When the soul fire grows to a certain extent, the soul lamp seems to have an invisible attraction, which is constantly pulling the soul bodies on the field. The soul bodies desperately want to escape, and for a time the two sides are in a stalemate.

Ruan Bing, who exhaled a lot of soul power, looked pale, her brain power was rapidly draining, but she knew that she couldn't stop now, otherwise everything she had done before would be wasted, so she squeezed out her brain power to increase the soul power exhalation. , Continue to nourish the fire of the soul.

It is worth mentioning that Ruan Bing, who has absorbed the power, seems to be very proficient in the use of the Soul Lamp, as if this thing originally belonged to her...

The road army on the side saw that the souls were confined, and felt that he couldn't just look at him, and he should do something, so he raised his gun and said to Xiaobai and Ruan Xue, "Fight them!"

Xiao Bai and Ruan Xue reacted immediately, raising their guns and firing at the soul bodies who were undoubtedly the target. At this time, strange things happened, and the dry ash that turned into after the soul bodies were killed no longer dissipated in the air. , But was sucked into the lamp of the soul.

As the soul body continues to die, more and more dry ashes are absorbed into the lamp of the soul, and Ruan Bing's face is getting better and better. It seems that these dry ashes have a supplementary effect on her mental power.

The most important thing is that the soul body sucked into the soul lamp is no longer resurrected, but turns into some small blue light spots in the soul lamp and revolves around the soul fire.

Seeing that Lu Jun was actually useful under the accidental collision, he was pleased to let the dinosaurs also help to slaughter the soul body and help the soul lamp to speed up the absorption of the soul body.

When the soul body absorbed by the soul lamp reaches a certain amount, the invisible traction force will increase. Not only the dissipated soul body will be sucked in, but even the living soul body will be sucked into it.

After feeling that his mental power was almost restored, Ruan Bing muttered a spell again, then opened his teeth slightly and solemnly said, "Soul storm!"

After Ruan Bing said these words, a storm blew around Ruan Bing in the grain depot. This storm had no effect on other things, but the damage to the soul body was huge. Was mercilessly involved in the storm, torn apart, and then sucked into Ruan Bing's soul lamp.

After absorbing hundreds of soul bodies, Lu Jun was surprised to find that Ruan Bing’s brain domain value has actually become 12%, which has increased by 1% in a short time. It is estimated that her ability is to increase her ability by absorbing souls. Right.

Just after Ruan Bing absorbed nearly three hundred soul bodies, Lu Jun thought that the incident was about to come to an end, the soul storm that Ruan Bing created suddenly stopped. It was not Ruan Bing that stopped it on his own initiative, because she was also very Surprised.

The remaining dozens of soul bodies that were no longer dragged by the lamp of the soul fled far away from Ruan Bing in case of amnesty. They had no way to fight against Ruan Bing, because Ruan Bing's power suppressed them.

"I was interrupted by a mental power just now. I can't use Soul Storm again for the time being, but those soul bodies told me that they didn't want to, but there is an evil thing controlling them, torturing them, and making them restless. ." Ruan Bing slowly covered Lu Jundao after covering the soul lamp.

Lu Jun nodded, no wonder these souls feel like this, it turns out that there are behind the scenes, but the younger brother is about to be killed, the boss should also show up?

Lu Jun was thinking, a wave suddenly appeared above, an ugly-looking monster appeared in everyone’s field of vision. It was of normal height, but its lower body had hoofs like sheep, but it was thicker and its arms resembled. The sickle was still surrounded by a faint black air.

Could it be that it cut off all the hands of those soul bodies? Lu Jun glanced at the monster's sickle-like arms, and then glanced at its information, [Terrorist, the strength is assessed as A-level, good at creating fear, feeding on fear, able to control the soul, strength The strength of the soul depends on how much it controls the soul. 】

"Be careful, this is a Tier A creature." Lu Jun reminded Mumu the moment they saw the horror information.

Mumu and the girls also received the information shared by the Lu Army and nodded their heads cautiously. Although they didn't understand the concept of Tier A, they knew that the strength of this monster would definitely not be bad when they heard the Lu Army's reminder.

While the Lu Army was alert to the horrors, the horror was not alert to them. It originally thought that these humans were dead, and it was ready to torture these humans.

Who knows that these human beings actually hide the power to suppress it. It originally didn't want to show up, but if it doesn't come out, the hundreds of soul bodies it has finally transformed will become the things in others' pockets.

What's more, the soul storm hurt it so much. In desperation, it could only use mental power to forcibly interrupt Ruan Bing, but after using the mental power, it also exposed its position, so it could only bite the bullet and ran out... …

The newly emerged Terrorist tried to contact the soul bodies in Ruan Bing's soul lamp, and wanted them to collectively detonate themselves and extinguish the soul fire, because it was afraid of the flame.

But no matter how it tries, it can’t re-establish contact with those soul bodies. The horror wants to cry without tears. These are the soul bodies that it has personally transformed. It still wants to bring this soul when it becomes stronger. The physique army went out to fight, and now it is gone?

Seeing that the horror hadn't moved for a long time, Lu Jun didn't know what was floating on it, so he directly took out the Death Tu 8000, aiming at the horror with two shots, and wanted to test the horror's strength.

The horror heard the gunshot and directly exchanged its soul with a soul body below, allowing the soul body to resist the attack for it, otherwise its small body could not withstand an attack of this degree.

The broken soul body was directly collected by the soul lamp. Although Ruan Bing was unable to create a soul storm for the time being, it was easy to absorb the dissipated soul body.

Seeing that the horror still had this ability to escape, Lu Jun shot again at the horror’s position. He wanted to see how many times the horror could escape. At the same time, Ruan Bing also condensed a fire of soul in his hand. The direction of the soul body group was thrown past.

Of course, the horror used soul-shifting to change shadows again, casually swapping positions with a soul body in the soul body group, but it was anxious to flee for its life and did not notice the soul fire thrown by Ruan Bing...

The soul fire ignited several soul bodies at once, and the terror in the soul body group accidentally got the soul fire on its left hand, so scared it quickly cut off the place lit by the soul fire with its right hand, otherwise If the fire of the soul is burned, it is enough to kill it...

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