Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1174: Face to face

At this time, they had already withdrawn from their respective transformed forms, there were no wounds on their bodies, and it was impossible to tell from the outside who was better or worse.

It is estimated that after the super powerful attack just launched, both of them exhausted the energy of the whole body and were forced to exit that form.

I don't know how they survived the attack just now with their flesh and blood. Anyway, the Lu Army and others felt that they couldn't do it...

Just when everyone was wondering how long the Lord Wood and the Lord Blood Rock had to face off, Lord Blood Rock suddenly collapsed to the ground without any warning.

A complete incision was also exposed in the middle of the body, which was full of charred flesh and blood. It was estimated that it was injured by the wooden Leiying horizontal knife and the lightning just now.

Nothing can be seen at the beginning of this kind of wound, but as long as it has, it is fatal and there is no possibility of healing.

This is the case with the current High Lord Blood Rock. It bleeds in a few seconds and is dying.

Wood also half-kneeled on the ground with his chest, breathing continuously, maybe he was hit by a few energy **** just now, otherwise he wouldn't have such a big reaction.

However, compared to Lord Bloodrock, Wood's injuries were obviously negligible.

So in the next second, Wood stood up with the energy refined titanium horizontal knife and walked to the side of the lord of blood rock.

From the field of vision of Lu Jun and others, you can see the Lord Bloodstone and Wood talking, as if discussing something.

It’s a pity that they are too far away to hear the voices over there, even if they do, they don’t understand

After ten seconds, Mu Mu seemed to have finished asking what he wanted to ask, or he felt that Lord Blood Rock was worthless.

I saw that he suddenly raised the Lei Ying Heng Knife in his hand, and without hesitation, cut off the head of the Lord Blood Rock.

This is what the soul in the wood body wants to do most recently, for today it has endured for a long time, and now it finally got its wish.

After all, this is the enemy who exiled it to other planes, and almost wiped out its entire clan, there is nothing more pleasant than revenge.

This also means that as the super-ranked blood rock lord, the strongest of the blood rock clan died in the hands of wood like this.

It used to withstand the onslaught of the road army for a long time, and even faced a dozen or twenty dinosaurs.

Of course, this was under the suspicion of "release of water" by the Route Army and did not want to fight with the Lord Blood Rock.

But in any case, the strength of the Lord Blood Rock is still obvious to all. It is definitely a strong enemy and a respectable opponent.

But now it’s useless to say anything, the corpse is separated, this is its final fate...

After the death of the Lord of Blood Rock, the creatures of the Blood Rock clan also collapsed, and there was no war in their hearts, and they surrendered to the Blood Rock Hank clan.

After all, with their current numbers, **** battles are meaningless, and they can't beat the Hank clan fighters.

What's more, the strongest combat power of wood is still there. They can't win anyway. Only by surrendering can they survive.

However, they obviously underestimated the hatred of the soul in the wood towards the blood rock clan.

The soul in the wood suddenly issued an order in the next moment to let the creatures of the Hank clan slaughter the surrendered creatures of the light blood rock clan.

There are two reasons for it to make up its mind to do this. One is that there are so few creatures of the blood rock clan that it is no longer useful. If it stays, it will have to send a lot of its own creatures to watch, which is not worth it.

Second, after their defeat a while ago, the creatures of the blood rock clan dare to enslave its men.

There is nothing to say about this, it will also retaliate, and it will be more ruthless than the Blood Rock clan. It doesn't even want prisoners, and kills it directly...

After receiving the order from the wood, the soldiers of the Hank clan quickly executed them, waving their sharp claws, and killing the blood rock creatures they saw.

The blood rock creatures who had just surrendered in an attempt to survive were killed before they realized what had happened, and there was not even a chance to resist.

As for why the soldiers of the Hank clan listened to Wood, they knew that there was the soul of their lord in the wood, which was equivalent to their lord.

Three minutes later, without the team command, the only remaining creatures of the Blood Rock clan died.

They did not wait for their reinforcements until they died, which also meant that their clan had been destroyed.

Seeing that the battle was finally under its control, the soul in the wood body let out a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, it controlled Mu's body and raised the Raikage horizontal knife in his hand and walked towards the position of the tower, with a very solemn expression.

At the same time, it also ordered the creatures of the Hank clan to tightly surround the tower without even a trace of cracks.

Because it is very clear that the Lu Jun and others are inside the tower, and now it has solved the problems of the Lord Bloodstone and "problems the teacher".

"He's coming over, and he's all ready to fight. Pay attention to guarding this entrance and exit. Lin Yilaan is unprepared inside. We definitely can't let the enemy in at this time." The Lu Army reminded everyone aloud.

He knows that this matter is far from over, he and Mu, or the soul body in him must still have a battle.

"Okay, I will let our biological support come over right away." Xiao Wan nodded and said.

Immediately after, she let the mutant beasts who had been watching the battle from a distance rush over, and also surrounded the tower, and confronted the creatures of the Hank clan.

"Let's talk to it first and delay time. I feel that Lin Yilaan will have a result soon. That's how we can decide whether to attack or defend." Ruan Bing whispered in Lu Jun's ear.

"Well, I see." Lu Jun nodded slightly.

Indeed, they would only know what to do next when Lin Yi was too lazy to speak up.

After about twenty seconds, the wood slowly walked to the front of the tower, where Lu Jun and the others were in front.

The soul in his body saw that Lu Jun and the others had been standing here, his face suddenly showed an extremely unhappy expression: "Why?! Why didn't you help me just now?!"

While talking, Mu Mu held a Lei Ying Heng Knife tightly in his hand, feeling like he would cut someone if he didn't agree with him.

Of course, it was not the wood that was talking at this time, but the soul in his body, otherwise it would be impossible for the wood to speak to Lu Jun and others like this...

"What do you mean by not helping? We have captured four towers for you in a row. Isn't this helping? What did you do when we were fighting before? Why did you come so late? Could it be that you attacked a tall tower longer than we attacked four? The tower will not last for long?!" Lu Jun said several questions in succession, full of confidence, and he blamed the soul in the wood body, in terms of momentum, no weaker than the wood just now...

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