Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3971: The reunion of the last trial


Ao Shenglong claws stretched out a finger and said, "Except for the space around the dragon, the folding space, inside the Yunyun is a sea, the ordinary sea, the dragon's unique dragon will disappear, even we The dragon power of the dragon family will also be blocked."

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua's clone whispered, "I...I still want to understand a little bit, this is a bit similar to opening the eyes."

"Haha, that's right~"

Ao Sheng smiled happily and said, "This is actually the opening of the eyes of the dragon domain, think about it, Ye, you have opened the eyes of the sky from the mortal world to the dragon domain, and you have become a dragon, and now you go to Yunyun and enter Kuangkuang. Leaping from the Heavenly Gate, you will naturally become a Heavenly Dragon."

"If so~"

Xiao Hua's clone thoughtfully said, "In this Yunyun, we are ordinary dragons in the mortal world, and there is no dragon power."

"It's not that there is no dragon power anymore~"

Ao Sheng thought for a while and replied, "Accurately speaking, it is the transformation of Long Li. By the way, Ye, let me ask you, why do you think the Dragon Lord is called the Dragon Lord, not a name like Zi Yaoluo?"

"I'm sorry, son~"

Xiao Hua cloned and smiled bitterly, "You know me too, I never think about things that have nothing to do with me. I will only think about it when it's time to think about it. I'm not yet the dragon master, I think. What are you doing so much?"

"I know,~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "This habit is good or bad, but it's good, you can concentrate on the things in front of you, and you won't be distracted by other things. If you can be a dragon guard, you cannot be a dragon emperor."

"kao, the Dragon Emperor belongs to the son,"

Xiao Hua's clone pouted, "I'll be a dragon fart."


Ao Sheng smiled again and said, "Stop talking about this, let me tell you, the so-called dragon master is the master of the dragon, or the master of the space dragon."

"Oh, I understand~"

Xiao Hua's clone was stunned and said, "The Dragon Lord is actually the controller of the space, right?"


Ao Sheng nodded and said, "The control of the space dragon should be the ultimate test of the dragon race in the dragon domain. If I control the space dragon of this ten thousand miles and become the master of this space, wouldn't you be courting death if you fight with me? And the dragon The fight between masters has risen to the power of space..."

Ao Sheng patiently told Xiao Hua's avatar, but Xiao Hua's avatar didn't take it seriously. After all, these are similar to the space laws of Dao Xianjie. Xiao Hua's avatar's strength is shallow, but his knowledge is great. Xiao Hua's avatar even feels that the meaning of the dragon master is certainly It is the owner of the space dragon, and it should be understood as the owner of the dragon. Like the Daoxian Hunyuan, he should start to have his own unique dragon.

Sure enough, at the end, Ao Sheng also said the same: "...Actually, the space dragon is just an introduction. After stepping into the dragon master, you will come into contact with more dragons..."

It's a pity, just talking about this, after the "Boom~Boom~" starlight, another starlight rushed out from the other direction. The color of this starlight was different from before, immediately tearing the color of the sky, and the more turbulent star power in the The sky is brewing.

Ao Sheng stopped, watching the stars flying out in the distance, and said with a smile: "There are seven stars in the moon again, Ye, do you still remember the Qihui Jingtian of 'Yu'?"

"Could it be that your son forgot?"

Xiao Hua pursed his lips and smiled, "I was beaten down by that dead dragon, and I didn't see Qihui Jingtian at all."

"Oh, no~"

Ao Sheng "woke up" and said, "I forgot about this, I didn't participate in the trial when I was in charge, and when I rushed over, I happened to meet Qihui Qiyao, hehe, those dragon farts said I was a disaster. Xing, that's it, what's going on? I'm now one of the three dragons in the Dragon Region, who would dare to say nothing?"

"I'm even more miserable when I'm the executive day~"

Xiao Hua's clone smiled bitterly, "I came out with nothing."

"Are you miserable?"

Ao Sheng said meaningfully, "Those who see Qihui Qi Yaolong are miserable!"

"Oh, yes~"

Xiao Hua's clone raised his head to look at the space barriers that were gradually disappearing in the star power, and sighed, "They are already dead, it is impossible to see the majesty of the son who is proud of the dragon domain, let alone accompany the son..."

Speaking of which, Xiao Hua's clone whispered like a ghost: "I...I'll go, nnd, I read it right, did that dead dragon come??"


Hearing that Xiao Hua's clone had changed his tone, Ao Sheng was also extremely surprised, and he said anxiously, "It's coming too?"

Looking at the eyes of Xiao Hua and Xiao Hua's clone, he saw a space fault that had not been fully revealed, and the slightly lonely dragon body showed half of his head.


At this time, Zhenren Lu was whispering to a communication dragon, "Now that 'Jing' and 'City' are stable, Ao Sheng and Man are there to plan the next war, can't I come out to relax?"

"Your Majesty~"

A dragon in the communication dragon said bitterly, "Even if you want to relax, send a dragon ancestor to accompany you to protect you!"


Lu Zhenren pouted, "Who knew that I was Long Yan?"

As he was talking, Zhenren Lu suddenly felt a shudder in his heart, as if a dragon was staring at him.

"No... won't be discovered by the dragon?"

Lu Zhenren was shocked, after all, there were many dragons that assassinated it.

Lu Zhenren's dragon body immediately stiffened, and then it slowly turned its head. When his eyes fell on Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua's cloned dragon body, Lu Zhenren was also stunned, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and whispered incredulously: " clown…"

However, just after shouting two words, Xiao Hua's clone and Ao Sheng's dragon appearances disappeared in a flash, and Zhenzhen Lu immediately woke up. The name of the clown dragon is now resounding in the dragon domain. Isn't his own shouting to expose himself? already?

So Zhenren Lu hurriedly shut up, and when he turned around, he threw the communication dragon into the space, and then he laughed loudly: "So it's Ye, why are you here?"

Ye is of course the name of Xiao Hua's avatar, UU reading www. uukanshu. But in fact, all the dragons in the dragon domain know the clown dragon, who knows who Ye is?

"You dead dragon~"

Xiao Hua jumped up with a smile, looked at Zhen Zhen and said, "You can come, why can't we come?"

"Just the strength of your dragon fart~"

Zhenzhen Lu looked at Xiao Hua's avatar, and pouted, "Dare to come to Yuetianmen? You are not courting death!"

"You dead dragon~"

Xiao Hua's clone was very happy, but he still scolded, "Where have you been hiding all these years to test? Long Li has made such rapid progress? I didn't come to test, I was with Young Master."


Ao Sheng sent the calmness of the Dragon Emperor, flew slowly, looked at Zhenren Lu, and said solemnly, "Long time no see."

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