Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1173: The battle is settled?

"Why is Brother Mu Mo ascending so much after he changed his form, but Lord Blood Rock is still super-ranked?" Xiaowan looked at the battlefield and wondered, asking if she didn't understand it was her style.

"Super-level is just the strength on the bright side, the true power of the Lord Bloodstone should be above the super-level, below the super-level, or only a little bit away from the super-level."

"As for the wood, I am not sure, this is the first time I have seen the dark form of wood."

"But I can feel him in this form, neither I nor Giganotosaurus is its opponent."

"Maybe only after I turn on Tyrannosaurus can I fight him, and I don't know the outcome." Lu Jun earnestly analyzed the details of Lord Blood Rock and Wood with Xiaowan and everyone on the field. strength.

"Wow, even you said that, that's too strong..." Ruan Xue beside her couldn't help sighing.

"Well, it is very strong, but you remember that any ability that transforms to become stronger has a very fatal weakness, that is, the problem of short duration."

"As long as you can avoid this time period without fighting and wait for the end of the transformation of the form, the victory must be yours."

"Because this type of ability will definitely have side effects after the end, which will make the body's strength less than before." Lu Jun still looked at the battlefield and said to everyone.

"Understood, then who do you think will win this battle?" Ruan Xue asked again.

"The wood must be wood. It can be seen from the attack just now. The battle is estimated to be over soon. We must be prepared to face the wood." The Lu Jun's expression was a bit solemn.

To be honest, he didn't want to fight the wood head-on, because it was likely to cause them both to lose.

He even wanted to see that Mu Mu could be defeated in the battle against the Lord Bloodstone, so that he would have more control over the situation.

But he knew that the reality would not be the case, and Lord Bloodstone couldn't beat wood no matter how.

After a brief conversation, Lu Jun, Ruan Bing and others calmed down and looked at the battlefield again.

It can be clearly seen that the situation on the battlefield at this time is just as the road army said, in a one-sided situation, wood has a great advantage.

A large part of the reason is that the space ball of the Lord Blood Rock cannot damage the wood, and the strength of the wood is higher than that of the Lord Blood Rock.

However, if Wood wants to quickly kill Lord Bloodstone, it is not an easy task, at least Wood cannot do it now.

The battle between the blood rock warriors and the Hank beasts was also fierce. Both sides lost more than a thousand, and the corpses threw a thick layer.

At this time, nearly twenty minutes had passed since Mu Mu came here. He hasn't been able to take down the Lord Bloodrock. To be honest, this speed is too slow.

If at this time the reinforcements of the High Lord Blood Rock arrived and culled the Blood Rock clan, the battle would be troublesome again.

But fortunately, the blood rock clan still has no reinforcements coming, so there is still ample time for Wood.

But it's not a problem to drag it down like this, the soul in the wood body can't wait to kill the Lord Bloodrock and enter the tower to find the road army.

At this time, in addition to hating the blood rock clan and the lord of blood rock, it also had resentment towards the road army and others.

After all, it has fought the battle to this point, and the Lu Jun and others are still indifferent, clearly wanting to sit and watch its success or failure, this feeling makes it very unhappy.

It is also very important that the blackened form of wood will not last long, and it is estimated that it will end within a few minutes.

If there is no blessing in this form, it will not necessarily be able to beat the Lord of Blood Rock, and the advantages that have been accumulated with difficulty will be wasted.

So in the next second, the wood approached the Lord Blood Rock and began to condense the Thunder Hell Knife. This was the final blow to the Lord Blood Rock.

At the moment when the wood began to condense its abilities, a large number of dark clouds fell across the sky, and there was thunder surging.

Feeling the power from heaven and earth, Lord Blood Rock knew it was time to decide the outcome, and took a deep breath.

Immediately after that, it compressed its own spatial domain to the extreme, making the surrounding space full of spheres.

From a distance, you can clearly see the space ball flying around the Lord Bloodstone until it is completely wrapped.

The most important thing is that these space spheres are constantly merging, and in a blink of an eye they have grown from small to large, just like when the Lu Army merged with flames.

And judging from the power, the number of fusion of these space **** is more, and it is definitely better than the road army only fusing two flame explosive bombs.

After all the space spheres were almost fused, the Lord Bloodstone threw the fused space sphere toward the location of the wood.

At this time, Wood’s Thunder Prison Shadow Array Kill was also condensed. Thousands of sword lights appeared next to Wood, blocking the position of the Lord of Blood Rock.

It can be clearly seen that under the blessing of the dark form, all the sword lights have become black, and the size is much larger than before.

When the space ball of Lord Blood Rock flew over, thousands of sword lights also flew towards the position of Lord Blood Rock.

One second later, the abilities issued by the two sides made a strong collision, the surrounding area became lightning and thunder, and the space ball flew horizontally.

The shock wave formed by the collision swept hundreds of meters away, and many blood rock warriors and Hank clan creatures were lifted off.

Even the Lu Army had to prop up a particle shield to help everyone resist the attack and prevent it from being affected.

At this time, their eyes were staring at the inside of the battlefield, waiting for the smoke and lightning inside to dissipate.

At this moment, they are all waiting to see the result, wondering which side has won.

Only Lu Jun and Ruan Bing are calmer, because the stronger they have felt the aura of the Blood Lord Lord is rapidly weakening, or even close to nothing.

This also means that Lord Blood Rock has failed in this wave of collision. It seems that the battle is very clear, and it is estimated that the battle will end soon.

The only problem is that they can't feel the condition of the wood, and they don't know what the condition of the wood is at this time.

Therefore, Lu Jun and Ruan Bing are also watching the battlefield seriously. They can only arrange the next arrangement if they know the situation of the wood.

The same goes for the Blood Rock Warriors and Hank Beasts in the distance. Perhaps the most anxious at this time are them...

Ten seconds later, the smoke and thunder on the battlefield began to slowly dissipate, and the surrounding situation began to slowly reveal.

With the help of the fire light next to them, everyone can clearly see that there are pits everywhere on the ground, large and small, which are probably caused by the attack just now.

At this time, Lord Blood Rock and Wood stood firmly on the ground, staring at each other.

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