Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3947: Dao and Demon, Yin Yang Tai Chi


Hao suddenly lost his mind and cursed in a low voice, "How can there be the smell of that old thing in the tombs of this world? That being the case, how can can I escape??"

Hao persisted for thousands of years, but he was finally unable to resist. It roared: "Even if I blow myself up, I will never compromise."

It is a pity that now that he is here, he has no chance of self-destruction. He feels that the tombs of heaven and earth are beginning to close, suppressing himself like heaven and earth, and frantically extracting its soul source.


Hao Si finally gave up after thinking about it, and sighed, "If I knew this earlier, why bother in the first place."

Even if Hao gave up his resistance, it would not be a one-off event to completely extract Hao's soul source. After tens of thousands of years, only half of Hao's spiritual source had disappeared, and at this time Xiao Hua suddenly spoke: "Okay, second senior brother. ~”


Zhang Qingxiao said oddly, "Isn't there still half of it?"

"That's it~"

Xiao Hua said in his heart, "My current situation is quite special, my mind is in the body of the Taixuan ancient dragon, I don't know what I can bring back after returning to the immortal body, so I will keep this half of the soul source and see if it can be done in the future. use."

"Oh, that's right~"

Zhang Qingxiao also woke up and said with a smile, "I forgot your roots, you are right."


Xiao Hua nodded and said, "Chen and Ziluo's soul origin may not be worse than Hao's, so we must keep Hao's soul origin."

"Yes, yes~"

Zhang Qingxiao understood and said, "In case you and I can't resist, I will sacrifice this fellow. It's also a big killer."


Xiao Hua finally said, "Second Senior Brother can now easily control the origin of the soul, let the body come out, you and I can see if it can form a hexagram."

Zhang Qingxiao was ready for a long time. As Xiao Hua's voice landed, Zhang Qingxiao flew out from Xiao Hua's dragon body. "Swipe~" Before Zhang Qingxiao could stand in the air, strange ghosts immediately appeared around him. And the shadow fell on Zhang Qingxiao's body, and it turned into a dark golden magic pattern.

Almost at the same time, Xiao Hua's eagle dragon body also appeared with a dragon pattern. The color of the dragon pattern was blue and white, but neither the magic pattern nor the dragon pattern had anything to do with the gossip.


Two kinds of textures appeared, and a strange wind immediately rolled up in the tomb of heaven and earth. After the strange wind hung between Xiao Hua and Zhang Qingxiao, it turned into a wind pattern. The wind pattern was like a hexagram, and it fell towards the magic pattern and the dragon pattern.


When the magic pattern and the dragon pattern are connected by the wind pattern, the space vibrates, the magic pattern extends toward Xiao Hua's dragon body, and the dragon pattern extends toward Zhang Qingxiao's demon body.


Xiao Hua said to Zhang Qingxiao in his heart, "This wind pattern has traces of gossip, but it is definitely not an escape."

Then, an even more magical scene appeared. After the magic pattern and the dragon pattern were intertwined, a yin and yang Tai Chi appeared between Xiao Hua and Zhang Qingxiao. Xiao's figure did not have any resistance, and was involved in it.

"Second Senior Brother~"

Xiao Hua suddenly woke up and shouted in his heart, "Now the Dao is going to give birth to the devil, and the devil is going to give birth to the Dao!"


Zhang Qingxiao scolded in a low voice, "How could those two dragon beasts go out so easily, why are we so troublesome?"

"Test, test~"

Xiao Hua was sweating all over, so he had to accompany him with a smile.

"It turns out that Laozi is the Tao~"

Zhang Qingxiao smiled and said, "It's too easy to be a demon, how about you?"


Xiao Hua also smiled and said, "My little brother, isn't your master a devil?"

It's not as complicated as Xiao Hua and Zhang Qingxiao thought. The two just thought of it, and the magic pattern and the dragon pattern were born on the other's body.


At the moment when Tai Chi was formed, the tomb of heaven and earth burst, and Xiao Hua and Zhang Qingxiao flew out from the darkness.

"I'm going~"

Seeing that the surrounding area was getting bigger and bigger, and all the outlines of the sky and the latitude turned into gravel, Zhang Qingxiao scolded in a low voice, "It turned out to be in the gravel!"

"I'm going~"

Xiao Hua also scolded in a low voice, but he looked at the fading black color between heaven and earth, "How can there be a dark spirit world here?"

"Dark Spirit World?"

Zhang Qingxiao raised his eyes to look around, sniffled, and said, "Not only the dark spirit world, but also the breath of magic!"

"Devil Slaying~"

Xiao Hua's heart moved, and he hurriedly sensed the space. Unfortunately, he couldn't perceive the space, whether it was the tomb of heaven and earth, or the silence of the sand, and naturally he couldn't connect with Demon Lord Killing.

"Leave it to me~"

Zhang Qingxiao said, "I'll go back first. If I can sense my younger brothers, I'll notify him immediately."

"Senior Brother Lao Er is here~"

Xiao Hua said with a smile, "It's all up to the second senior brother to be able to regain the dragon's body here and kill that fellow."

"nnd, you're actually polite to me~"

Zhang Qingxiao cursed angrily, dodging and falling into Xiao Hua's body again.


Xiao Hua raised his head and screamed angrily, spreading his wings, "Boom~" There was a faint sound of thunder around him.

"No way~"

Xiao Hua looked around, crying and laughing, "I'm also a dragon ancestor now, why is my strength so poor?"

In addition to Xiao Hua, there is also the ancestor of Qianyun. He used Sanqingtian's immortal artifact to go directly to the desert where the tomb of Heaven and Earth is located, and then flew in one direction according to the reminder of the karma immortal artifact.

With Patriarch Ganyun's strength, he couldn't see the snowy mountains, and he didn't even know that he had escaped the biggest crisis of Jiyu Mingshatian. What he thought at this moment was to find Chen and find a way to wake Xiao Hua, even if he used himself death.

If you want to fly out of the desert, both Yichen and Ziluo's abilities are extremely dangerous, and Patriarch Ganyun is even more dangerous.

After flying for more than a hundred years, Patriarch Ganyun has survived several lives and died, evading the beasts' killing, and also spent a few immortal weapons to resist the attack of the wind and sand, UU Reading finally appeared in his field of vision. snow mountain.

"If nothing else happens~"

A surprise flashed in the eyes of the ancestors of Gan Yun, and he whispered in his heart, "Those three dragon beasts should go to the snow mountain!"

If it is normal, he will definitely send Qingfeng out, and let Qingfeng push the karma fairy to see it, but at this time, he saw that his immortal body was riddled with holes, and he still put out this idea, and the ancestors of Qianyun protected themselves. Difficult, if the wind blows out, his plans will be in vain.

In the eyes of Patriarch Gan Yun, even if Qingfeng wanted to die, he had to die at the hands of three dragon beasts.

The snow mountain looks very close, but it is impossible to fly close with the power of the ancestor of Qianyun.

After more than a hundred years, Patriarch Gan Yun also discovered this problem, but he didn't panic at all, he was destined to die in Chen's hands, how could he not be able to fly to the snow-capped mountains?

Sure enough, it was another few years, and the "swipe~" world began to fall into darkness...

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