Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3987: Emperor Wenchang

On this day, Wen Qu killed another dragon general. Seeing that the surrounding dragon formations began to subside, the clouds and mist also converged into the void, and the screams of killing gradually faded away. Wen Qu knew that the impact between the dragon formation and the cloud formation had ended.


The earth then shook, and a golden light rushed out like the sky and the ground. Wen Qu also knew that this was the broken Yingzhou Dragon Realm, but at the moment of this breaking, the strange laws of space were filled with the golden light.


Wen Qu was startled and secretly said, "Why is this rule so familiar?"

However, without waiting for Wen Qu to investigate carefully, Dongfang flew in from a distance.

Seeing Dongfang looking at him in disbelief, Wen Qu shouted, "Brother Dongfang~"


Dongfang shivered in fright and called out, "You... do you always recognize Xiao Ke?"

"What's the meaning?"

Seeing Dongfang like this, Wen Qu was stunned and exclaimed, "Why don't I know you? Didn't you bring me in?"

"Your Highness, Your Highness~"

Dongfang panicked, hurriedly waved his hand and said, "How could I bring you in? You are missing..."


Wen Qu growled, "I'm Wen Qu!"

Hearing this, Dongfang was stunned, and he shouted: "Are you Wenqu?? This...this..."

"What's up?"

Wen Qu hurriedly looked down at himself, nothing had changed, he hurriedly asked, "Am I not Wen Qu?"


When Dongfang waved his hand, a halo like a mirror appeared, and said, "Look at it yourself!"

"I'm going~"

Wen Qu looked at the mirror and saw a strange scholar dressed in imperial clothing, wearing a bead crown, holding a Xuanyuan sword, and exclaimed, "How did I become like this?"

"This is Emperor Wenchang!"

Dongfang Shangxia looked at Wenqu and said, "Do you remember the nine palaces I said earlier? The first is Xuanxu Wenqu Palace, the Wenqu Holy Palace, which is in charge of the selection and training of the heavenly court. The Wenqu Palace was called Wenchang Palace before, and its owner It was Emperor Wenchang, but Emperor Wenchang disappeared long ago and became a mystery, so it was later changed to Wenqu Palace."

Wen Qu was startled and had a bad feeling: "Could it be that Emperor Wenchang died in battle in this Yingzhou Dragon Realm?"

"No, definitely not~"

Dongfang categorically denied it, "The disappearance of Emperor Wenchang was much earlier than the Yingzhou Dragon Realm War."


Wen Qu was completely stunned and cried, "What the **** is going on? Why did Emperor Wenchang appear here, and why did I... become Emperor Wenchang again??"


While speaking, there was another wind and thunder in the sky and the earth, and a new round of fighting began again.

"I'm afraid it's the Xuanyuan sword, right?"

Dongfang looked at the Xuanyuan sword in Wen Qu's hand, and said thoughtfully, "When Emperor Wenchang disappeared, he also held the Xuanyuan sword."

"I'm going~"

Wen Qu finally understood, he looked at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand with a dumbfounded expression, and said in a low voice, "It is also Xuanyuan Sword in life, and it is also Xuanyuan Sword in death."

"What's the meaning?"

Dongfang was puzzled. Seeing that the Dragon Formation and Cloud Formation had not yet been laid, he hurriedly asked.

Wen Qu told the previous story, and finally said: "In this kind of Yingzhou Dragon Realm fragment similar to the ancient nightmare, it is most taboo to take out the corresponding cultural equipment, which will trigger the reappearance of the illusion that day, so I have never dared to use it. Writer."

Dongfang understood, nodded and said: "But if you don't take out the Xuanyuan sword, you will definitely be killed by that dragon general, so you will definitely trigger the illusion of the past."

Gu Fang "Yes~"

Wen Qu looked down at his immortal body and said, "And since I have become Emperor Wenchang, I will definitely encounter the catastrophe that Emperor Wenchang encountered in this Yingzhou Dragon Realm."

"It's okay~"

Dongfang comforted, "You are you, Emperor Wenchang is Emperor Wenchang, even if Emperor Wenchang falls, you can still escape from the shadow of Emperor Wenchang."

"I'm afraid it won't work~"

At this point, Wen Qu began to sweat coldly, remembering what happened before, and shook his head with a wry smile, "Don't forget, you said it yourself, the laws of space here are weird, and I have fallen into the way of the laws of space. "

“Not bad~”

Dongfang also exclaimed, "Emperor Wenchang was not in this cloud formation, you brought him here..."

"More than that~"

Wen Qu stretched out his arm, looked at the indistinguishable arm in his eyes, and said, "I worked hard before, and I have incorporated some of Emperor Wenchang's literary power into my body, and even the three flowers are engraved together, which is impossible in other dimensions. What happened, even if it was an ancient nightmare from the Dragon Domain, I am afraid that it was because of this strange space law that I merged with Emperor Wenchang, right?"

"Also...that is to say~"

Dongfang already understood something, and he said sympathetically, "You have become one with the missing Emperor Wenchang. Emperor Wenchang finally fell, and you...have to lose your soul!"

"Don't get lost, big brother~"

Wen Qu was about to cry and said, "Can't we fall?"

"Emperor Wenchang may have lost his soul~"

Dongfang said seriously, "Otherwise, even the Great Emperor Haotian would not be able to find him!"

"I'm going~"

Wen Qu didn't know what to say, he thought it was a chance, but he didn't expect it to be a disaster.

"Wenqu, Wenqu~"

Dongfang thought for a while, and hurriedly said, "Don't think too much now, you don't belong to the Yingzhou Dragon Realm, if you can get here, you may escape the murder, so I'll take you away now and see if you can get out~ "


Wen Qu was overjoyed and hurriedly called, "Let's try."

It's a pity that Dongfang sacrificed Yaochi Qixiang Cha, and Wenqu couldn't get on it at all.


Dongfang rolled his eyes and said, "You follow me and see if you can get out!"

Afterwards, the Yaochi Qixiang chariot rose into the sky, and Wenqu hurriedly followed behind. However, the Yaochi Qixiang chariot could escape the dragon general, but Wenqu could not.

Wen Qu was helpless, so he could only swing his Xuanyuan sword again and fight in the dragon formation. Although Wen Qu knew that this was drinking poison to quench his thirst, the more he killed, the deeper he fell into the Yingzhou Dragon Realm, but he had no choice.

After this round of fighting between the Dragon Formation and the Cloud Formation is over, Wenqu once again followed Yaochi Qixiang's car to Jiuzhongtian.

Unfortunately, seeing that there was an invisible barrier in front of him blocking him, and Yaochi Qixiang's car was soaring up, Wenqu stopped slumped.

"Can't you fly out?"

When Dongfang saw this, UU Reading hurriedly turned around and asked with concern.


Wen Qu replied, "Although Emperor Wenchang does not belong to this cloud formation, the place where he fell should be superimposed with the cloud formation. Since I became Emperor Wenchang, I naturally couldn't escape from this place."


Dongfang's eyes rolled around, and he said, "Just stay in this three-yuan, eight-guild, nine-return and nine-return cloud formation. You didn't fall here anyway."

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support for the cultivation of gods, I wish you all to step on the sky and become a real person as soon as possible. They are: brick mover, Fang Weimin, Hua Liuhai, Jing Mo, a stinky mosquito, Huihui, Li Jian, Bihai Advertisement, Sesame Kai..., Singing Bird, Dali, N Mules, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Wang Chenglin , dust, no trace, etc.

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