How about throwing Shiyaolong down? Let it explore the way first? Lu Jun thought to himself in his heart, and then turned his ill-intentioned gaze to Shiroyao, who was squatting aside and looking at the cellar.

Shiyaolong on the side also felt something. He raised his head and saw Lu Jun's eyes trembled, as if he knew what the Lu Jun was thinking, he turned and ran out as soon as the smoke slipped, and wanted to stay away from the Lu Jun...

Seeing the appearance of Shiyaolong, Lu Jun shook his head helplessly, and decided to go there in person. If there is no good thing below, he must blow up this building...

"I'll go down here, you are waiting for me up there, Anan and Akko are expected to be here soon, you will meet them later." Lu Jun turned around and said to Mu Mu.

Because there are no stairs in this cellar, and there are no ladders nearby, so except for the Lu Jun, they can go straight down with a flash, and it will be troublesome for everyone else to go down or go up, so the Lu Jun intends to go down and search by himself.

"Then let's keep in touch. If you encounter any trouble, give me a signal, and I'll go down and help you immediately." Mu Mu also knew the situation and responded to the Lu Army.

Lu Jun nodded and said no more, a flash went straight down to the cellar, and then picked up the cold light stick dropped on the ground, shook it at the wood and the others above, indicating that he was down.

After doing this, the Lu Army looked at the surrounding environment and walked into the cellar. The scene below the cellar was no different from what you saw above, except that there was an iron door at the end.

Iron gate again? The owner of this building probably has a special feeling for iron gates. Lu Jun thought to himself that he even installed iron gates under the cellar, which is really confusing.

The Lu Army tried to fiddle with the iron door a few times, trying to open the iron door in a normal way, but the iron door seemed to be locked from the inside. The Lu Army's attempt was meaningless.

Without too much hesitation, the Lu Army raised the Death Tu 8000 to the lock position of the iron door with a shot. The iron door was directly blasted out of a hole, and the lock was blown away, but the iron door was also shot with this shot. It was deformed and it still couldn't open...

The unwilling road army fired another shot at the position of the iron door handle and blasted the iron door out of a hole. This time the iron door was deformed and it was useless. It bounced off by itself with a squeak. There was no door. The Death Tu 8000 can't be solved with one shot, if there is, then another shot...

After the iron door was opened, a strong smell of carrion floated into Lu Jun’s nose. Lu Jun frowned. He was very familiar with this smell. He just smelled it, it was the smell of infected body, but how could it happen here? If there is an infected body, how does the infected body know to lock itself?

Lu Jun carefully threw the cold light stick in his hand behind the iron door. Behind this is a messy room with some simple facilities and a pile of food packaging bags. There is also a room next door. All signs indicate that someone has been here recently. Live.

This makes it difficult for the Lu Army to understand. How can a person live in the same place with the infected body at the same time? Did they sign a treaty of peaceful coexistence? Lu Jun teased in his heart.

And it stands to reason that I just made such a big movement on it. If there are survivors, they should come out when they hear the movement.

"Brother Jun, Anan Ake has arrived, what do you find below?" When the Lu Jun was puzzled, the intercom rang a wooden voice.

Lu Jun picked up the walkie-talkie and pressed the talk button in response to Mu said, "There is nothing wrong with me, I will go up soon."

Hearing that Anan Akko had arrived, the Lu Army didn’t want to waste any more time. He speeded up the pace of exploring the cellar. It’s all down. You can’t just go up halfway through the search. It’s not the Lu Army’s style to go if you don’t find something cheaper .

Lu Jun took out a cold light rod again, illuminated the surroundings a bit brighter, and then walked into the room holding the Death Tu 8000. There was nothing suspicious in this room at first glance, but Lu Jun did not want to miss any details. , I want to search carefully.

"Woo..." Just as the Lu Army walked to the center of the room, he suddenly heard a faint moan, like the voice of a survivor, coming from the next room.

When the Lu Jun heard the sound, he threw the cold light stick into the next room, and then quickly walked into the next room while holding the Death Tu 8000, but when he came in, the Lu Jun regretted it because he smelled the most disgusting one in history. taste……

A smell mixed with body odor, blood, excrement, and domestic garbage rushed straight into Lu Jun’s nostrils, almost choking Lu Jun. I didn’t feel anything in the first room. Why did you come in? The second room smells so strong...

Lu Jun hurriedly covered his mouth and nose with his left sleeve. It felt better. Originally, he wanted to exit the room and wear an air purifier, but Lu Jun had forgotten after a glance at the environment in the room. This idea.

There is indeed a survivor in this room. She is still a woman. The voice just came from her, but if she hadn't seen her in the eyes of a normal person, the Lu Army would probably treat her as an infected body.

Because she is being tied to a blood-stained wooden bed, her hair is all stuck with some unknown liquid, and there is almost some domestic garbage and human excrement under the bed, and the suffocating smell comes from here. of.

The scariest thing is not these, but the flesh of the female **** has been dug away, the muscles on the limbs have also disappeared, and large pieces of bones can be seen on the hands and feet. From the wounds, these are all artificial, because The infected body cannot cause such "artistic" wounds.

This woman is like a pig lying halfway through the slaughterhouse. She could die at any time. If she weren't still breathing, you wouldn't have imagined that she was still alive.

The female became excited after seeing the Lu Army, and she could feel that her eyes and breathing had changed, and the Lu Army slowly walked towards the female. As for the suffocating and disgusting smell, the Lu Army had already forgotten it. Rear.

After approaching, you can find that the woman is actually very young, probably around 20 years old, but she can only make a faint whine and cannot speak, because her mouth is sewn with needles and threads, which may prevent her Suicide by biting his tongue.

Lu Jun knows that women are asking him for help, but at this time Lu Jun can do nothing but give her a shot in the head to help her get rid of it, because in the last days if you suffer this kind of injury, it means it itself. death.

However, before liberating the women, the Lu Jun wanted to see who did this heinous behavior, because the Lu Jun really couldn't figure out what the meaning of the murderer did, and where did the disappeared flesh of women go... …

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