Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 142: Ankylosaurus

Slowly, Lu Jun stepped back slightly, trying to minimize the range of movement to leave here, only hope that these infected bodies will continue to look over there and not look back.

But things backfired. Just when the road army retreated the third step, two elite infected bodies seemed to have noticed something. They turned their heads and looked at the road army. Other mutant infected bodies were also driven by the elite infected bodies. Look over here.

All of a sudden, the Lu Army was stared at by dozens of bloodless eyes. In this scene, not to mention the crippling...

When Lu Jun saw him being found, he immediately grabbed the tail of Shiyaolong and turned and ran away without turning back. He also signaled the wood to run quickly, regardless of whether they could run or not, and when they encountered force majeure. , Escape is human instinct.

But after running for more than a dozen steps, Lu Jun suddenly felt a little strange. He didn't seem to hear the sound of the mutant infected being chasing him, but why didn't the mutants chase him?

Could it be that those mutant infected bodies haven't found him yet? It shouldn't be, a person of his size, even if those mutant infected bodies can't be seen, they should smell him.

The Lu Army, full of doubts, stopped very desperately and stayed there for several seconds, listening carefully to the movement in the courtyard behind him, but the courtyard was still quiet. If you just listen to the sound, you would never think that there is such a thing hidden in the courtyard. Multiple variant infection...

Wood They saw that the Lu Army stopped, and they stopped and walked to the Lu Army. They haven't figured out what is in the compound until now...

The Lu Jun made a gesture of silence to the wood, then put down the thief dragon in his hand, took out the bottle of mental reagent that was opened last time when opening the A-tier supply box from the armed module, and drank it in one go.

He wanted to go back and see what was going on with those mutant infected bodies, and he had the confidence to fill up his brain power first, even if those mutant infected bodies rioted, he would have the capital to fight.

As soon as the mental reagent entered the Throat Army, he felt his exhausted brain power instantly filled up, and every brain cell seemed to be groaning with satisfaction...

Taking advantage of the period of mental recovery, the Lu Army quickly summoned all the dinosaurs he could summon up to now. They were six Tier C Velociraptors, two Tier D Velociraptors, and one Tier B Deinonychus. The dragon, a Tier B Utah Raptor, and two Tier C Ankylosaurus, this is his current greatest combat power.

As for the one variant Abelisaurus egg, one variant Ankylosaurus egg, and seven variant Velociraptor eggs that have not been hatched in the Dragon Trainer module, these eggs will not hatch until tomorrow.

Lu Jun looked at two five-meter-long Ankylosaurus. They are new members of the dragon training module. They are about 1.5 meters tall. Looking at their size, they should weigh more than one ton. They are currently on the road. The dinosaurs owned by the army are already considered big ones.

They were covered in heavy armor with spikes, and the armor of an ankylosaurus was covered with a layer of translucent ice, which looked very mighty.

The curious Lu Jun glanced at its information, [Variant Ankylosaurus, whose strength is assessed as C-level, it moves slowly, and is covered with a thick barbed armor. Its attack method is its mallet-like tail. Talent: ice armor. 】

It turns out that that layer of ice is its talent, and the talent of ice armor can also be used by the road army. It seems that the defense is quite strong. I don't know if there are other effects.

The information on the other Ankylosaurus is the same as the former, except that the talent is replaced with sharp thorns. If you look closely, you will find that the spikes on its body are indeed longer and sharper than that of the Ice Ankylosaurus.

These two big guys are probably good at defensive warfare or counterattack warfare, because they are too cumbersome and walk slowly with their short legs. If the enemy wants to run, they can't catch up...

After reading the information on the Ankylosaurus, the Lu Army brought them back to the gate of the compound. He let the two Ankylosaurus lead the battle. Even if the infected rush out, the two big guys could stop for a while.

The two Ankylosaurus blocked the entrance of the compound directly after receiving the order of the Lu Army. This action caused the mutant infected bodies in the compound to find the Lu Army them at once, but the mutant infected bodies still stood in place. , There is no intention of preparing to attack.

Seeing this, Lu Jun was greatly puzzled, when did these mutant infected bodies become so talkative? Why didn't you just come to eat him? Could it be that conscience discovered it? Switch to a vegetarian diet?

If there are outsiders at this time, it is estimated that they will vomit blood due to the idea of ​​the road army. Normal people will definitely run away without looking back when seeing so many mutant infected bodies, and the road army dare to come back to entangle these mutant infected bodies. Don't eat people...

Wood They saw so many elite and black thorn infected bodies hidden in this compound, cold sweat came out, the atmosphere did not dare to gasp, they looked at Lu Jun suspiciously, wondering what he thought.

Lu Jun is also thinking about how to "handle" this nest of infected bodies. He originally wanted to shoot to test the reaction of these infected bodies, but he was afraid that the sound of the gun would stabb the hornet's nest of these infected bodies. Then these infections He couldn't take it anymore, he still had to think of a sure way.

At this time, if there are any large-scale abilities, or weapons of mass destruction, it will definitely be able to kill these infected bodies in an instant, but Ruan Bing’s soul storm is not effective on these infected bodies, and his earth-binding ring is also During the cooling down, let alone weapons of mass destruction, he didn't...

The Lu Army, who was thinking hard, suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He did not have weapons of mass destruction, but he had a lot of high-explosive grenades. Half of the 500 high-explosive grenades he bought from Goshawk yesterday were in his arms. In the module.

The power of a high-explosive grenade may have little effect on these mutant infections. What about ten? How about a hundred? These infected bodies are so densely located that if dozens of high-explosive grenades can be thrown in within a few seconds, the effect will not be discussed.

Just do it, the Lu Jun directly took out a hundred high-explosive grenades, put them in front of everyone, and talked to everyone about his thoughts.

The fuze delay time of the high-explosive grenades is six seconds. Without aiming, a normal person can throw about ten high-explosive grenades at the fastest speed within six seconds.

There are five of them here, and no matter how they add up, they can throw dozens of high-explosive grenades in six seconds, and the power of these dozens of high-explosive grenades is definitely enough for these mutant infections.

Although high-explosive grenades may not be able to kill these infected bodies, after all, the infected bodies only have their heads as their weakness, but as long as these infected bodies are blown off their hands and feet, they will not be a threat, but are they still slaughtered by the Army?

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