Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 113: Small town battle

But now is not the time to entangle these issues. Fang An immediately deployed the vehicles and combat personnel of the first echelon to let them establish a line of defense.

The town is full of infected bodies, so I definitely can’t rush in directly like Lengtouqing. Put the battlefield in an open area, lure the infected bodies out, and consume the active power of the infected bodies outside. This is the death of countless soldiers before the army. Fang summed up the methods for the post-apocalyptic city battle...

The vehicles of the first echelon quickly formed a huge semicircle under the command of Fang An, and the combatants used this as a line of defense to block the infected bodies rushing from the town.

Goshawk breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the arrival of the military, and signaled his guards to slow down their attack and save ammunition. Fortunately, the military came fast. Otherwise, there are too many infected bodies, so his guards will pay back. It's really unstoppable.

After the first echelon joined the battlefield, the infected bodies around the town were not enough to see. It is probably because the movement they made was not big enough. The infected bodies in the town hadn't noticed the situation outside, or were still sluggish. Come out, can't keep up with the killing speed of the first echelon at all.

Fang Anke didn't have much time to spend with these infected bodies, so he directly ordered the demolition soldiers to shoot ten-tone explosive bombs into the air, trying to attract the infected bodies by this method.

A few seconds later, the ten-voice bomb exploded in mid-air, and the piercing sound resounded through half of Feili Town. It was like stabbing a hornet's nest in the town, and the infected bodies attracted by the sound poured out. Then came the elite infected body, the black thorn infected body, and various infected beasts. There were thousands of them in the first wave alone.

Fang An's eyelids jumped as he watched these crazy infected bodies. He knew that the movement from the ten-tone bomb was too great. He quickly mobilized the heavy firepower behind the team to coordinate the defense, leaving only two tanks and three tanks behind. Armored vehicle.

The prepared tanks of the first echelon continued to fire at the infected group, and often one shot could kill more than a dozen infected groups together. The heavy machine guns mounted on the armored vehicles were not to be outdone, and fired at the infected group with full fire. , Whether it is an infected body or an infected beast, everything you swept over turned into pieces...

Although the black thorn infected body of Tier C jumps and sprints in the infected body group, and has the ability to predict the impact of bullets in advance, even if it can predict the impact of ten bullets, those 100 bullets What? Are there bullets everywhere?

Therefore, the black thorn infected body has no room to dodge in front of this kind of firepower net, and it is no different from the ordinary infected body, so naturally it can't jump.

The Lu Army was also focusing on killing the infected body. He felt the sound of the surrounding artillery fire. The blood boiled slightly, and the whole person gradually became excited. This was the first time he participated in such a large-scale battle. The surrounding guns The sound and the shouting are different from his previous battle in the dark.

Especially with so many monsters rushing towards him, his eyes are straight. These are all moving dragon coins and dragon title values! Being able to hunt monsters and earn rewards in a safer environment really couldn't be better.

He also transferred the information of the elite infected body and the black thorn infected body to Mu Mu and others, and asked them to select these two infected bodies to kill, because the rewards of the C-level infected bodies are much richer than the rewards of the D-level infected bodies... …

Slowly, the road army discovered that it was too slow to get rewards just by killing a few of them. After thinking for a moment, he calmly activated the two fire guards on the off-road vehicle and let them Fire freely, otherwise the infected body will be killed by the soldiers. This opportunity to earn rewards without working hard cannot be missed.

The goshawk on the side looked at the fire guard on the off-road vehicle, which was comparable to the heavy machine gun, with a face full of doubt. He didn't seem to sell this type of weapon to the Lu Army. Where did the Lu Army get it? Also, why hasn't he seen such a weapon as an arms dealer...

However, the greater the noise outside, the fiercer the offensive of the infected body in the town. One wave after another, the infected body rushed out. It is estimated that half of the town's infected body was dispatched, and there were tens of thousands of them. An echelon launched an offense.

Although the firepower of the first echelon is fierce enough to withstand the infected body group from 100 meters away, it always takes time for them to change bullets. Therefore, every time the first echelon takes advantage of the time for the bomb change, the infected body group will move towards the first. The echelon rushed into the distance of more than ten meters.

Gradually, the infected group is getting closer and closer to the first echelon, and the first echelon also has a tendency to be unable to defend. Fang An can only mobilize more people to help with the defense. Some of the political combatants and Ruan Bing also took her. Ruan Bing stayed beside the road army. After three days, they fought side by side again.

After a stalemate, humans finally managed to control the situation by relying on a powerful firepower net and resisted the infected group at 50 meters away, but it did not mean that the humans won, because the living infected There are still a lot of infected bodies in the town, which are still supporting them one after another. It is not easy to wipe out these infected bodies.

Although the reminders of mission completion are constantly ringing, and the value of dragon coins and dragon titles are skyrocketing, the Lu Army is a little puzzled. Is there no corpse controller or other Tier B monsters in such a big town? Why do these infected bodies and infected beasts rush out unorganized?

In the Lu Army’s impression, there will be a corpse controller out of tens of thousands of infected bodies. Could it be that the corpse controller has left the town? Or is there a conspiracy? Lu Jun secretly guessed in his heart, but in any case, it is a good thing to not have a corpse controller, otherwise the corpse controller who controls tens of thousands of infected bodies is terrible...

Just as the overall situation gradually turned to the human side, there was a sudden sound of chaos from the rear of the food transport team. The Lu Army put on a magazine and took time to look back.

The double-hammer infected body that ran away in the morning unexpectedly appeared again, and was attacking the fifth echelon hiding at the back. The fifth echelon was originally a vagrant in the gathering place without any organization.

As soon as the double-hammer infected body rushed into the convoy, they did not resist at all, and they were unable to resist. They drove to the convoy in front of them desperately, trying to escape from the double-hammer infected body.

What was unlucky for their move was the fourth echelon of Goshawk. The small forces in the fourth echelon were hit by the sudden madness of the fifth echelon. Many people were killed in the chaos...

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