Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1394: Super Overlord

After he left the Western Army prison camp, he had been walking around here for a while, but he still didn't know where it belonged to the gathering place. After all, the gathering place that could live six hundred thousand people was quite large.

Lu Jun didn’t dare to ask people because everyone lived in a gathering place. You suddenly ran to ask others where it was. It was easy to let others know that you were new here. Lu Jun didn’t want to expose flaws because of this kind of thing. Own identity...

Since you don't know where you are, then go slowly, anyway, the road army has now changed its appearance, and is not in a hurry for the next trip. If you take another distance, you can always find familiar buildings or landmarks.

Lu Jun was looking at all kinds of people on the street, feeling the atmosphere like the last days, when suddenly a military dog ​​rushed out from the side street, the target was Lu Jun's location.

Lu Jun looked at the army dog ​​rushing towards him and was startled. He immediately raised his right foot and was about to kick the flying army dog. But when the Lu army was halfway through the kick, he suddenly stopped and froze for a moment. The army dog ​​ran to him and wagged his tail and circled him.

It was not that the Lu Army suddenly felt soft, but the Lu Army discovered that this army dog ​​was the one tamed by Xiao Wan, but Xiao Wan obviously took the army dog ​​to the new base. Why did he appear here?

Lu Jun knelt down and touched the head of the army dog. He was surprised that this army dog ​​would recognize him. Now he has a different face. It is estimated that the army dog ​​remembers his taste.

Just when the Lu Army was thinking about it, the dog suddenly bit the Lu Army's trouser leg and dragged it to the side street, as if to take the Lu Army somewhere.

Lu Jun looked at the very humane army dog, and suddenly thought of something, he let the army dog ​​lead the way, and followed the army dog ​​to the side street.

The speed of the army dog ​​was very fast, and the army dog ​​had to trot to keep up, and the army dog ​​specially drilled into the alley and turned seven or eight turns, making the army dog ​​faint.

After two minutes of walking, the army dog ​​stopped at the end of an alley. The Lu Army didn’t know where he was, and now he doesn’t know where he is...

However, Lu Jun saw a familiar little figure in the alley, which made him very happy and surprised, because it was Xiaowan who was staying in this alley!

Xiaowan was closing her eyes at this time, as if she was using a power to control the small animals around. It took a few seconds before she slowly opened her eyes. She had already felt that someone was coming, but she was just using the power, no Convenience.

Opening her eyes, Xiao Wan saw that the army dog ​​was bringing a "unknown" person. She became vigilant and pressed her hand on the dagger around her waist, but she still said quietly, "Uncle, may I ask you? Is something wrong? Did my dog ​​cause you trouble? I'm sorry."

Xiaowan’s voice is continuous, and people are harmless. She feels very well-behaved and polite, but if you are blinded by her appearance and think she is a little girl about ten years old, then you Wrongly wrong.

Don't forget, this "behaved and polite" little girl only killed a supernatural person yesterday, and it was a torture. Her good manners were just that she wanted to be polite first.

If there is an abnormal movement in the Lu Army at this time, or Xiaowan feels that the person in front of her is threatening, then she will use her method to attack...

Lu Jun saw Xiaowan no longer recognize him, and called him uncle, and smiled bitterly. How is his new appearance so young?

But Lu Jun didn't care about these details, and immediately said, "Xiaowan, why are you here? What about the others? Didn't you let Brother Mu Mu go back to find you?"

Xiaowan was stunned when she heard Lu Jun's voice. She didn't understand why the unknown person in front of him had the voice of Lu Jun's brother, so she wondered, "Lu Jun brother? Is that you?"

Lu Jun looked at Xiaowan with a dumb face, nodded and said: "It's me. I caused some minor troubles in the gathering place. I was afraid that someone would catch me, so I pretended to be. Are you okay?"

Although Lu Jun was amazed by the power of the Hundred Face Mask, he saw that Xiaowan was here alone, thinking that something had happened to the new stronghold, so he wanted to quickly ask.

Xiaowan was very happy to see that it was really the Lu Army, and she hurriedly said, "Great, everyone is fine, we have built a new stronghold, and Uncle Big Xiong and I will come here before dawn to wait for you, so no Met Brother Mu Mu and them."

When Lu Jun heard the big bear coming, he glanced around and said, "What about the big bear? How did you get in? Didn't you tell you that I will go back in two days? Is something wrong with me in a hurry?"

When Xiaowan heard this question, she put away her excited expression, became serious, and said to Lu Jundao, "Uncle Big Bear and Black Demon Wolf can't get in, waiting for us outside the gathering place, I sneaked in while it was dark. Yes, we came here to tell you something very important, we were attacked yesterday when we were building a new base..."

In the next five minutes, Xiao Wan told Lu Jun 1510 that they were attacked by the Babuzhong and the Baisha Consortium yesterday. Even the fourth child was a superpower, what was the superpower, and how he died. No details of this kind of combat were missed, and he also told the Route Army that the old four had an accomplice in the gathering place.

"The target of these people is you. I am worried that you will not know the situation after returning to the gathering place, and may be in danger, so I rushed over immediately, but I don’t know if you have come back or where you are. I used the ability to control a small animal in an area to help me find it. Fortunately, I found it after more than four hours, otherwise I don’t know what to do.” Xiao Wan showed a happy expression again after she finished speaking. She is really happy.

Lu Jun heard that Xiaowan had been searching for more than four hours. He was a little bit sour and moved. He took out a mental reagent and handed it to Xiaowan's hand to restore Xiaowan's brainpower. He was worried that Xiaowan would use the ability for a long time. Lead to mental exhaustion, leaving sequelae.

However, Xiaowan didn’t drink it immediately. Instead, she put it in her personal pocket, ready to keep it until she really needed it. She can stand it now. She doesn’t know how it came from, but she I know that this kind of thing is precious and I don't want to cause waste...

Seeing that Xiaowan didn't drink the reagent, Lu Jun didn't force it, as long as she could stand it, Xiao Wan was quite reliable in Lu Jun's heart.

"Are you sure they are from Babuzhong? Is there any other information?" Lu Jun asked after thinking about it.

Xiao Wan was sitting on the high chair next to Lu Jun, watching the young bartender's skillful bartending movements attentively, and wondered what the blood-red liquid in the small cup actually tasted.

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