Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1350: Forcibly Siege

Seeing that the guardian of the ruins was not dead yet, the big man suddenly raised the hammer of the guardian and slammed it down on the head of the guardian of the ruins. Now the guardian of the ruins with broken arms could not stop him, directly I was smashed to death by a hammer and my head was flat...

After killing the Ruins Guardian, the duration of Dahan's body petrification ability also arrived. Dahan instantly returned to his normal body, collapsed to the ground, panting, and the battle just now almost overdrawn all his physical strength.

The road army on the side didn't expect the big man to be so fierce that he directly killed the guardian of the ruins with the hammer of the guardian, which surprised him very much.

"Okay, you are so strong, I don't know what your name is." Lu Jun stretched out his hand to the big man lying on the ground, his eyes full of admiration.

Hearing Lu Jun’s words, the man immediately took Lu Jun’s hand and stood up and said loudly, "Boss Lu, my name is Beishi, I thought I was dead, but fortunately, Boss Lu came to save my life with support, hehe... …"

Looking at the big man's smirking expression, Lu Jun nodded and said, "North Lion, how did you get here? How did you fight with the ruins guardian? Did you find any traces of other people?"

Hearing Lu Jun’s question, Beishi recalled for a while, “As soon as I stepped into the entrance of the ruins, I found that you were gone, and the walkie-talkie was no longer available, so I could only walk to the end along a luminous passage.”

"When I walked out of the passage, I found myself here. Since the darkness was everywhere, I turned on the gun lights and walked around here, looking for your traces."

"But before I walked far, I suddenly saw the guardian of the ruins you mentioned, and then I shot it directly, but ordinary firearms can't destroy its shield. In desperation, I can only open my own strangeness. You can fight it hand-to-hand, and you will be able to support it in about two minutes..."

After listening to Beishi's words, the Lu Jun fell into contemplation, because the experience of Beishi after entering the ruins is very similar to him and Ruan Xue, which means that other people may also be like this.

And he doesn’t know how many such stone chambers are in this ruin, nor does he know how many ruins guardians are. The only thing he knows is that their other seven companions are probably still struggling in other stone chambers. .

Thinking of this, the Lu Jun turned his head to the North Lion Road on the side, "Pick up your equipment, let's go to the next stone room to find other people, we must bring the Guardian's Shield, this thing is easy to use."

Hearing the words of the Lu Army, Beishi nodded, and immediately went to the side to pick up his heavy hitter shotgun and a few base ammunition, and then picked up the Guardian's shield on the ground.

But when the Northern Lion saw the Guardian's Hammer left on the ground, he felt a little bit disheartened, so he picked up the Guardian's Hammer as well, although he couldn't use the Guardian's Hammer without his ability. Fight, but drag it away and wait until the critical moment to use it again.

Seeing Beishi carrying such heavy equipment on his back, Ruan Xue took the initiative to ask for Beishi’s heavy hitter shotgun and some ammunition. One is to let her have the ability to protect herself, and the other is to reduce Beishi’s burden, which is convenient. The Northern Lion's next battle.

It is worth mentioning that the Lu Army also found a fluorite in this stone room. Although I don’t know what this kind of small stone is for, the Lu Army picked it up and put it in his pocket, and kept it for lighting. what……

After everyone was ready, the Lu Army was also holding a guardian shield, and took Ruan Xue and Beishi to the fourth stone chamber. This time the Lu Army found a strong teammate and was not afraid of encountering the ruins. The guardian.

But when the Lu Army came to the fourth stone room, they found that the fourth stone room was empty like the second one, with no people and no guardians of the ruins.

This phenomenon led the Lu Army to discover a rule, that is, the odd-numbered stone chambers have ruins guardians, and the even-numbered stone chambers are safe. I don't know what is the use of such a setting.

Just when the road army was about to continue to the next stone chamber, two people suddenly rushed out from the opposite passageway, seeming to be escaping. While escaping, they kept shooting behind them with their guns. It seemed that creatures were chasing them. .

And these two men are also the companions of the Lu Army, one is Anan and the other is Ruan Bing. In the rear, they are pursued by two ruins guardians holding shields and giant hammers.

The moment Lu Jun saw Anan and Ruan Bing, Lu Jun was overjoyed and immediately ran forward, while Ruan Xue and Bei Shi followed Lu Jun and they were ready for battle.

Anan and Ruan Bing looked at the road army running towards them, and they were even more excited. Instead of running away, they stopped to attack the ruins guardian with their guns while waiting for the arrival of the road army.

When the Lu Army approached Ruan Bing and Anan's side, there was no time to greet Ruan Bing and Anan, and immediately said to Ruan Bing and Anan, "Their weakness lies in the joints of the hands and feet. If they have their limbs abolished, they will be useless!"

After finishing talking, Lu Jun and the Northern Lion took the lead in rushing up with the Guardian's Shield. The Northern Lion also activated the ability of petrifying his body while charging. He must activate the ability to swing the Guardian's hammer.

Hearing Lu Jun’s words, Ruan Bing and Anan nodded heavily. Anan also activated his own beastization ability, transformed into a hyena form and Lu Jun rushed forward. He is a melee physical ability player. of.

Since the soul-like abilities cannot be effective on the guardian of the ruins, Ruan Bing can only stay behind with Ruan Xue and use guns to shoot at the guardian of the ruins. Although ordinary firearms cause limited damage to the guardians of the ruins, it is better than nothing. Do it well.

After a difficult battle, the people who knew the weaknesses of the ruins guardians still killed the two ruins guardians alive. The road army killed one by themselves, and the northern lion and Anan combined to kill one. In addition to expending a lot of physical strength, No injuries.

After killing the two ruins guardians, Lu Jun talked briefly with Ruan Bing and Anan and learned that they met the ruins guardians in the fifth and seventh stone chambers, and the sixth stone chamber had no enemies.

This also just confirmed the idea of ​​the Lu Army, that is, the odd number of stone chambers will have a ruin guardian, and the even number of stone chambers represent safety.

After everyone had exchanged their findings, the Lu Army asked them to adjust their conditions and continue to set off. They have now found five companions, and five others are in other stone chambers, namely Xiaowan, Lin Xiaobai, and Wood. , Butcher, Big Bear...

Although the people have not yet been found, the Lu Army is no longer worried about the safety of the remaining people, because these few people have strong self-protection capabilities, and it should not be a problem to fight against the ruins guardian who has no IQ.

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