Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1017: Real-time task changes

"It's not an infected body, it seems to be a Zerg creature, and the number should be millions..." Xiao Wan's voice became smaller and smaller, her expression full of helplessness.

"Hi, millions?! It's coming soon?! Are you sure it's our side?!" Lu Jun took a breath.

Although compared with millions of infected groups, one million is not much.

But there is no cannon fodder like ordinary infectious bodies in the Zerg creatures, they are all very strong, at least at least C-level.

Moreover, the West Wind Fortress has just gone through a big battle, and all arms are in a state of little combat effectiveness.

Coupled with the destruction of the sky curtain, there is no defense around the Westwind Fortress, as long as the opponent launches a charge, it can reach the Westwind Fortress directly.

So the current situation is very unfavorable for the road army, he really did not expect the Zerg creatures to come over at this time.

"Yes, it's less than ten kilometers away from us, and the number shouldn't be too different. They came from hundreds of attacks away, and the purpose must be ours." Xiao Wan thought for a while before repliing.

"Do you know the general direction of their attack? Take me over to see the real situation, I can make arrangements." Lu Jun's face became very serious.

Because of the successive attacks, he was very confused about the next battle.

"I know, do you want to tell everyone about this?" Xiaowan said, waving her wings and flying.

"Wait for us to come back, let them relax for a while." Lu Jun looked at the members of the Resistance Army and the people in the outer legions who were still talking and laughing in the distance, and couldn't bear to break this warmth.

Unfortunately, after tonight, many people will probably never see it again.

Thinking of this, Lu Jun opened the Dragon Form with a heavy heart, and followed Xiao Wan to fly.

Before leaving, he bought eight more sets of energy bombs with the Dragon Coins he just obtained in the armed module, so that the orc warriors began to load various defense facilities.

Although I don't know what the specific situation is, it is necessary to prepare in advance, otherwise it will be too late.

Everyone didn't know what it meant that the Lu Army began to reload energy bombs now, after all, the battle had just ended.

However, they were still immersed in the joy of victory, did not think too much, and continued to work on their own affairs.

After the loading of ammunition got on track, Lu Jun and Xiao Wan flew in the direction where the Zerg creatures were found.

"Boss Ruan Bing, what are you doing, Boss Lu? In a hurry." Anan dangling beside him couldn't help asking Ruan Bing.

"I don't know, maybe I found something, he will tell us later." Ruan Bing glanced at the dark sky and said in a low voice.

Although she was very excited after the battle, she didn't know why. Looking at the back of the Lu Army, she had an ominous premonition...

But as time passed, Lu Jun and Xiao Wan quickly flew more than ten kilometers to the east.

From here, they saw the Zerg creatures in the distance, all black, and they didn't know how long their team was.

When marching, there were constant rubbing sounds of "swishes", which made people get goose bumps.

"Look carefully to see if there are any new units, or find Siwak and other high-level creatures." Lu Jun narrowed his eyes and said to Xiao Wan.

The main thing to fight against Zerg creatures is that they have more high-level creatures, both super-level and research-level, so you must beware in advance.

"No, there are too many of them, and the sky is too dark. I don't have that kind of vision." Xiao Wan rubbed her eyes, a little helpless.

Lu Jun didn't answer Xiaowan's words, but still watched carefully.

In fact, he couldn't find Siwak and two other Zerg creatures.

The only thing that can be known is that the Zerg creatures' arms have not changed much, they are still those, and the total number is indeed close to one million.

As for why the Zerg creatures who were only caught by them not long ago popped up so many all at once, the Lu Army was not quite sure.

Just as the Lu Army took advantage of the high-altitude advantage to carefully look at the Zerg creatures below, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The real-time mission changes. Due to the invasion of Zerg creatures, the West Wind Fortress is still in danger. Now the original factual mission is upgraded to a legendary real-time mission. If you can defend the West Wind Fortress and repel the Zerg creatures, you will receive legendary rewards."

"Epic real-time mission changes. Due to the invasion of Zerg creatures, the crisis of the West Wind Fortress has not been resolved. Now the epic real-time mission is upgraded to a legendary real-time mission. Full reward, if the damage degree of the West Wind Fortress is less than 70%, you will get a double reward, and if the damage degree is less than 90% or more, you will get a triple reward."

This series of prompts made Lu Jun a little stunned, and he was stunned in an instant.

No wonder the real-time tasks are not completed for so long. It turns out that the system has changed. This is the first time he has encountered this kind of thing.

Moreover, the two real-time missions have been upgraded to legendary level, and the rewards can obviously be felt a lot.

The most important thing is that the task requirements have been greatly reduced. The full reward that was originally 90% can be obtained, now 50% can be obtained.

If they can protect the buildings of the Westwind Fortress from damage, they even have a chance to get a triple reward.

This is a real-time mission of the legendary level. I can hardly imagine how rich the triple reward is.

Although it sounds like he will get a lot of benefits, the Lu Army is very clear that this arrangement of the system definitely makes sense.

It is likely that the system calculates that the next battle will be very difficult, or even loss or failure, will the mission requirements be greatly reduced.

However, no matter what the real-time mission is, the details of the next battle of the Army must be carefully considered.

Zerg creatures are now ten kilometers away from the Westerly Fortress, and at their forward speed, they can arrive in half an hour.

If it was before, when the Westwind Fortress was in good condition, it would definitely not be a problem to resist the millions of Zerg army.

Even if they can't be wiped out, they can guarantee that they won't lose too much, after all, their strength lies here.

But now they are exhausted, and some people are so tired that they can't even walk, relying entirely on spiritual support.

Under this circumstance, if they fight with the Zerg army again, the win rate is almost nine to one. Zerg creatures are nine, they are one.

Lu Jun knows this very well, so he has been racking his brains all the time, trying to find a glimmer of hope of survival from the desperate situation.

But Xiao Wan, who was next to him, seemed to have discovered something, so she flew over and pulled the corner of the Puller's clothes: "Brother Lu Jun, have you noticed something very strange?"

"What?" Lu Jun stopped thinking and looked down at Xiao Wan.

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