Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3948: The Encounter of Taixuan Gu Longxiao and Qianyun Patriarch

"Dark spirit breath?"

Ancestor Gan Yun frowned, watching the darkness descend, and muttered to himself, "This... the secret realm of the Dragon Domain is too strange, how can there be such an aura?"

If he was in the Immortal Realm, Patriarch Ganyun would naturally not be afraid of these, but he could fight against giant beasts in the desert and contend with the storm.

When Patriarch Gan Yun hesitated, the shadow of the dark spirit world had enveloped him.

"Not good~"

Ancestor Gan Yun originally had lightning bolts flowing all over his body and wanted to block the aura of the dark spirit world, but where the shadow fell, his blood was bursting, and unspeakable irritability was born from his body. ?"

"That's it~"

Ancestor Gan Yun had no choice but to sacrifice the last fairy weapon, and the lightning flashes of the "swipe~" fairy weapon blocked the darkness and magic from the body.

"Let's hurry to the snow mountain~"

Ancestor Gan Yun looked at the incomparably dark world, did not dare to be slighted, and once again urged his body to fly up.

However, Patriarch Ganyun had just flown out more than 100,000 miles, "Hoohoho~" The sound of beast roars could be heard from far away in the dark, even in the depths of the desert, and then, fierce auras began to appear in the darkness. He frantically swept towards Patriarch Gan Yun.

"I'm going~"

Ancestor Gan Yun turned pale in shock and shouted, " this a beast swarm?"

Beast tides often occur in the mortal world, but less in the fairy world. After all, the laws of heaven and earth are different, and the laws of space are also very different. Patriarch Ganyun never thought that he was actually in the dragon domain, and he still encountered the beast tide during the silent and mingling sand days.

Patriarch Gan Yun did not dare to contend with the beast tide. He hurriedly looked for a place to hide. Unfortunately, there was nothing but gravel in the desert. Under the gravel, it was even more solid, and Patriarch Gan Yun couldn’t sneak in. Poor, punishing Tianzun’s avatar, too Master Yixian Qianyun just motivated his immortal power and fled forward desperately.

However, after a few hours, "Hoohoho~" roared loudly, and huge figures came from all directions, each figure was a beast, and each beast had the strength close to the middle-level of Primordial Primordial. Ancestor Yun felt like he was going crazy.

However, what makes Patriarch Ganyun gratified is that it is not only that he is going crazy, these giant beasts are already crazy, they are biting and running, and they do not see the bullet-like Patriarch Ganyun in his eyes.

But even so, "Pfft~" Patriarch Gan Yun accidentally grabbed it with a dragon claw, pressing Patriarch Gan Yun into the gravel.

When Patriarch Ganyun just raised his head, "Woo~" The dragon's tail swept over and hit him directly into the sky.


Afterwards, the other dragon beast's vest erected a blade-like wing, which flashed light in the darkness and slashed directly at Patriarch Ganyun.

"Come on~"

Patriarch Gan Yun was furious and shouted, "If I don't show off my power, you think I'm a sick cat!"

Immediately, Patriarch Gan Yun raised his hand and struck Feather Wing with a thunderbolt.


However, the wings, with the unique fluctuations of Jiyin Mingshatian, directly split the thunderbolt, and the blade-like wings slashed at the ancestor of Qianyun.


Patriarch Gan Yun screamed, the last immortal weapon on his body was broken, and he vomited blood and flew diagonally.


The dragon beast did not expect Patriarch Gan Yun to resist, and with a roar, the dragon's claws fell into the air.

However, just at this critical moment, there was a clear sound of "ga~", and a dragon and bird flew past like lightning, directly swallowing the ancestor of Gan Yun!


Seeing that the dragon bird entered the scramble for food, the dragon beast naturally refused to do it, not to mention that whether it was the dragon beast or the dragon bird, their eyes were congested with blood, and the dragon beast roared and chased after the dragon bird and fought with it.


I don't know how long it took to fight, but the dragon bird won. It struggled and spread its wings to the snow-capped mountains, as if the snow-capped mountains were holy places.

However, at this time, the darkness between the heavens and the earth began to swept across, rapidly gathering towards the snow-capped mountains. After the darkness, the sandstorm raged again.


The wounded dragon bird was beaten with many holes all over its body, and its flesh was turned into fly ashes.

When the dragon bird fell to the snowy mountain, it had become a bone bird.


The bone bird let out a cry, and fell on the snowy mountain and turned into bones.


Within the bones, the space was broken, and some trivial matters, including Patriarch Gan Yun, flew out from the inside.


After Patriarch Gan Yun flew out, he looked around and laughed loudly, and said, "I know, I can definitely reach the Snow Mountain..."

It's a pity that Patriarch Ganyun's laughter never came to the ground, and the space around "Kaka~" was frozen, and a scorching heat approached Patriarch Ganyun's soul.

"I'm going~"

Patriarch Gan Yun was shocked. He no longer had any immortal artifact available. He could only rely on two, but Patriarch Gan Yun did not hesitate at all, and raised his hand to take out the immortal artifact of Sanqingtian.

Because Patriarch Gan Yun didn't dare to send out the breeze, he couldn't activate the Sanqingtian Immortal Artifact, so he just took out the Immortal Artifact, "Kakaka~" His immortal body was covered with snow and ice!


Patriarch Ganyun's consciousness slowly disappeared, and he couldn't help but scolded in his heart, "How is it possible? I...I'll die here? The divination of adults..."

No one knows whether the divination control of Tianzun of Falun Dafa works. The ancestors of Ganyun are frozen on the edge of the snow mountain. I don't know how many years this letter is.

On this day, an eagle dragon came to the silent snow mountain. This eagle dragon was Xiao Hua. Xiao Hua spread his wings and rushed to the snow peak, ignoring the bones all over the snow mountain and flying out of the desert. He had seen too many Bai Gu, just like Chen et al., who still looks at Bai Gu?

Seeing that Xiao Hua was about to miss the ancestor of Qianyun, suddenly, Xiao Hua, who had rushed to the snow peak, stopped, and was also surprised to release Longgan to explore the burning snow around him.

"It's a little weird~"

Xiao Hua shook the dragon's tail and smiled, "Why is this snow still hot?"


Just a moment later, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com Xiao Hua came to his senses and shouted, "The **** is hot, it's the blood of Lao Tzu that is boiling, I'm afraid it's because there was a dark spirit aura before, and there was a magical aura. These auras are hidden in the snow-capped mountains, which makes Lao Tzu feel hot. Bar!"

After speaking, Xiao Hua spread his wings again to prepare to fly high. At this moment, Xiao Hua's Yuguang swept across the bottom of the snow-capped mountain, his pupils shrank, his figure immediately flew backwards, and he said in surprise: "I'm going, what's going on here? And a figure?"

There may be a lot of dragons and a lot of alien beasts in Jiyu Mingsha Tiantian, but there are very few human races. When Xiao Hua saw the frozen human form, he naturally felt kind.

"I...I...I'm going~~~"

"Patriarch Gan Yun??"

"How did he get here?"

When Long Gan carefully swept the human figure, Xiao Hua was so shocked that he almost fell from the air. He had a dream all the way in Longyu, but he never dreamed that this human figure was actually the ancestor of Gan Yun.

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