"The most important thing is, do you remember that we beat back the tens of thousands of troops of the Apocalypse Knights when we came back in the morning?"

"At that time we all showed our faces and strengths, and there were so many defeated soldiers who fled back."

"So at this time, the senior leaders of the Knights of the Apocalypse must know that we are back, and they dare not mess around in the near future."

"This is not my expansion, but I believe that as long as we gather all our staff, there will be a certain deterrent against these external forces."

"What I said above are the only opportunities and time we have left, as well as our chances to rescue these two sub-cities."

"Anyway, the current situation is very clear. Xueyue City and Frost Forest can only last for a few days. We have to rush over, and it will take a very short time."

"In contrast, the situation at Westwind Fortress is much better, at least I think it is completely fine for a week or two."

"And we people don't need to go to Starlight City and Xueyue City. I can go by myself. Let you stay behind to ensure that the West Wind Fortress is worry-free."

"Of course, we can all think about the specifics. If you have a better way, you have to talk." Lu Jun said all his ideas and money in one breath.

With his character, it is impossible to leave Xueyue City and Starlight City alone, and must seize all available opportunities.

"Um... It seems that there is no better way for a while, just do as you said, it shouldn't take a lot of time to come and go."

"And just as you said, we have just returned to the Knights of the Apocalypse and have already known it. They will definitely proceed with caution. This will also give us a little more time."

"But I have to make it clear that this time you leave, you must take one or two of us with you anyway."

"Otherwise you suddenly disappeared like the last time, so we don't know what happened, we will be very worried..." Ruan Bing also said her thoughts and worries.

"Also, I'll take Ruan Xue over this time, because you and Mu Mu have the strongest strength, so we must stay behind. Xiaowan's ability can help us investigate and we must stay here. Lin Xiaobai knows this best. In the same situation, Lin Yilaan has the ability to quickly help move the battlefield, and staying is also very important."

"In contrast, Ruan Xue is more free, so I took her to leave this time, do you have no opinion?" Lu Jun knew everyone's abilities and functions very well, and said softly.

In fact, he wasn't talking with everyone, he just simply respected his companions.

"Well, yes, Ruan Xue's strength is not bad now, I can help you a little bit, and we can rest assured that she will follow us." Ruan Bing nodded silently.

She knew that she would definitely not be able to go, but it was enough to let her rest assured that her sister could follow.

Ruan Xue touched her head and chuckled, her expression a little embarrassing.

But she was already happy in her heart, because this was the first time she was able to go out with the Lu Army alone, which she had long wanted.

As for the danger or something, she doesn't care, let alone the road army is there, how can there be too much danger...

Mu Mu and others have no problem with this, Ruan Xue still trusts them very much, and Lu Jun is what he says.

Only Lin Xiaobai was depressed, and she was a little upset that she didn't follow Lu Jun and the others this time.

I thought I could follow this time, but I didn't expect it to work, and she almost died of anxiety...

However, Lin Xiaobai is also a person who considers the overall situation very much. She knows what is most important now, and there will be many opportunities for this kind in the future.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiaobai also nodded, agreeing with what the Lu Army did.

"Okay, since everything is okay, let's start right away. You continue to deploy defenses here and manage the things of the West Wind Fortress. I will take Ruan Xue and set off directly, and try my best to go as early as possible." The Lu Army glanced at everyone. .

"Understood, but I have one last question." Ruan Bing nodded lightly, "Just after you leave, if we encounter the onslaught of the Apocalypse Knights and those coalition forces, or even a decisive battle, we should How to respond to the enemy? How can I notify you if I have to?"

Although Ruan Bing also felt that there should be no problems in the past few days when the Lu Army was absent, it is important to make full preparations.

After all, this is not a joke. Some major issues still have to be decided by the Lu Army.

"Well..." Lu Jun thought a little in his mind, "If they do something in the past few days, then you will stick to the West Wind Fortress, and you can't go out, you must not fight with them when I am away. ."

"Anyway, you just remember one sentence, just coax it, continue to procrastinate, no matter what methods they use to lure, don't be fooled."

"As for how to find me, it's hard to tell. I will go to Xueyue City if there are no problems when I get to Starlight City."

"At that time, the two sides will be separated by tens of thousands of kilometers, even if there are thousands of kilometers back and forth through the teleportation array, you will definitely not find me..."

Lu Jun was also very distressed when he said this. Now there is no quick way to reach his several cities, which is very inconvenient to come and go.

He has to fly hundreds of kilometers every time he wants to go to other places. To be honest, he is a bit annoying. Since the end of the world, he has spent most of his time on the road.

But he can't help it, some places must be going, no matter how far and hard the journey is.

"Then what should we do if we can't find you... If the Knights of the Apocalypse really go mad, then everything is hard to say..." Lin Xiaobai reminded Lu Jun in a low voice, with immense worry in his heart.

She was really afraid that the Lu Army would end up doing nothing, and did not take the safety of the West Wind Fortress at heart.

If this is the case, then she will hold on for nothing these days, and their Westerly Fortress will also be in danger...

Ruan Bing and the others also had this meaning, they were all looking at the Lu Army quietly, they regarded the West Wind Fortress more important than their own lives.

"Don't panic, the West Wind Fortress is more important than any sub-city in my heart. I will not mess around. I am so big, and you will know it for my reasons."

"If you are really worried, I can promise you that within three days, wherever I am, I will definitely come back."

"So all you have to do is stay in the Westwind Fortress for three days."

"If there is a battle, you will stick to me. No matter how the enemy's offensive is, it will certainly not be difficult to defend for three days with your strength and strength."

"If there is no battle, you will be responsible for collecting information or something, and be prepared to wait for me to come back." The Lu Army thought a little bit before talking to everyone.

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