Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 141: Reward and discovery

"Ding, eliminate the land-digging sandworm race, reward dragon coins*1000, dragon title value*2000, strategy points*10, S-tier dragon rider's supply box*1."

"Ding, eliminate the land-digger sandworm race, the system hereby awards the honorary title: Insect Killer."

These few news made the Lu Army confused. What is the difference between Zerg’s hatred and hatred? What is this strategic point for? And what is this honorary title?

Why suddenly there were so many things that I hadn’t seen before, the road army was full of doubts quickly searched in the system, trying to find the answer, but the first two questions did not find the answer, only the honorary title system of the butcher was given. Explained.

Insect Killer: After killing 10,000 Zerg monsters or destroying one of the Zerg clan, the title can be obtained. The title can be upgraded. The effect of the title is to increase the damage of the title winner to the Zerg by 10% and reduce the damage of the Zerg symmetry winner by 10% Damage, increase 10% of the reward obtained by the title winner for killing the Zerg. This effect is also effective for the team members of the winner.

The general meaning of this title effect is that if you hit the Zerg to increase the damage, you increase the reward, and the Zerg hits you to reduce the damage, and all people who wear the Ring of the Route Army member can share this effect.

If you think about it carefully, you will feel that the effect of this title is still quite strong. Although it is only aimed at the Zerg, it is not certain that you will encounter the Zerg monster in the future...

But what the Lu Jun didn't expect was that he only killed more than a hundred digging sandworms, even if the digging sandworm clan was exterminated? Does the digging sandworm have only one nest and a mother emperor?

In fact, this is really the case. At present, there is only one female emperor in the land-digging sandworm family, and the nest is just built. There are only more than 100 land-digging sand worms. After all, the last days are only a dozen. God, monsters also need time to develop.

Originally, they would soon be able to breed a second female emperor, and the number of nests and sandworms was about to expand. Who knew it was at this juncture that the Lu Army happened to have their only nest and the female emperor together, and they also The eggs of the second mother emperor and other sandworm eggs are placed in the sac...

Even more than a hundred digging sandworms that are still alive are all dead in the hands of the road army. It is no exaggeration to say that if the road army chooses not to incubate the eggs of those digging sandworms in the future, then digging sand The insect clan really disappeared from this world.

Lu Jun didn’t know that he had picked up a huge bargain for nothing. After reading the explanation of the honorary title, he, Mu Mu and the women began to dig out the worm crystals in the brains of these sandworms. In order to speed up, he He also summoned Shiroyao to help with the only remaining brain power.

This is a tedious and disgusting job. There will always be a lot of inexplicable liquid gushing out after digging the forehead of the sandworm, and there will be a pungent smell in the liquid.

But everyone has survived for so many days in the last days, and they have never seen anything disgusting. They all know that the spar in the brains of these monsters is useful for the Lu Army. No one dares to neglect. It took them about half an hour to All these nearly seventy insect crystals were dug out, and Hajiro also secretly ate a few...

Lu Jun satisfactorily weighed the bag full of insect crystals in his hand. This was another big gain. He had just contacted Anan and Ak to come around to pick them up, and now he just needs to wait here for a while.

Ruan Bing is reporting safety with the people from the Blackstone Consortium on the side of the grain depot, as well as asking about the situation there. From their conversations, we can know that the grain transport operation on the side of the grain depot is still continuing, and it was not caused by a series of attacks. give up.

It seems that since Ruan Bing and the others left, there have been no other attacks. Fang An is leading the military to reorganize the defense line and continue to arrange food transportation.

People from the Blackstone Consortium also reminded Ruan Bing to go back as soon as possible, because it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon, and it is estimated that the food delivery team would have to return to the gathering place in an hour or two, otherwise it would be troublesome to wait until dark.

In addition, there are some unnutritious content, Lu Jun no longer pays attention to Ruan Bing's conversation, and wants to enter the system to count his rewards when he has time now.

However, the little guy Shiyaolong seemed to be unable to stay idle. He shook his head and walked towards the outermost building of the town. The Lu Jun didn’t care about it, but after a second thought, this little guy wouldn’t find anything again. Right?

After all, for so long, the places where the Shiroyao would go have been discovered. Seeing this, the Lu Army also became interested and wanted to follow Shiroro to have a look, Mumu and others also followed the Lu Army.

When Hajiro saw that there were so many people following it behind him, he became courageous, speeded up his pace, walked to the outermost building of the town, stopped, and leaned against the wall and carefully glanced at the yard of the building. Take a look inside.

Lu Jun couldn’t figure out what Shiyaolong was doing, so he walked directly in front of Shiyaolong and stepped into the courtyard of the building, but with this crossing, his whole person instantly froze in place, and then quickly turned behind him. Mu Mu and others made a stop gesture, beckoning them not to come again.

Wood, when they saw the Lu Army’s gestures, they stopped quickly and drew out their weapons to prepare for battle. They didn’t know what the Lu Army saw, but the Lu Army was so cautious that they must be in trouble.

Indeed, they are in trouble again, because the yard in front of the Lu Army is full of infected bodies, and they are not ordinary infected bodies. They are all high-level mutant infected bodies. There are only forty or fifty infected bodies that can be seen. I don't know how many there are, or why they are all gathered here.

Fortunately, the eyes of these infected bodies were directed to the inside of the building, without seeing the Lu Army appearing, and the Lu Army’s body did not dare to move anymore, thinking about what method should be used without disturbing these infected bodies. , Leave here in the shortest time.

Because if these mutant infected bodies are alarmed, they will be overtaken if they can't run a few steps without a vehicle, and then torn to pieces by these infected bodies...

Lu Jun also thought about using a flash to take the thief dragon to flash away, and then move away from the building with Mu Mu and others. This is the safest way, but his brain power is exhausted now, and he can't use the flash...

The Lu Jun, who had nothing to do, looked at the tiger-headed Tiger-brained Shiroyao, and just wanted to slap it on the back of the head. The Lu Army thought Shiroyaolong would take him over to hunt for treasure. Who knew that Shiroyaolong led him directly to the mutation Here comes the infected body...

If Shiyaolong knew that the Lu Army was thinking this way, it would be aggrieved. It just wanted to come over and take a peek. Who made the Lu Army and the others follow...

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