Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1180: Crack failed

He just secretly got King Hank, which was equivalent to helping the Lu Army invisibly.

As for why he did this, the reason is even simpler, because he is the brother of the road army, and the road army and others are also helping him, he must be on the side of the road army.

Seeing that the only suitable counterattack ability could not be used, the soul in the wood body was extremely angry.

It's a pity that it won't have any good solutions for a while, because it can't help the other soul of the wood, it can only be blocked.

But in this way, it has no means to contend with the road army, and instantly becomes bruised and bruised.

The soul in the wood body was so angry that the original matchup was interrupted by its own "body", which made it very aggrieved.

However, all of this seems to be far from over, because the Thunder Prison Knife blast condensed by the Road Army did not kill the wood, or even suffered serious injuries.

In addition to the fact that the road army had recovered some of its power, it was also related to the wood's stronger physical defenses, which caused the fighting to continue.

The soul in the wood thought that his opportunity was coming, and when he was about to fight back, the other soul in the wood began to interfere with it again.

This made it unable to make any powerful attacks at all, and could only slash and slash with the Thunder Shadow horizontal knife.

It is also difficult for Lu Jun to issue powerful abilities due to mental and physical strength, and basically cannot cause any major damage to the soul in the wood body.

In this way, after a wave of fights, Lu Jun and Mu Mu's souls fell into a stalemate again, and it lasted longer than before.

And after five minutes, Lin Yilaan walked out from under the tower. The first thing she did was to find the Route Army.

Judging from her somewhat unstable steps, her consumption should be very large, and her face looked a little pale.

"The Lu Army is holding the wood in front. How are you doing? Have you cracked the taboo?" Ruan Bing hurried up to support Lin Yilaan and asked about the progress.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't break the space taboo. Its rank is too high. It may require super rank strength or the Lord Blood Rock to help me. You have to inform the Lu Army quickly, our plan It may not be possible..." Lin Yilan looked apologetic, she really did her best, but it was a pity that she was not strong enough.

"Then you may not be able to do what you said, because the Great Lord Blood Rock has been killed, and none of us is of super-level strength..." Ruan Xue gave a bitter smile with helplessness.

"It's okay. It's okay that you haven't been affected. We will notify the Lu Army now." Ruan Bing calmed Lin Yi lazily.

Immediately afterwards, she looked up at Xiaowan's position: "Xiaowan, think of a way to talk to the Lu Army, and be careful not to hear it to the soul in Mu Mu's body. Let the Lu Army quickly withdraw! We may have a collective war with the Hank clan. Up."

"Okay!" Xiao Wan nodded quickly, waving her four wings and flying in the direction of the Lu Army.

She is a militant party, and nothing attracts her more than fierce fighting.

The surrounding Hank beasts also saw Xiao Wan flying towards the distant battlefield, and immediately became nervous, because they were worried that Xiao Wan would launch a sneak attack or something.

But Xiaowan had no such thoughts at all. She flew to a position about 20 meters behind Lu Jun, making a sound that could only be heard by Lu Jun.

Seeing that it was Xiao Wan coming, Lu Jun was stunned for a moment, and immediately got rid of the wood in front of him and retreated to Xiao Wan's side.

"What's wrong? Does Lin Yi lazy have any news?" Lu Jun asked after taking a breath.

"Yes, she just told us that there is no way to crack the space taboo, at least it needs super-level strength." Xiao Wan whispered next to her.

From time to time, I glanced at the location of the wood, for fear of being heard by the soul in the wood.

"And Sister Ruan Bing asked you to go back quickly, saying that we can't take the physical body, so we have to find a way to defeat the Hank clan frontally and regain the wood." Xiaowan continued to add.

"Is it so difficult..." Lu Jun frowned and murmured.

To be honest, he always thought that Lin Yilaan would succeed, so he never thought about failure.

Now he really failed, and suddenly he was a little at a loss.

The soul of the wood in the distance looked at Lu Jun and Xiao Wan who were talking in a low voice, but also a little confused, and couldn't hear what they were talking about.

But it didn't dare to attack directly. After all, the opponent had two people there, so it had to take a break.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that Lu Jun raised his head and looked at Xiaowan again: "Don't worry, now those Hank beasts can't help us, don't show them the flaws."

"And the soul in the wood can't kill me for a while, I will continue to pester it, and wait for a chance to meet you."

"Anyway, you should remember one thing, that is, don't show any abnormalities, just continue as before, it's okay."

It's not that Lu Jun doesn't want to go now, but that the soul in the wood body is staring at this time, and any actions will be discovered.

At that time, it will inevitably involve all Hank beasts besieging them, and the pressure will never be small.

Although they can easily run away from this area, the wood will definitely not be brought back, which is meaningless.

Instead of this, it's better to hold on, and so on, defeat the soul in the wood body, let alone take the initiative in their hands.

"Oh, brother Lu Jun, are you sure you don't go back now? Then I'll go back to sister Ruan Bing and the others, and be careful yourself." Xiao Wan couldn't help but say more.

"Well, go, remember what I said." Lu Jun nodded.

After getting confirmation from the Lu Army, Xiao Wan flew back directly and told Ruan Bing and others about the Lu Army's thoughts.

Ruan Bing and the others could only comply with this and continue to pretend that nothing happened.

The Lu Army also focused on the wood again, and they were ready for battle in an instant.

However, just when the Lu Army thought it was going to fight Mumu for another 300 rounds, Mumu suddenly walked towards his position.

"Hey, or let's stop fighting. If you continue to fight like this, it will be fruitless." The soul in the wood suggested to Lu Jun.

This made Lu Jun a little confused. It was so fierce just now. Why is it suddenly making peace now?

At the same time, Lu Jun also smelled an unusual breath, and felt that he could do something from it.

But no matter what, it is necessary to put on a pose, so he chuckled directly: "What? You found that you can't beat me? Then let all of you retreat and unconditionally agree to my terms."

In fact, Lu Jun knew that the soul in the wood body would definitely not do this, but he just wanted to say that only then would there be room for bargaining.

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