Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3729: Domo Yuanjun is relieved

Yu Di Lei Ting's face was a little dry, and he smiled and said, "Then Hun Yuan Chu, Hun Yuan Chu, ha ha~"

"By the way, the realization of Fellow Daoist is really timely~"

Yu Di Lei Ting thought for a while, and said embarrassedly, "What do you need from fellow Daoists? The poor Dao helps fellow Daoists find a way."


Yu Yanlu blurted out, but he just said a word, and he thought again, "By the way, do you know that fellow Dao Mu Yuanjun is familiar with you?"

"Cooked, cooked tight~"

Yu Di Lei Ting said carelessly, "What's the matter with fellow Daoist?"

Yu Yanlu said: "Pan Dao would like to ask Xingchentian's warlord to help Pin Dao train the dragon soldiers and dragon generals~"

"I'm going~"

Yu Di Lei Ting said, "I still need to tell her? I'm waiting for the Master of Good Fortune Sect Master, Xing Chentian is also an outer disciple of Good Fortune Sect..."

"You can't say that~"

Yu Yanling shook his head and said, "Since Daoyou Xiao let her be the Lord Dou Mu, she naturally meant to let her assist in the management of the Good Fortune Sect. You and I are the shopkeepers. It is great to have such a fairy to assist me. Waiting to respect her is also respect to Xiao Daoyou."

"I'm going~"

Yu Di Lei Ting looked up and down at the jade diam, and said, "Daoist, how do I feel like you have changed to a dragon?"


Yu Yanlan cursed in a low voice, "Pan Dao has gained some Long Hao's inheritance, and I am embarrassed now!"

Yu Di Lei Ting glanced at Longyu Space and immediately understood, and asked, "I'm going, where's Ao Sheng?"

"I don't know~"

Yu Dilan smiled bitterly, "Wait for Xiao Daoyou to leave~"

"Never mind~"

Yu Di Lei Ting pulled the jade diam and said, "Go, let's go to Domo Yuanjun, oops~~"

Before the words of Yu Di Lei Ting landed, in the distant Dao Xian space, Dou Mu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu himself had flown out, looking out of the space with misery on his face.

"What's wrong with this guy?"

Yu Yanlen said in a strange way, "Does she know that we are going to find her?"


Yu Di Lei Ting pouted, "I want to miss Daoist Xiao."


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu stood in the air, looking at the endless darkness beyond the space with extreme melancholy, and whispered, "Where did you fall, or what happened to you..."


Jade Diablo Thunder looked at the jade diary and exclaimed, "Daoyou Xiao has fallen?"


Yu Yanlen waved his hand and said, "Isn't this the technique just passed on?"

"That's right~"

Yu Di Lei Ting also nodded and said, "This is the profound meaning of Dao Immortal Law, except for Xiao Daoyou, I can't wait for anyone."


Yu Yanlen thought for a moment, then coughed slightly, "Where is Lord Dou Mu Yuan?"


Hearing the voice of Yu Yanyu, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was ecstatic, and she hurriedly said respectfully to the voice, "My concubine has seen the seventh master of the head teacher~"

"You're welcome, you're welcome~"

Yu Diel originally wanted to ask Domo Yuanjun, how dare he to be big, and hurriedly showed his figure to accompany him with a smile, "Domo Yuanjun is too polite..."

It’s just that before Yu Dilu finished speaking, Dou Mu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu said urgently: "Concubine body..."

How can I know that Jade Diane also said in unison at this time: "Poor Dao..."


The two of them were taken aback, stopped immediately, and laughed at the same time: "You said~"

The scene was a little embarrassing momentarily.

Upon seeing this, Yu Di Lei Ting simply turned out of the void, and said: "Dou Mu Yuanjun, let's talk about it first~"

Seeing this, Dou Mu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was not polite anymore, and said hurriedly: "It is good to teach the two masters to know that Xiao Lang is afraid that it will be too bad for you!"


Yu Di Lei Ting and Yu Di Lu looked at each other and exclaimed, "Is it just now?"

"No, it's not~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu quickly explained, "It was after seeing the two masters in charge..."


Yu Di Lei Ting immediately shook his head, interrupting Yuanjun Dou Mu, and said, "Daoyou Xiao just returned to Lu Daoyou..."

Unfortunately, at this point, Yu Di Lei Ting suddenly thought that Xiao Hua passed on through the doppelganger technique. By saying that, didn't he tell the secret that he was Xiao Hua's doppelganger?

Yu Yanlu woke up and said, "Dou Mu Yuanjun, let me talk about why you feel that Xiao Daoyou is so fierce and auspicious?"

"That's it~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was a little confused, how could she think so much, she quickly explained, "The concubine body and Xiao Lang have some secrets that others don't know, so in the interface where Xiao Lang is located, the concubine body can be free. In and out of the fairy space, it's just that it won't be too far from Xiao Lang."

"We know this~"

Yu Di Lei Ting said quite ostentatiously, "Let’s talk about the important point."


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu replied, "Now the concubine body can't fly out of the fairy weapon space to reach the dragon domain."


Yu Yanlen let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "So you think Xiao Daoyou has...fallen?"


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu turned pale and nodded slightly.

"Don't worry~"

Yu Di Lei Ting comforted, "Even if the entire Dragon Region is destroyed, Daoyou Xiao will be fine."

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu asked, "What do you say?"

"That's it, Domo Yuanjun~"

Yu Yanlan smiled and said, "You may not know that when I and Xiao Daoyou were saving the world in the mortal world, I practiced the same energy linking technique. This kind of magic can be used in the same interface..."

"That is to say~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was overjoyed, UU reading exclaimed, "Xiao Lang sent you a message?"

"Not a subpoena~"

Yu Dilan nodded and said, "It's Xiao Daoyou's understanding of the law of Taoism. No one of us can understand this thing except him."

"Look at it~"

Yu Di Lei Ting simply handed the dragon scale carving to Yuanjun Dou Mu.

If it is normal, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu may not be able to pick it up, because receiving it means that she does not believe in the jade diary Thunder and the jade diary, but at this time, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu dare not take it lightly, so she immediately took it and looked at it. After a while, there was a flush on his face, and he nodded and said: "The two masters of the head teacher said that it is very true that this thing should be Xiao Lang's understanding."

Then Liu Yanyu, Lord Doumu, returned the dragon scale carving to the jade Lei Ting, and said with a smile: "Thank you, the second master, the concubine was a little offended just now."

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Yu Di Lei Ting waved his hand carelessly, "Daoist Xiao is not at home, you have a lot of things to worry about alone, by the way, don't think too much about it, don't think too much about it. Xiao Daoyou's good fortune, there will never be anything wrong."

"Yes, yes~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu was overjoyed in his heart, no matter where he was blaming in the tone of Yu Di Lei Ting, he nodded quickly.

"Friend Lu is looking for you if I have something to do~"

Yu Di Lei Ting glanced at the jade di el, and said, "Let him talk."


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu smiled and said, "You can give instructions to the Seventh Master."

"It's nothing~"

Yu Yanlu said, "I would like to ask Doumu Yuanjun to send some stars from the stars to help me train the dragon soldiers and dragon generals."

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