Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3970: The pain of 2 avatars

"A woman's heart needle ~"

Dongfang pouted, wondering, "This is not easy to do."

"Since it's not easy to do~"

Wen Qu said with a smile, "Let's do what we should do, let Xiao Daoyou and Wu Danqing have a headache."

"Okay, okay~"

Dongfang did not hide his intentions and said, "Don't mention this, I will bring you here. You have to remember this favor and have the opportunity to share with Xiao Hua."


Wen Qu said with a smile, "I've already told you about the Secret Art of Hanguang, and I've already paid you back."

"I'm going~"

Dongfang also learned Wen Qu and said, "So you have already seen it."

"It's not too early~"

Wen Qu shrugged and said, "I only knew when you helped me kill the dragon master."

"It seems that you are already a qualified deputy owner of the Fortune Building~"

Dongfang said with a smile.

"Aren't you the same?"

Wen Qu said, "Actually, you are the most suitable Qing Emperor to replace Wu Danqing."


Dongfang shook his head, "I am a child, and my name is not right."


Just as he was talking, there was a faint sound of dragon roar in the distance.

"Okay, stop talking about those annoying things~"

Wen Qu smiled and waved his hand, "Let's talk about the experience, isn't this a secret realm that our Confucian Immortals can use, why are there so many dragon races? Could it be that they want to fight here?"

"Oh oh~"

Dongfang replied, "That's right, there is a place called Rong Rong Kui in this yūnyún day, which is said to be used to make the dragons leap to the sky gate, but this Rong Rong Kui only appears every so often. , Usually there is no dragon clan here, I am afraid that some Rong Rong Kui is about to appear, these dragon clans come to Yuetianmen, right?"

"Hehe, that's really a coincidence~"

Wen Qu rubbed his hands together and said, "I can still see the Dragon Clan Yuetianmen..."

"You think too much~"

Dongfang waved his hand and said, "How can the dragons enter the secret realm we have experienced? And the gate of heaven that the dragons want to jump into is not something that our human race can pass through. The two are not together at all. Look at it!"

"What kind of selection is the Yuetianmen?"

Wen Qu asked curiously, "Which one is equivalent to our Heavenly Court's Six Choices?"

"Yuetianmen is the selection of the ninth-level Zi Yao Luolong to the dragon master, right?"

Dongfang thought for a while and said, "It is the highest-level selection. After becoming a dragon master, it is equivalent to the third-rank first-rank of Taiqing Tianxian. In this way, it should be similar to the Rui Selection of the Sixth Apocalypse, no, it is even higher. step up..."

While speaking, starlight began to appear above the sky. This starlight was extremely domineering, and it actually covered the red color of the sun.


Dongfang said oddly, "Rong Rongkuang is really going to appear, let's go, let's go first, there should be more dragons here in a while, I'm afraid it will affect our entry into the tomb."


Wen Qu nodded and said, "Since it is the selection of the advanced Taiqing Tianxian third-grade first-grade, there must be more powerful dragons around. If Rongrongkui appears, it may destroy the surrounding space barriers. will get their attention."

Said, Dongfang squinted his eyes and swept around, and then flew straight into the monstrous water waves with Wenqu.

Wen Qu is right, the yūnyún sky is the same as other test places, there are overlapping space faults around, although there are many dragons who come to test, but they are all in different space faults Wait and do not interfere with each other. On the contrary, the bright light of the rising sun in the east suddenly broke through these space faults, attracting the attention of many dragons.


At this time, Wenqu and Dongfang went straight to the yūnyún sky, which naturally attracted the attention of many dragons, and some dragons hurriedly said, "Some people have entered Yunyun, what are they going to do?"


Even the dragon clan roared, "I have never heard that the human clan can jump through the gate of heaven, what's going on?"

"I managed to rush through the Dragon Team to set up defenses. When you get here, these two dragon farts won't mess up the Yuetianmen this time, right?"

"Fuck it up? It's very possible, isn't the Feidu Longmen smashed before?"

"That's right, the human race is a dragon beast like a dragon priest. It's disgusting. Isn't 'Blue' something that was lost by some reincarnation of the human race?"

A group of dragon races talked a lot, but no one dared to probe. Yunyun’s waves were special. Before Kuang Kuang appeared, these nine-level Purple Luo Dragons did not dare to take risks.


There were different opinions, and another golden light swept across the sky in the distance. Ao Sheng and Xiao Hua's clones appeared in the golden light. Xiao Hua's clones looked at the back of Wen Qu's submerged waves and wondered, "This back is very familiar, yes... yes Daoist Wenqu?"


Zhang Qingxiao picked up the conversation and said, "Last time he said that he was looking for a secret realm around the Bojiao Sea to practice. How could he come here?"

Xiao Hua's avatar didn't tell Zhang Qingxiao's avatar any more. After all, he was a Taixuan ancient dragon and dragon's avatar. It was impossible for Wen Qu to know him when he saw him.

"Your Majesty~"

Xiao Hua turned his head and asked Ao Shengdao, "This Yunyun looks a little weird. The place where we tried before is not weird..."

Speaking of this, before Ao Sheng could answer, Xiao Hua's clone just laughed.


Ao Sheng also smiled and said, "Yeah, it's all weird. What do you mean by weird?"

"It should be said that Yunyun is normal~"

After Xiao Hua cloned his words, he said, "Previously, His Majesty said that Yun is actually the sea, and the minister..."


Ao Sheng interrupted Xiao Hua's clone immediately, looked around, and said, "This is Long Yan's territory, don't call your majesty, it's the same as the previous trial."

"Yes, son~"

Xiao Hua's clone also looked around vigilantly and said with a smile, "It's the minister... I was careless."

"It's okay~"

Ao Shenglong swayed his tail and said with a smile, "You can treat it as the previous trial now, just relax."


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Young Master mentioned the sea before, and I immediately thought of Jin, Biao, Jin and Xing, because they also have bìnghóng, biāoxū, yù and zé. ) Hai and Xingmenghai are commonly used names for human races, but unfortunately, none of those so-called seas are seas, but the Yun of the Leaping Heaven Gate, whose name is yūnyún, is the sea, which is I could never have dreamed of it."

"And what you didn't expect~"

Ao Sheng's dragon body stopped, looked at the starlight in the distant sky, and said meaningfully, "This sea is the real sea."

"Real sea?"

Xiao Hua's clone seemed to understand something and said, "Is it the common sea in our mortal world?"

Add more to "the fattest cow dung"~

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