Riding a Dinosaur in the End Times

Chapter 1016: One wave has not settled, another wave rises

"Understood, I'm going to block their way now. Once the corpse controller dies, they will definitely mess up, maybe they will run away." Xiao Wan whispered in the short-range communicator.

Immediately afterwards, she led the flying creatures to the rear of the battlefield without stopping.

On the Lu Army's side, they increased their attacks, putting more pressure on the mutant infected bodies, and at the same time, the behavior of restricting the tyrant infected bodies did not stop.

Now the situation is very clear. Once the corpse controller dies, the mutant infected body has no heads, and the tyrant infected body is alone and difficult to support, and the whole begins to decline.

The black thorn infected body with a little bit of IQ wanted to escape first, leaving the infected body group directly.

After all, the corpse controller is not there, no one can control them, just run if you want.

But just halfway through, the infected black thorns were intercepted by Xiao Wan.

The flying creatures above were pressed down like raindrops, bringing the infected bodies of black spines to the sky and fell to death.

Or the beespterodactyls projected spikes, shooting the inevitable black thorn infected body into a hedgehog.

Under the fierce attack of the people in the West Wind Fortress, the mutant infected bodies died before long. The battlefield was full of corpses, and the most places were even more than one meter high.

Only the remaining ten tyrant infected bodies were still struggling to support them. They were able to fight and resist, which put a lot of pressure on the resistance.

Once the mutant infected body dies, the road army can assemble all forces to encircle them.

If this continues, these tyrant infected bodies will definitely not last long.

The members of the resistance army and the orc warriors also knew that victory was in sight, all of them opened their eyes wide, and tried their best to meet the final victory.

Lu Jun is also very excited, because there are still two real-time tasks that have not been completed, and it may be necessary to kill these tyrant infected bodies.

Although those two are not legendary real-time missions, the rewards may not be too generous, but they will certainly not let him down, so the Lu Army is looking forward to it.

Presumably, I felt that it was impossible for us to cause much trouble to the West Wind Fortress. The infected tyrants, who had been slow to react, finally reacted to flee, and began to take heavy steps and retreat.

Due to its huge size and sufficient impact, even the Giant Southern Beast Dragon is not easy to stop them.

"Don't run away for them! We are about to win!" The Lu Army shouted and encouraged everyone.

The moment the Lu Army finished shouting, the members of the Resistance Army were all smashed.

What bone cages, vines imprisoned, blockades, a lot of abilities slammed on the infected body of the tyrant.

Several tyrant infected bodies were instantly controlled by these abilities, and even fell to the ground.

In the case of being surrounded, as long as they fall down, they will basically be unable to stand up.

After all, the Resistance Army and others had many attack methods, and the Lu Army was holding the Death Tu 8000 to suppress it, and the Southern Giant Beast Dragon was sitting nearby.

As the infected body of the tyrant continued to die, the road army and others were getting closer and closer to victory.

When the last infected tyrant fell under the muzzle of the Death Tu 8000, everyone on the field cheered, making the night no longer peaceful.

To be honest, they really didn't expect that they could win the attack from so many infected bodies.

You know, there were millions of infected bodies attacking them yesterday, but today there is no one left, it's just like a dream.

Although they also killed many of their companions and wasted an unusually large amount of supplies, the wounded were beyond count.

But they won, they are alive, they survived, this is the most important thing.

"Huh, I finally won, and I felt like vomiting..." Lu Jun sighed in relief.

He was the one with the most pressure during the battle just now, because any decision may be related to the survival of the Westwind Fortress. Fortunately, he did not make any major mistakes.

To be honest, his nose is full of the smell of the infected body, and closing his eyes is also the form of the infected body. It is estimated that this feeling will disappear in a few days.

The key members of the surrounding resistance forces are also **** or high-fiving each other. This battle is enough to go down in history. They are all members of history.

However, there is one thing that makes Lu Jun feel very strange, that is, the infected body is obviously dead, but his real-time mission is still not completed.

Due to the excitement of just winning, the Lu Army did not think too much, thinking that the mission was a bit delayed, and directly pressed the short-range communicator in his ear: "Everyone, the infected group has been wiped out by us. You can enjoy yourself today. Cheers, but before that, you have to clean up the battlefield. The dead bodies on the ground should be burned and buried. This is where we live. Don’t contaminate it. Try to finish it before dawn and give it to you then. relax for a moment."

After finishing talking, the Lu Army raised his hand and signaled the key members of the Resistance Army to arrange the detailed work of clearing the battlefield.

In fact, he didn't want to be in such a hurry, but these corpses were too many and too stinky. If they were not treated in time, very serious germs might be produced, which would be even more troublesome.

After receiving the order of the road army, all the key members of the resistance army went down without any delay.

Only Xiao Wan closed her eyes and frowned slightly, not knowing what she was thinking.

Lu Jun also saw Xiao Wan's expression, walked directly over, squatted down, and put his palm on the forehead of the small bowl: "What's the matter with you? Isn't it because of excessive mental exhaustion that you are stupid?"

Listening to Lu Jun's ridiculous voice, Xiao Wan slowly opened her eyes and pointed to the sky seriously: "Brother Lu Jun, can you see what's above us?"

"Something? What?" Lu Jun raised his head questioningly and looked in the direction of Xiao Wanzhi.

Although it was late at night and it was dark everywhere, the Lu Army still vaguely saw many mutant birds flying above.

"A lot of birds, what's the matter? Are they not your controlling creature?" Lu Jun looked down at Xiao Wan.

"No." Xiao Wan shook her head, "They were driven from a long distance. The news I can get from them is that a large group of creatures are approaching us."

"I know this, it's the infected group that was just wiped out by us. Isn't this news that should have come yesterday? These birds are too slow..." The Lu Jun pointed to the endless corpses in the dark ahead. , Murmured.

"It's not these." Xiao Wan shook her head again, her face a little pale, "There are still a large group of creatures approaching us now, and they are coming soon..."

"What?!" Lu Jun's expression changed in an instant, and he couldn't believe his ears, "Is it still an infected body?! Where did it come from?! Isn't the infected body wiped out by us?!"

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