Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 114: Pinch each other

The soldiers fighting in the front did not expect that the rear would be attacked suddenly. They had seen the aggression of the Double Hammer Infected Body, and they couldn't help worrying in their hearts. They were slightly lost, and they were not so focused on the front and the infected group.

In the few seconds when the soldiers lost their senses, the infected group in front of them rushed for several meters. Fang An, who was watching the battle on the front line, immediately picked up the loudspeaker and shouted, "Fight me seriously! The situation in the rear is out of turn. You control it!"

The warriors who had been roared quickly recovered and continued to fight. Fang An didn't even look at the rear after roaring. He continued to pay attention to the situation in front, as if he didn't care about what was happening behind.

In fact, in Fang An’s mind, only the three major forces can be regarded as the food transport team he leads. As for the life and death of the fourth and fifth echelon, he doesn’t care at all. He is still very good at using people who don’t care to attract the attention of the Double Hammer infected body. with pleasure.

Wu Tong looked at him with a cheerful heart. Although Fang An is his competitor, he hates the Goshawk and the Lu Army even more. If it weren't for these two people, he wouldn't have to come to this ghost place.

He wished that the double-hammer infection would destroy the fourth echelon of Goshawk, and it would be better to spread it to the third echelon of the Blackstone Consortium, so that he would not need to do anything, wouldn't it be beautiful?

Seeing that Fang An didn't intend to support the rear, the Goshawk instantly became angry. How could the fourth echelon be his Goshawk and the food transport team, this Fang An actually ignored it.

Obviously, there were two tanks watching by the fourth echelon. Fang An didn't even order the tanks to support them in the past. It was obvious that he didn't put his goshawk in his eyes and didn't treat his people as human beings.

Thinking of this, Goshawk couldn't bear his violent temper. He directly picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered to his people, "Listen, everyone! Give me all the people who attacked the convoy to die! I will take care of anything!"

After speaking, Goshawk hung up the walkie-talkie and stopped hitting the infected body. He took out a cigar from his arms and threw clouds and fog on the side. He was ready to watch the show, and asked his guards to also. Stop all and watch the show with him...

The frontal battlefield suddenly lost the firepower of the Goshawk Guards, and the pressure increased sharply. The original complete firepower net broke through a hole, allowing the infected bodies to find a sudden opportunity.

Fang An had a headache when he saw that the Goshawk was doing this. He hurriedly mobilized an armored vehicle and thirty soldiers to come up to fill up the firepower net that the Goshawk had dropped, and the situation stabilized again.

The road army on the side was also amused by the goshawk's actions. How did this goshawk become angry like a child? Although he was fighting for the goshawk in his heart, he did not "strike" like the goshawk. The speed of killing infected bodies with guns has not slowed down. After all, this is a good opportunity to get rewards. The account can be calculated later. In any case, you can’t get past the rewards...

The people in the fourth echelon immediately took action after receiving the order from the Goshawk, raising their guns and sweeping at the nomads or vehicles trying to rush over.

They had been hit by the nomads, and after receiving the order from the Goshawk, they directly vented all the fire in their stomachs.

The most desperate now is the nomads of the fifth echelon. Although they are large in number, they have few firearms. Their broken guns, bullies, and scattered infected bodies are okay, and only high-level double-hammer infected bodies are encountered. It's an escape.

But where can I escape? This road is so wide, and the front is crowded with cars. On both sides of the road are magnetic vehicles that have been abandoned for an unknown period of time. Since their models are not enough to drive off these abandoned magnetic vehicles and open an escape route, what should I do? ? Can we just stay in place and wait for the infected body to be crushed and eaten?

There was no other way. The instinct to escape drove them to step on the accelerator and hit them all the way forward, until the road ahead could no longer be blocked, they climbed out of the car, overcame the blocked car, and tried to get ahead. Of the echelon looking for refuge.

It’s a pity that the asylum was not found. All the homeless people who ran out hit the guns of the fourth echelon. In an instant, dozens or even hundreds of people fell in a pool of blood. It was pitiful to say that they followed the food delivery team all the way, thinking It’s cheaper to fish, but they left forever before they even saw the shadow of the grain depot...

The survivors of the fifth echelon saw that the goshawks were shooting at them, and they were puzzled. They called for help and explained, begging the goshawks to let them go.

But now the people of the Goshawk are angry, they have already red eyes, how can they talk nonsense with these vagrants, continue to block the road, and kill one when they see an outcropping vagrant.

It was not that they were ruthless, but that they had invited these nomads to join their team, but none of them were rejected by these nomads, because no matter which small force they joined, they had to charge a few kilograms of food as the fee for joining.

These vagrants only want to follow the food delivery team to pick up the bargain. They don’t even want to sell a few kilograms of food. Originally, it is personal freedom to add or not to join. The people of Goshawk don’t care about it, but these vagrants directly attack them when they encounter danger. The motorcade also killed a dozen of their brothers. This was what made the Goshawk people the most angry. Now that they seize the opportunity, they will naturally not let go of these nomads.

The nomads who saw the goshawk did not intend to give them a way to survive, and they copied out their weapons to fight back at the goshawk's people. The rabbits bite people when they were anxious, let alone them, the infected people did not dare to fight, but what good people do Scared? Everyone is human, so why not let them pass?

A few minutes ago, the double-hammer infected body attacked the fifth echelon. A few minutes later, it has evolved into a situation where the nomads of the fifth echelon and the goshawks of the fourth echelon are fighting each other.

The double-hammer infected body looked silly from behind. It originally wanted to come over and take a sneak attack to see if it could eat a few people and replenish its energy. These people even started fighting by themselves.

Seeing that no one hit it, as if it had forgotten its existence, the double-hammer infected body grabbed a human corpse and gnawed directly, and gnawed fast, one after another, supplementing the energy it consumed. , By the way, looking at the humans who beat you to death in front of you...

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