Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1179: Real battle

After staring at each other for a few seconds, the two sides immediately became entangled again.

Originally, the Lu Army wanted to launch a surprise attack like just now, but unfortunately it failed this time.

Because in addition to the wood being guarded, the situation of carrying Raiking's horizontal sword also increased his strength a lot.

He would find out in advance whenever the Lu Army got behind him, and responded.

In a situation where there is no way to sneak attack, the road army can only fight hard against wood.

It can be seen that one of them is holding a Lei Ying horizontal knife, and one of them is waving a dragon claw, and there are more than a dozen collisions on the ground.

The people around could only see the figures of two people flashing back and forth, and they couldn't see the details at all.

As the Lu Army and the wood fought farther and farther, Ruan Bing and others began to become nervous.

Because they want to keep here, they can't watch the battle with the past, and there are a large number of Hank beasts around, and they may attack them at any time.

Fortunately, the things Ruan Bing and others were worried about did not happen. After all, the battle between the Lu Army and Muju was still at a stalemate, and it was difficult for the Hanks to find a good opportunity.

After the Lu Jun and the wood collided with each other, they found that ordinary attacks could not harm the other party, so they began to use their abilities.

Lu Jun is good at flaming explosive bombs, wood likes to use thunder, fire and electricity suddenly fly on the battlefield.

It can be clearly felt that the overall strength of Wood has improved a lot after holding the Raiying horizontal knife, and even the summoning of Thunder has become much more powerful.

The attack that the road army could block with one particle shield now requires two or even three.

This was a huge drain on the mental and physical strength of the Lu Army, and his pressure suddenly increased.

In addition, there is still some gap between the Lu Jun's dragon claw and the Lei Ying Heng Dao. The biggest problem is that the Rai Ying Heng Dao is not hard enough, and he is the one who suffers from every collision.

The bigger problem is that the flame bombs thrown by the road army are not as effective as before.

Because the wood has the Raikage horizontal knife, it can slash the flame explosive bombs that fly over, and directly blast the flame explosive bombs away.

In this situation, the Lu Army quickly fell into a situation where it could only be passively beaten, and it was dangerous.

"Sister Ruan Bing, brother Lu Jun seems to be almost unstoppable, several places are injured, do we want to help?" Xiao Wan, who was flying in the air, reported this scene to Ruan Bing.

In this situation, she was the only one who could see the scene from the road army when she flew into the air, and she was simply responsible for the investigation.

"No, the Lu Jun knew that he couldn't beat the wood before he agreed. He was just delaying the time. It is estimated that he was waiting for Lin Yi's news. The task he gave us is to guard this place, so we don't need to act rashly." Ruan Bing shook his head quickly.

"But you don't need so many people to defend here. Those Hank beasts don't look like they will come over. What if Brother Wanyijun really loses..." Xiao Wan still looked confused.

"Don't worry, he is not that easy to lose, and there are still many methods that have not been used." Ruan Xue also pacified the a little anxious Xiaowan, "As for these Hank beasts, they are just superficially calm and they are all waiting for opportunities. Well, when the time comes, they will definitely attack."

After having been with the Lu Army for so long, Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue had a thorough understanding of the battlefield situation, and naturally they would not have any impulse.

"And the most important thing is that they are singled out. What is our support in the past? The Lu Army doesn't want us to do this." Ruan Bing added.

"Okay, let's continue to wait..." Xiao Wan looked helpless.

In fact, she really wanted to support her in the past. In her mind, she only had the victory and the result, and there was no concept of whether it was a heads-up.

But since both Ruan Bing and Ruan Xue said so, she could only listen carefully, and she didn't dare to refute these two...

At the same time, the battle between the Lu Army and Wood has also come to a white-hot stage, and both sides have used their abilities to blast more than a hundred times.

Now it depends on whose mental and physical strength lasts between them. This is the key to victory.

However, the Lu Army hit this plane from their world, had not rested for many days, and was always in a state of lack of mental and physical strength.

Now that he is fighting hard with Mu Mu, his brain and physical strength are not enough, and he still can't supplement that.

Presumably, he felt that there would be no chance if he didn't fight hard. The Lu Army suddenly used the flash to come to Mu Mu, and moved his **** to let a huge magic circle gather under him.

The sudden change frightened the soul in the wood body, and at the same time there was a very familiar feeling.

Because the magic circle under this foot is not his thunder sword formation? Still the kind of dark form.

When the soul in the wood body was surprised, the formation at his feet really rose up with hundreds of blue virtual lightsabers, blocking the entire space.

Immediately afterwards, all these lightsabers flew randomly, and the ultimate goal was the wooden body.

This is indeed a wooden thunder sword, but it was deliberately "stolen" by the Lu Army.

After all, when the dinosaurs cannot be summoned, the attacking methods of the road army are limited. It is best to copy the ability of wood to sanction the soul in the wood...

With the formation of the Thunder Prison Knife, it is difficult for the soul in the wood body to escape from it, and only a avenue of Thunder Shield can be used to block it.

But it soon discovered that the Thunder Shield was not very useful, because the attacks of these lightsabers were too high and a little unstoppable.

It immediately thought that it would also start the Thunder Prison Knife Array Kill, so that the road army was also in the array and could not avoid it. Then the victory must belong to it.

After all, it is higher than the Lu Army in terms of physical strength and various resistances, and now is the best time to decide the outcome.

Thinking of this, the soul in the wood body resisted the attacks of various lightsabers, directly condensing its own Thunder Prison Blade to kill.

A few seconds later, when the Thunder Prison Knife Array Kill was about to take shape, and the soul in the wood body was about to be cast out, something happened suddenly.

That is, the condensed Thunder Prison Knife array killing was directly interrupted, causing the soul in the wood body to fail to release.

At first, the soul in the wood body didn't know what was going on, his head was a little confused and couldn't find the clue.

But it soon discovered that the reason for just ending the Thunder Prison Knife Array killing was nothing else, it was the wood's body and soul that was making a ghost.

So what is going on? In layman's terms, there are two souls in the wood, one is King Hank and the other is the wood body.

Now it is King Hank who controls the wood, it has the dominant power, but at a critical moment, the soul of the wood body can move its hands and feet, such as interrupting a large-scale attack...

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