Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 132: "Sorrowful" Terror

Lu Jun looked at the embarrassed horror, and was a little puzzled, isn't this guy a Tier A boss? Why not attack? Are you brewing a big move to kill them all at once? Thinking of this, the Lu Army quickly speeded up the attack frequency, did not give the Terrorist any time to breathe, and prevented it from using "big moves."

If the horror knew that the road army would actually think so, it would definitely cry out with a "wow", and it would also like to attack, but these souls are embodied in the fear that Ruan Bing is scared to death and will not listen to its command...

In addition to relying on the soul body, its attack method only has two sickle-like arms, but it can't just raise its arms and run over to kill people, right? Besides, it only has one arm now...

The terrifying demon is now very regretful, it had a good life, why should it be greedy to provoke this group of people? Wasn't it all right when they let them out?

But now it’s too late to say anything. The current horror can only use the soul-changing shadow to avoid attacks from the Lu Army and Ruan Bing, while thinking about how to slip out, save his life first...

However, in the following time, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing did not give the Horror a chance, and the two began to "bomb" the Horror in turn, and they cooperated in an unusually tacit understanding.

The horror struggling to run can only order the soul body to disperse to prevent it from being caught by the fire of Ruan Bing's soul again. In fact, it wants the soul body to move to a good position to help it escape.

But the number of soul bodies it controls is getting less and less, because the dead soul bodies are constantly being collected by Ruan Bing into the soul lamp, and no longer accept its control. If this continues, the horror will be killed by the road army. Thing...

Just when there were only a few soul bodies remaining alive, the horror once again exchanged positions with a soul body, and then took advantage of the time when the Lu Army was changing bullets and Ruan Bing had not yet condensed the soul fire, directly to the wood and Xiaobai rushed in the direction.

The terror was about to kill the wood and them and then flee. It knew that there would be no chance if they didn't work hard. This group of people deceived too much. The rabbit bites people in a hurry, let alone it. Why did the terror choose to kill the wood?

Because the horror is very sensitive to people with abilities and can tell who has abilities and who doesn’t have abilities. During this period of time, it has known that Lu Jun and Ruan Bing are powerful people who understand abilities and possess the ability to harm it. ability.

Wood and others are ordinary people without abilities. They don’t care about them at all. They don’t dare to provoke them. What are ordinary people afraid of? The horror is not stupid. He naturally understands the principle of picking soft persimmons first, and he naturally regards wood and others as a breakthrough.

Ruan Xue and Xiao Bai saw the horror rushing over, and immediately raised their guns and fired at the horror. The horror didn’t hide. The body sprayed out a black energy, which was wrapped around it, and it became directly A black shield, the horror intends to use this black shield to resist these ordinary attacks.

Lu Jun and Ruan Bing’s attacks cannot be stopped, but this kind of ordinary weapon attack Terrorist is still confident that it can withstand it. Although it has no attack means, it still has many defense and escape means...

Sure enough, the ordinary bullet hit the horror’s black shield, only a ripple appeared, and it did not cause any harm to the horror. The horror was overjoyed and thought it would succeed. As long as it killed these people, Near the gate, it can sneak out and find a good place to hide from its injuries.

But is this really the case? Wood saw the horror rushing towards him, and squeezed the handle of the knife, showing a cold smile, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing saw the horror rushing towards the wood, and stopped their preparations to attack.

Lu Jun didn't worry about the waves that the scary monster would make, because there were many dinosaurs watching around the wood. He just wanted to know what the scary monster wanted to do...

As for the horror, it didn't have time to think about the meaning of the smile of wood. It directly raised its right hand and slashed towards the wood, and the wood also slashed towards its right hand with the energy refined titanium horizontal knife.

The Terrorist looked at the wood he had cut at it with disdain in his heart. The hardest part on its body was its arms. This man wanted to use a broken knife to cut it against him, and he did not know what to do.

But the next moment it found that it was wrong, it was wrong, because it suddenly felt an aura comparable to an ability person erupted from the wooden knife. This breath frightened the terror. It wanted to retract its arm. Come back, but it's too late. Terrorist only hopes this is its illusion, and only hopes it can block the blow.

But it is a pity that the Horror’s hopes fell through. Its proud right arm was chopped off directly by the wood. Not only that, the wood once again exerted its strength and slashed it on the Horror’s black shield.

The seemingly hard black shield only supported for a second. After a second, the black shield shattered. The unprotected horror was chopped off by the wood, and the upper body was separated from the lower body...

The horror who suffered this kind of damage can no longer use the soul-shifting to change the shadow, but the surrounding soul bodies have killed Lu Jun and Ruan Bing. Even if it can still be used, there is no soul body that can change its position.

Until the body was cut off, the horror couldn't figure out why the man in front of him had no abilities, but he could explode with such a powerful attack...

In fact, what the Horror doesn’t know is that although the wood has no abilities yet, the knife in his hand is of A rank. This is equivalent to that even a three-year-old kid with a gun can kill an adult. The truth.

But the horror never had a chance to know this. The next moment the wood slapped the horror's face with the blade of the knife with a cold face, and then smashed the horror's head with a knife, and took out the spar from its brain , Give it to the Lu Army, he knows this kind of thing is useful to the Lu Army.

Lu Jun had a moment of silence for the Terror in his heart. Although this guy is a Tier A creature, he doesn't seem to have any attack methods, but what does it think? If you can't even think about it, you can't directly hit the edge of the wood...

But in retrospect, the two Tier A creatures he encountered today didn’t seem to have any attack methods, which saved him a lot of trouble, not to mention, and also picked up a lot of big bargains. This can no longer be described by good luck. It is simply a natural choice. People! Thinking of this, Lu Jun smiled awkwardly...

"The hunting mission is to complete the killing of Tier A horror. You will get Dragon Coins*100, Dragon Title Value*200, and Tier A Dragon Knight’s supply box*1."

When the reminder of task completion sounded in the Lu Army's mind, it meant that the horror was dead, the surrounding lighting equipment returned to normal, and various noisy calls came from the intercom.

Seeing the surroundings lit up, the Lu Army hurriedly summoned the dinosaurs back, and told them to put away the passive red-light night vision goggles to prevent them from being seen by the military.

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