What is strange is that after seeing that their attacks were fruitless, the infected black thorns chose to retreat and withdrew back into the house, as if they had received an order.

When the Lu Army saw these black thorn infected bodies retreating, they knew that there must be a corpse controller nearby, otherwise these infected bodies would not retreat half a step without the corpse controller's order.

And this corpse controller is probably hiding in this house. This guy actually summoned a mutant infected body from half a small town to protect it. The array is really big...

But there is one thing that the Lu Army still can't figure out why this corpse controller should hide in the house. If he had led these mutant infected bodies out to block the food delivery team, the food delivery team might not be so easy to attack.

Mumu and others stopped chasing after seeing the black thorn infected body retreating. After all, they didn't know how many mutant infected bodies still existed in this house. If they entered rashly, they might not be able to get out.

Lu Jun can probably guess the idea of ​​the corpse controller. It just wants these mutant infected bodies to hide in the building for defense. If their own people dare to enter, facing so many mutant infected bodies in the narrow terrain will definitely be unpleasant.

But the Lu Army had no plan to attack, so fools would attack. He has so many high-explosive grenades. You can demolish this building. Since this corpse controller likes tortoises, he will kill them in the "tortoise shell". "in.

The Lu Army once again took out hundreds of high-explosive grenades from the armed module, and then distributed them to everyone, and asked the dinosaurs to guard the gate to prevent the corpse-controller from rushing out of the wall with the mutant infected.

After being prepared, everyone broke the glass of all windows in the building to avoid being accidentally injured by glass shards. Then they opened the detonating ring of the high-explosive grenade and threw the high-explosive grenade into the room from the door or window.

There is no time limit for thundering this time, anyway, all the high-explosive grenades in the hand can be thrown in, and everyone is also very relaxed.

In the next time, the explosion sound from the building did not stop, and it lasted for nearly two minutes, until everyone's ears were hurt by the explosion.

Many parts of the building have been exploded on fire. Thick black smoke filled every room. The original white walls of the room are now black, and the expensive furniture inside has become a pile of waste parts.

Even the floor of the second floor was almost blown through. If the owner of this building is still alive, he will probably be **** off by the scene in front of him. The demolition team is not so excessive...

Actually, you don’t need so many high-explosive grenades to blow up this building, but who makes Lu Jun now have a "big business"? He has so many grenades. If you can use two to solve things, you definitely don’t need one...

After the smoke in the room almost dissipated, the Lujun let the Velociraptors go in to find the way, because he had not received the prompt for the mission to kill the corpse controller, fearing that the corpse controller would still ambush inside. .

Although it sounds a bit confusing, it is always right to be cautious in the last days when everything can happen.

As soon as the Velociraptors entered the room, they added a claw to the mutant infected body that was not dead, then ate the corpse crystals in their brains, and began to clean the mutant infected body from room to room.

Seeing that there was no ambush inside, Lu Jun walked in with the dog and Estroraptor and let the two larger Ankylosaurus and Utahraptor to keep the wind out to prevent being surrounded by infected bodies.

Nothing unexpected happened after everyone entered the room, and the Lu Army did not find the corpse controller he thought was hiding in the building. He was still pursuing the tedious and boring work of clearing the infected body and digging the corpse crystals.

Until everyone found a room locked by a big iron door, there were a lot of thick iron chains intertwined on the big iron door. These chains seemed to be entangled artificially, the purpose is to make the big iron door stronger.

There were a lot of elite infections around the big iron gate, but now they have been killed by the road army. It seems that these elite infections are very interested in this big iron gate. The big iron gate is full of their claw prints and scratches. And was a little deformed by them.

But with their current destructive power, if you want to open this big iron door, it is estimated that giving them another month will not be enough...

But they can rest in peace now, because the road army will open this big iron door to "help" them see what is inside, but before opening it, the road army must first confirm whether there are any monsters hidden behind the door.

The cautious Lu Jun put his ear on the big iron door, closed his eyes and listened carefully to the movement inside, and knocked on the door three times with his fingers, making some noises to see if there was any reaction inside.

But unfortunately, there was a dead silence inside, and there was no sound. Seeing this, the Lu Army first let the wood use an energy fine titanium horizontal knife to cut off the thick iron chain that entangled the big iron gate, and then he smashed it with a shot of the Death Tu 8000. The lock on the big iron door, and then opened the big iron door.

There was really nothing behind the door, it was an empty small room with no furnishings or decorations, only a black carpet.

Lu Jun couldn't help but secretly scold the owner of this building for something wrong. He didn't have so many locks on the third floor and the third floor. He thought it was a vault...

Just as Lu Jun was about to withdraw, he suddenly noticed the black carpet on the ground. If there is nothing, there is no need to just put a carpet. Isn't that unnecessary? Unless you want to use this carpet to hide something.

Thinking of this possibility, Lu Jun walked into the small room and opened the black carpet directly. Sure enough, he did not disappoint Lu Jun this time. In addition to the tiles on the floor, there is a dark hole under the carpet. Look It looks like a cellar.

Everyone saw that there was a new discovery, and they surrounded the cellar, observing the cellar. The cellar was a very old-fashioned one. It was about four meters high from the ground. There were no stairs. They could only use the ladder to go straight up and down. The inside was dark. One piece, you can't see what's below it at all.

Lu Jun dropped a cold light rod into the cellar and illuminated the cellar. After illuminating it, you can see that the bottom is still empty, and it seems that the overall area is quite large, and it is impossible to see all the scenes below.

Lu Jun is considering whether to go down, he is a little bit shadowed about these underground facilities, after all, what happened in the grain depot hasn't passed long...

If you go down with unknown risks, in case this is an ordinary cellar, it is a waste of time. If you don’t go down, if there is a treasure below, you will lose a lot. This is the road army. The most tangled place...

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