Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1395: Thousand Miles Defense Plan

"What's the matter?" Lu Jun ignored the brawny man's approach, and repeated with aggravated tone.

The brawny man still didn't notice the Lu Jun's unhappy tone, and he sat directly on the chair next to the Lu Jun, glanced around and found that no one noticed it, he pointed to Xiao Wan who was aside, with a wretched expression, " My friend, I can’t think of you. I also have this kind of stuff at home. I was trained to be obedient. She wanted to escape last time, but was beaten up by me and locked up and hungry. It's been three days, now as good as a bitch, hahaha..."

The brawny man spoke vividly while making gestures, as if he was showing off, or he wanted to share his "experience" with Lu Jun.

"Huh? What are you trying to say?" Lu Jun didn't know what the strong man was talking about. After seeing the strong man's ink marks for a long time and didn't say what he was doing, he said impatiently, if the strong man didn't say anything about him. It's about to hit someone.

"Hey, my friend, let me just say it, I mean, should we exchange our chicks to play for a few days? I haven't played the one in my house a few times. It's tender. If you want food, I can also use food. How about making friends with you?" Seeing that Lu Jun didn't like to talk, the strong man pointed to Xiaowan and said straightforwardly.

In fact, the strong man is the kind of pedophile. When he saw Lu Jun bringing a little girl to the bar, he thought Lu Jun had the same hobbies as him, so he came up with Xiaowan's idea.

Before the end of the world, there are legal restrictions. The strong man cannot achieve his inner selfish desires. After the end of the world, the social order collapses, allowing him to do whatever he wants. After the end of the world, as long as you have food, it is too simple to want to do this "thing".

After listening to the strong man, Lu Jun was stunned for two seconds to understand the meaning of the strong man. When he understood the meaning of the strong man, Lu Jun’s face turned black. It was not because the strong man had those wretched ideas, but the strong man took those The wretched thoughts were applied to Xiaowan.

"How? If you feel bored with the small ones, there are bigger ones in my place, which are better than the ones here, and the prices are fair. As long as you are willing to change with me, it's easy to say." Seeing Lu Jun said nothing, He urged again, looking at Xiaowan's delicate face, he couldn't bear the impulse in his heart.

Lu Jun sneered, raised his head and drank the Bloody Mary in the cup. He was really angry with the brawny. There really are people here, and he encountered a pervert.

The brawny man who didn't know that the catastrophe was imminent saw Lu Jun smiled, thinking that Lu Jun agreed, he also laughed, his smile was so brilliant...

But before the brawny man finished laughing, Lu Jun suddenly put down the wine glass, patted the brawny man's head with his right hand, and slammed it on the countertop.

"Boom." The unsuspecting brawny was directly pressed by the road army with his head on the countertop. The sound of his forehead hitting the countertop came, and half of the bar drinkers heard it, stopped the discussion one after another, and turned their attention.

The brawny man was a little confused when he was photographed. I don’t know why the road army suddenly attacked him, but he is not easy to bully. Since the road army refused to exchange with him, he planned to kill the road army and **** Xiaowan away. Lifted up, intending to fight back.

But the strong man just raised his head and was pressed down by the road army with one hand. There was another "bang" and the sound of his forehead hitting the table again sounded.

The edges and corners of the table cut through a small piece of the strong man’s scalp, and traces of blood flowed down. The strong man was a little surprised, because he was ready this time, but he was still pressed down mercilessly. It is taller and stronger than the Lu Army. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the Lu Army to be stronger than him...

Everyone in the bar has noticed here now, and they have gathered around, planning to watch the excitement, and making trouble in the bar will not be caught, so watching others fight is also one of the biggest hobbies of this group of drinkers.

The brawny man saw that everyone had noticed here, and he couldn't think too much. Although his head could not be moved, he still threw his fist and hammered at the Lu Army. He wanted to solve the Lu Army quickly, otherwise he would be seen. If he can't beat even a small man, his people will be lost.

When the strong man half-swept his fist, Lu Jun's left hand directly grabbed the strong man's fist, and then twisted hard, and then slammed the strong man's arm against the table. The strong man was so painful...

After smashing the strong man's arm a few times, the Lu Jun suddenly released his hand, turned around and pulled out the dagger from Xiaowan's waist, slammed the dagger into the palm of the strong man, and nailed the palm of the strong man to the bar. On the countertop.

"Ah!!!" The burly man looked at his hand that was pierced and leaked a lot of blood, and couldn't help it anymore, his mouth opened wide and screamed.

But it was not over yet. Looking at the brawny man’s open mouth, Lu Jun immediately broke the quilt he had just drunk on, and put the broken cup with glass **** into the brawny’s mouth, and then smashed the brawny The chin forced the strong man to close his mouth, and finally covered the strong man’s mouth tightly with his hands, so that the strong man would not spit out the broken glass.

"Woo..." The sharp glass dross scratched the inside of the strong man's mouth, and there were a few pieces of glass dross that the strong man accidentally swallowed. The strong man was in pain, and blood kept coming out of his mouth. Neither his arms nor his head could move, and he couldn't resist at all, so he could only whine "uuuuu".

But Lu Jun didn’t mean to let the strong man go. He still clutched the strong man’s mouth, as if he wanted the strong man to swallow the whole glass, and cursed the strong man under him, “Why don’t you go back? Playing you ma? Isn’t it good to be alive in the last days? Why must we come to die?

Lu Jun seldom scolds people and seldom speaks foul language. He is more inclined to solve problems with his hands, but when he can't fully vent his anger with his hands, he will use his hands while talking...

The drinkers in the bar were all dumbfounded. The painful look of the strong man made them shudder. They originally thought this was just an ordinary fight, but now it seems that the "middle-aged man" with the little girl is planning to kill.

Although any behavior in the apocalypse bar will not violate the rules set by the gathering place, usually everyone fights in the bar. It seems that the murder has never happened.

The bartenders in the bar looked at the angry Lu Army and the miserable brawny. They didn’t know what to do. As long as any drinker did not destroy the bar, they had no right to stop it, and they did not dare to step forward to stop the Lu Army. .

Lu Jun was still clutching the strong man’s mouth, and while covering it, he slammed the strong man’s head. He had already moved to kill the strong man, but he didn’t want to kill the strong man so quickly. He had to let the strong man put the cup first. Swallowing it with the glass dross, the blood that the strong man spit out filled his palm and ignored it.

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