Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1351: The defenses of Wolfsmoke City

The moment he saw these creatures, Lu Jun scanned it with the Eye of Data, until a line of information appeared in front of him, [Stone Beetle, whose strength is evaluated as Tier D, has the ability to split twice, and has weak destructive power. 】

After clarifying the information of these creatures, the Lu Army knew that the visitors were bad, and directly said to the people around, "Fight! Be careful to save ammunition!"

The people around could also receive the stone beetle's information. After hearing the order of the road army, they immediately aimed their rifle at the stone beetle, squeezed the trigger, and started firing with full force.

"Shoo..." "Da da da..." "Toot..." Several kinds of guns made different firing sounds, echoing in this stone chamber, and stone beetles were constantly falling down on bullets. Under the firepower net.

However, the stone beetle killed by the bullet will split into two smaller stone beetles after death, and their bodies will disappear after three seconds, as if they have never appeared before.

Under the situation that the road army and others attacked with all their strength, although there were a large number of stone beetles, they could not get close to the road army and others without the means of attack, and they fell on the way of charging.

However, because the Lu Jun and others carried enough bullets, there was no shortage of bullets for the time being, and the battle process was relatively easy, especially Lin Xiaobai's explosive crossbow, each bolt can take away dozens of stone beetles.

In this way, the Lu Army and others fought with the stone beetle for five minutes. During the period, the Lu Army and the others killed at least a thousand stone beetles, and they consumed about two thousand bullets. In general, their hits The rate is still quite high.

But the Lu Army found that even though they had killed many stone beetles, the number of stone beetles had not decreased at all. Instead, they had become more. They were still running out of the portal continuously, feeling endless.

Seeing this, the Lu Army stopped firing, and said to the people around, "This won't work. They are too many to kill. We can't waste too much ammunition. There are still many unknown dangers behind."

Hearing what the Lu Army said, everyone stopped firing and looked at the Lu Army together. Indeed, they used precious bullets to kill these weaker creatures, which felt a waste.

Seeing the eyes of everyone waiting for the next instruction, the Lu Army immediately continued, "Well, these creatures are relatively weak. We wait for them to get close before using melee weapons to solve them. As long as we stay together in a defensive formation, no matter how many they are It can't hurt us either."

After speaking, the Lu Jun put the heavy hitter Xia bullet gun behind him, opening his dragon form, his hands turned into dragon arms, and a dragon tail grew behind him, standing at the front of the team.

The butcher is standing on the left side of the road army with two dark spears in his hand. His dark spear ability can be remote or close combat, and consumes little physical strength, even if he fights hard for an hour. .

Wood also drew out his energy refined titanium horizontal knife, standing on the right side of the road army, he likes close combat most, only this can give full play to his strength, using firearms to attack always makes him feel weird.

The northern lion and the big bear, as well as Anan and Xiaowan, have all activated their ability to transform their forms. They stand behind the team with their backs on the road army, so that they can withstand the attack from the other side. The body of the northern lion is petrified and the bear’s madness The transformation ability is biased towards defense, Anan's animalization and Xiaowan's canine form are biased towards attack, each with its own characteristics.

Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue didn’t have the ability to change form. Ruan Bing’s soul attacks were also ineffective against these soulless stone beetles. They could only stand on the flanks of the team with a dagger in each hand. There were fewer stone beetles on the flanks. They can handle it.

As for Lin Xiaobai, her explosive crossbow is a range attack and consumes spar energy, so she can continue to use the explosive crossbow to attack, and her kill per minute is more than the entire team combined. It is the power of S-tier weapons.

In this way, after the road army stopped firing, the stone beetle army was finally able to get close to the road army and others, but because the road army and their melee capabilities were equally terrifying, the stone beetle's attack still couldn't make any waves.

Even with the help of the evil aura and frost aura of the road army, the wood, the butcher and the others were able to block a large stone beetle almost effortlessly without any pressure.

And this scene lasted for about twenty minutes. During this period, the road army and others almost killed all the stone beetles in the stone chamber, and no stone beetles came out of the portal.

Just when the Lu Army and others thought that the attack was over, they planned to take a break and then go to the stone gates and portals to see what happened, the surrounding ten portals suddenly produced a strange wave, and then there were many also made of stones. The composition is just that monsters that look completely different from the stone beetle ran out. These monsters looked stronger than the stone beetle.

Seeing this, the Lu Jun glanced at the new monster with the Eye of Data, until a line of information appeared in front of his eyes, [Stone-slinger, the strength is assessed as C-level, the whole body is made of stone, has good defense, and will be separated Throwing a stone on his body at a certain distance has a good destructive power. 】

As soon as Lu Jun saw the slinger's information, he secretly cried out, because the slingers have long-range attacks, which can pose a threat to them. If a large group of stone slingers throw stones at them together, the scene is terrifying.

The Lu Army’s worries soon became reality. After the stone slingers ran out, they threw the stones in their hands at a distance of more than 50 meters. Although these stones were relatively small, their hit rates were relatively high. Low, but some of them hit the road army and them, causing a lot of trouble to the road army and others.

The most frightening thing is that the number of stone slingers is increasing, and they will soon stand in several rows around the Route Army. Every second, hundreds of small rocks will be smashed towards their location.

Although Lin Xiaobai's explosive crossbows were still shooting the slingers, it was difficult to influence the situation of the battle by relying on her alone firepower. The Lu Army and them were almost "submerged" by small rocks.

Seeing this, the butcher threw a few dark spears abruptly, piercing a dozen stone slingers to Lu Jundao, "Boss Lu, what should we do? Should we use guns? Their attack distance is too far, we I can't hit them here..."

After speaking, the butcher continued to attack the stone slings with the dark spear, while picking up the guardian's shield on the ground, standing in front of the road army, and defending the road army against the thrown stone.

Hearing the butcher's words, the Lu Army thought for a while and said, "No, we rushed over to hit them. These stone slingers will only throw stones. When we get closer, they will have no countermeasures. What do you think?"

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