is almost the same, Wu Yong is totally worthy of these rewards.

Because he first helped the Lu Army and the bone dragons escape the pursuit of the undead army, and then led the Lu Army to escape from the Ice Witch King, which is really indispensable.

"Boss Lu, I am now a rebel. Everything I do is my duty and I dare not take credit." Wu Yong answered cautiously.

Although he said so, he was actually very happy in his heart, after all, he let the Lu Jun see his role.

"By the way, what's the matter with the two bottles of Fountain of Life? Where did you get it? And the red moon? Isn't she staying with you?" Lu Jun suddenly remembered this, and his words changed.

He had been puzzled about this question for a long time, but he had been fighting and fleeing just now and could not find a chance to ask.

"That's it, sir, after you left before, Lord Red Moon sent me a task to find the Watcher."

"She went to find a way to put out the fire, and I saw that the surrounding fire was obviously weakened a lot. She should have succeeded."

"And I also found the Watcher smoothly, and told her what Lord Red Moon had instructed. She asked me to come and find you. She has already looked for Lord Red Moon from another direction, and she should have reunited now."

"As for the fountain of life you mentioned, it was privately given to me by the watchman. She told me that this kind of thing has a miraculous effect against undead creatures."

"Also, if I see you fighting with the Ice Witch King, I will explode those two bottles to help you get away..." Wu Yong quickly explained to Lu Jun.

"Under this circumstance, our various teams have no room to survive, and the number becomes smaller and smaller..."

"The kind of flames you see, as far as I know, are made by creatures called ice-eaters. They are the best at doing this kind of thing."

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