Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1209: Coalition meeting

After that, everyone was really fine. They looked at each other and nodded to the Lu Army.

Immediately afterwards, they walked out the gate of the command room with the Lu Army, watching the Lu Army and Ruan Xue ride away on the Wind God Pterosaur.

After the separation, everyone returned to the command room and began to discuss the assignment of tasks after the Lu Army left...

At the same time, in the third camp of the Knights of Apocalypse on the other side, a group of people in all kinds of clothes gathered in a barracks.

These people can be subdivided into three camps. The top one belongs to the high-level of the Knights of Apocalypse, because Zhi Mi and a middle-aged man with white hair on the temples are standing on the top.

As long as this middle-aged person was a member of the Knights of the Apocalypse, he knew that he was the founder of the Knights of the Apocalypse, the father who knew the disaster and died, Zhiba.

From his unfurious eyes, his face with two scars and a sturdy body, it can be seen that he is a very fierce person.

Moreover, he belongs to an authentic fifth-order supernatural ability person with superior strength, both in the Black Cliff Region and the Blue Wind Region.

In fact, he was only a Tier 4 ability player 20 days ago, but since Zhifei died, it may be that the heavens favored him, and his strength soared, changing from Tier 4 to Tier 5 in a short time. .

It is necessary to know that only a few months have passed since the end of the world, the third-order ability can move freely in the field, the fifth-order ability naturally means the strong existence.

At least on the Lu Jun side, there is no Tier 5 supernatural ability, and everyone is still a long way from Tier 5.

However, everything is good and there are disadvantages. After becoming a Tier 5 supernatural power, Zhiba's temperament changes drastically, and his irritability and disagreement will move his fists and make his close subordinates miserable.

On the lower left side of the position of the Knights of the Apocalypse, sitting there are eight men in black robes, there are five in number, all with fourth-order abilities.

They were all dressed in black, and they couldn't see their characteristics at all, so they could only judge whether they were male or female from their voices.

But one thing is certain is that the old five and Baqi must be in it, because they single-handedly contributed to the cooperation between Babuzhong and the Knights of Apocalypse.

And these days, if they didn't vigorously reconcile them, the Knights of the Apocalypse and the Apocalypse Sect and the eight tribes could not have the harmony today.

It is worth mentioning that sitting on the right side are those from the Apocalypse sect, there are seven in number, and the strength is three Tier 4 abilities and four Tier 3 abilities.

Contrary to the people in Babuzhong this time, they were all wearing white robes, which formed a sharp contrast with the left side.

But they did not hide their faces, and they could see their emotions, anger, sorrow, and expression.

However, these people are very strange, even sitting in the same posture, they seem to be very disciplined, and they feel like a jiao.

This meeting in the barracks was a regular meeting between the three forces, dedicated to discussing preparations in the past few days and the next tasks.

Although the number of people in the barracks was small, these were the top and elite of their three forces, and they were the leaders of the next war.

After all the people on the field arrived, the Zhiba sitting on the top spoke: "Everyone, at about 8 o'clock this morning, the soldiers of the Knights of the Apocalypse carried out regular attacks according to our strategic plan. But halfway through the attack, a group of strong men suddenly appeared behind the enemy fortress, and they defeated our tens of thousands of troops in just ten minutes."

"In the beginning, I thought this was a backstop for those in the Resistance Army, and it was only activated under compelling circumstances.

"But later, according to our investigative report, we learned that these people are the senior members of Babuzhong, and the leader of Babuzhong, that is, the man named Lu Jun, he is back!"

"If you don't know his strength, then I can say to you responsibly that he is the strongest and the soul of the resistance."

"The resistance army with him and the resistance army without him are two forces. It can be clearly felt that his influence on the resistance army is huge."

"Although I don't know what he did some time ago, his return is definitely a very bad thing for us. We may need to make a little change in our future plans."

Zhiba's voice was very low, and there was a sense of mania in the depths, indicating that the sudden return of Lu Jun and others annoyed him.

It's just that the senior members of the other two forces sitting on the court now do not intend to be too frivolous.

"Lu Jun?! This man has been wanted by the eight of us for a long time. We regard him as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. Whether he returns or not, we must attack this west wind fortress! Otherwise these days will be wasted!" A man in a black robe on the left side suddenly patted the table, and he could be heard from the voice that he was a hot-tempered Baqi.

But it is estimated that these days are more comfortable, he has changed into a new black robe, and the whole is not as embarrassed as before.

As for why he should speak immediately after Zhiba, it was because he worried that the road army would affect the harmony of their coalition army.

If these people on the field are frightened by the sudden return of the road army, then they won't have to fight next.

"The strength of the Lu Army itself is not very strong. What is strong is his inexplicable summons. He has a Tier 4 strength at most, and there are not many Tier 4 abilities in the Resistance Army. It is not a concern."

"As long as we can think of a way to target those strange dinosaurs, and implement it according to the original plan, the resistance will be defeated within a week."

"At that time, we will be able to carve up their territory, seize their technology and secrets, and strengthen ourselves." A black-robed man next to Baqi echoed.

If the Lu Army is here, you will hear that this is the voice of the old fifth, and it is also one of the enemies that has been entangled with the Resistance Army since the end of the world.

After defeating the West Wind Fortress last time, he and Baqi separated. Baqi went back to find reinforcements from Babuzhong, and he and Zhifu went back to Wolfsmoke City.

Originally, he thought that there would be some days to see Baqi, or he would never see it in his life. After all, this was the end of the world and everything was impermanent.

But what I didn't expect was that Baqi was very fast, and in just a few days he reported the situation here to the senior officials of Babuzhong, and brought a large army back.

In addition, Zhicao also reported the news of Zhifei's death and the rampant resistance of the rebels to the Zhiba who was far away in the Black Cliff region, and let Zhiba come and support it.

The Zhiba who got the news was naturally extremely angry, even though he had guessed something these days.

But when he heard the news in person, he still couldn't restrain his emotions, and his temples became pale overnight, becoming extremely vicissitudes of life.

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