Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3986: Knife light!

After finishing speaking, Wen Qu ignored Dongfang again, while activating the exercises, while fighting with the dragon soldiers one by one. As Wen Qu expected, this place is exactly the same as the fragments of the immemorial world. The dragon soldiers killed all turned into waves and fell into in the text.

"Okay, okay~"

Dongfang laughed and said, "I'll accompany you crazy!"

At the beginning, the two were still together, but as the dragon soldiers increased and the dragon formation changed, the two were quickly dispersed. Wen Qu did not intend to fight with Dongfang. After all, he had a lot of soldiers. Hidden, seeing the east disappearing, Wen Qu put down his heart and began to fight with all his strength, condensing from the first piece of Renhua...

I don't know how long it took to fight, but when Wen Qu was tired, he flew out quietly, rested for a while, and then rushed into the dragon formation. Wen Qu felt that his strength was improving a little bit, and he made up for the shortcomings in his previous cultivation. Quan, the top three flowers are also much more complete than before.

It's just that it was easy to withdraw from the dragon formation at the beginning, but it became difficult to get there. There will be dragon generals to chase and kill, so Wenqu can only find places where the dragon generals can't find and hide.

On this day, seeing a headless dragon general who was invincible, killing himself to the point of numbness, Wen Qu once again had the will to retreat, and looked up to find a place to hide. Unfortunately, now the drums of war are bursting, and the sound of killing, Wen Qu There was no way to escape, Wen Qu had no choice but to force himself into the cloud formation.

However, even though the dragon general was headless, Wen Qu was covered by a strange sense of longing, and Wen Qu failed to escape several times.


Wen Qu was really helpless, almost jumping, and scolded, "There are so many great emperors and emperors in the audience, what are you doing with Xiaosheng?"

It's a pity that after scolding, Wen Qu had to escape. After so many times, he escaped to the place where the dragon formation and the cloud formation were incomplete.

At this time, the dragon formation between heaven and earth is slowly urging, an obscure and invisible time dragon is spinning like a circle, and a time similar to the sword formation of the four seasons alternately shines in the broken light.

As for the cloud formation, it sets off a space rhythm, or a mountain, or an ocean, impacting the ring with a huge space force.

However, because the dragon formation and the cloud formation are both damaged, there are many inexplicable blurs around them. This blur is not chaotic, but the time and space inside are chaotic, so these places can be seen by the naked eye or the art of clearing the eyes. unclear.

Wen Qu looked around and was about to find a place to hide. "Roar~" the dragon general roared and swept towards the dragon's tail. Wen Qu waved his fist to meet him. Rolling in midair.


Wen Qu sighed and said secretly, "It seems that Xiaosheng still has to rely on a literary device. I am afraid that Xiaosheng is not as good as Xiao Daoyou."

Wen Qu still admires Xiao Hua, so the experience in the cloud formation has always been according to Xiao Hua's words, and did not take out the literary device, but completely used the physical body to sharpen the five qi and three flowers, and put all the literary tools. In the three flowers did not come out.

Of course, there are not many instruments that can be placed in the three flowers, and even fewer can be used in this dragon formation.

Seeing that the headless dragon was about to stick out its claws again, and the blood on the claws crossed the sky, Wen Qu had no choice but to slap the top door, revealing the outline of the three flowers, and with his right hand, he lifted the Xuanyuan sword out.

The Kunwu Sword is easy to use, but it is used by Xiao Hua and Lu Zhenren, and it has no meaning for Wenqu's cultivation, and the meaning of the Kunwu Sword is different. Wenqu is concerned about the East and chooses the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Keng Keng~"

As soon as the Xuanyuan Sword came out, Wen Qu's disadvantage changed immediately. After several fights, Wen Qu killed the dragon general.


The golden light radiated from the Xuanyuan Sword, and some fluctuations fell into Wenqu's body along the Xuanyuan Sword.

"Oh, it's good~"

Wen Qu's eyes lit up, while refining fluctuations, forging three flowers, and joyfully saying, "Can Xuanyuan sword do the same?"


Just as he was thinking about it, a gust of wind rang out, and a murderous aura came from a distance.

Wen Qu was startled, and hurriedly looked around, only to see an incomparable blade of light smashing through the air, that might not be able to resist Wen Qu now.

"I'm going~"

Wen Qu's soul flew out of the sky, and he scolded in a low voice, "Why did I get into such trouble?"

The sword light was really too fast, Wen Qu was helpless and could only wave his sword to resist.

With a loud noise of "Keng~", Wen Qu's immortal body shook, and the entire body was smashed into clouds and mist.


What puzzled Wen Qu was that the sword light followed him without giving him any chance to breathe, but the dragon general did not show up.

"Keng Keng~"

Several times in a row, Wen Qu was unable to resist, and the immortal body rolled in the clouds and mist, unable to maintain balance.

"No, that's not right~"

Daoguang slashed Wen Qu down a thousand feet again, and Wen Qu suddenly woke up, "This is not a dragon weapon..."

Just when Wen Qu lost his mind, Wen Qu staggered and fell right next to the blurred interlaced dragon formation and cloud formation.

At this time, Wen Qu was urging Wen Li with all his strength, the three flowers above the top door flashed, and the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand also flashed sword intent. What he didn't know was that in the blur not far from him, there was also a similar Hong Yun vaguely overflowing. .

When the sword light came again, Wen Qu desperately resisted, "Keng~" Xuanyuan sword almost let go, Wen Qu's body became unbalanced, and he fell directly into the blur.


Wen Qu's figure disappeared, and after the knife light circled around for half a cup of tea, it rose into the sky.


Wen Qu didn't know where he fell, but he felt the warmth around him, and inexplicable fluctuations began to fall into the immortal body. He slowly repaired the wound. He breathed a long sigh of relief, looked around the blurred light and shadow, and said secretly, "nnd, Finally escaped, what happened to this knife light?"

"There doesn't seem to be a dragon in the knife light, there are many Hong Yun, and it also means Dao Xian. This... How can there be Dao Xian in this Yingzhou Dragon Realm fragment?"

"Forget it, forget it~"

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't figure it out, Wen Qu simply laughed at himself, "What is Xiaosheng thinking about? Hurry up to use this battle formation and recast yourself with three flowers is the kingly way."

Afterwards, Wen Qu hurriedly adjusted his breath to heal his injuries, and after he recovered, he flew out to fight again.

At this time, Wen Qu was no longer where he had escaped. After UU reading flew out, there was no sword light. However, after Wen Qu fought again, he always felt that it was a bit different from before. It's not clear, for example, the speed of cultivation is much faster than before, and some inexplicable fluctuations often seep into Sanhua, and even some swordsmanship about Xuanyuanjian is also integrated into Wenqu's mind.


Wen Qu was overjoyed, thinking that this was his chance, so he fully realized and cultivated.

I don't know how long it took to be like this. During the period, the remnant souls that fought with Wen Qu did not know how much they had changed. Wen Qu's three flowers were also recast to perfection.

Thanks to the immortal friends represented by the following, for their strong support for the cultivation of gods, I wish you all to step on the sky and become a real person as soon as possible. They are: brick mover, Fang Weimin, Hua Liuhai, Jing Mo, a stinky mosquito, Huihui, Li Jian, Bihai Advertisement, Sesame Kai..., Singing Bird, Dali, N Mules, Southern Emperor and Northern Horse, Wang Chenglin , dust, no trace, etc.

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