Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3728: Law realization

"I'm going~"

Upon closer inspection, Xiao Hua actually whispered again, "This...this purple 炁 has a huge luck, which is more powerful than the dragon in the dragon domain, or the ordinary human luck, and the primitive time of the child body. Tian Yuan Book, and Dao Xian Hun Yuan’s stepping god... all need this kind of purple 炁!"

"Damn Lin Huan~"

Xiao Hua couldn't bear to curse secretly, "If there is no Lin Huan, Pang Dao can not only practice for nine days..."

Thinking of this, Xiao Hua thought, and secretly said: "It doesn't matter, if there is any advantage, don't take the waste. The poor way will first use nine days of trials, and I will take away all these purple scorpions before talking~"

It's also weird. Xiao Hua didn't touch this thought before, but just let Lin Huan's imprisoned Hunyuan Immortal's body realize the footsteps, and now he is beginning to absorb the purple scabs. After the mysterious yellow purple scabs fall into the double helix, the mysterious yellows disappear, and so does the purple scabs. Disappear.

"I'm going, it really works?"

Xiao Hua was a little dumbfounded, "nnd, if you had known it, Pang Dao would have gotten some good things to nourish and nourish the undercover body!"

What Xiao Hua didn't know was that at this time, the real person Lun had just flew out of the territory of another Fang Zhuxiaotian. He was about to fall into the Star Dream Sea. Suddenly his expression moved, and he exclaimed in his heart: "I'm going, Friends Xiao Dao To what?"

After finishing speaking, Zhenren Lun did not dare to return to Xing Menghai again, he was afraid that Xiao Hua would pass him some profound practice experience.

Unexpectedly, the real person Lun twisted the dragon's body, waiting for a moment, some inexplicable profound meaning fell into his mind, and the real person Lun saw it inexplicably.

"its not right,"

Zhenren Lun smiled bitterly, "This seems to be the time of Dao Xian's profound meaning, and the poor Dao can't be used at all!"

Zhenren Leng thought about it a little and was about to get up, but before he thought about it, he thought of Zhenren Lei Ting again.

"Pan Dao understands~"

Real person Lu suddenly said, "This is what Daoist Xiao gave to Daoist Thunder. He didn't know Daoist Thunder had arrived in the Dragon Realm, so he was afraid that he would be cut off by the poor Dao!"

Immediately, Zhenren Lun immediately focused his attention and carefully preserved the profound meanings of light and shadow. After waiting for a long time, no light and shadow appeared again, and then he hurriedly urged the dragon body to rush into the sea of ​​star dreams.


In Xingmenghai, the sound of dragon roar is still constant, and Zhenren Lu feels that he has been there for a long time, and Xingmenghai is only a moment, but he has no time to explore anything. At this time, he can already perceive the space of the dragon, so he is ready to continue searching. A secluded place, sending Wanyu Longxi into space.

Zhenren Lun took a look and found a Bamianqiu that had no dragons to fight and flew directly in. Sure enough, this place is quiet and there is no half of starlight in the eight star palaces. It seems that there is either no star liquid or all stars here. The liquid was robbed.

However, Zhenren Lun still flew carefully for a long while, and then cautiously curled up the dragon's body, and after slightly releasing the dragon's appearance, he thought about the Wanyu Dragon Seal and put it into the space.

Although Zhenren Yan has made thousands of preparations, he still underestimated the power of the Wanyu Dragon Seal. The moment the Wanyu Dragon Seal passed by the Dragon Region, "Om~", the Wanyu Dragon Seal in Ao Sheng's body. Suddenly shook.


Ao Sheng was following Chi Longyu towards a Star Hua Yao Sun Fruit. Seeing the trembling of the Dragon Seal of the Ten Thousand Territories, he was actually frightened, and he was shocked.

Fortunately, in just a moment, Wanyu Longxi returned to calm again.

"what happened?"

Ao Sheng hurriedly stopped the dragon body and looked around in horror, thinking that there was something that scared the Ten Thousand Territory Dragon Seal.

"The son?"

Qinglong was guarding Ao Sheng, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

"Tell Yu immediately~"

Ao Sheng didn't even want to say, "There may be strong people in this starry sky that we can't deal with."


Qinglong obeyed Ao Shengyan, and it quickly transmitted to Chi Longyu.

Chi Longyu looked at Xinghua Yao Riguo not far away, rather unwilling, but he only hesitated for a moment, then turned and flew back.

"Boom boom boom~"

Chi Longyu just flew back, and there was lightning and thunder near Xinghua Yao Riguo, and then the arrogant voice of Yuanjiang Yuanjiang from the immortal mixed with thunder resounded, "Damn, a bunch of evil dragons, let me die!!"

Chi Longyu was furious, and was about to fly out, Ao Sheng's urging sounded in his ear: "Yu, come back soon~"

"What's wrong?"

Chi Longyu flew there, a little puzzled, "But what's so great about it?"


Ao Sheng whispered, "My Ten Thousand Territory Dragon Seal is trembling. In this starry sky, besides this Dao Immortal Hunyuan, there should be other powerful immortals. They have grabbed this star Hua Yao Riguo. We don’t have to compete with them, just fly~"


Chi Longyu nodded, and together with Ao Sheng, took a deep look at Li Moyi and others behind Jiang Yuanfeng, before flying out of the starry sky.

At this time, Zhenren Lun had already fallen into the space of the Dragon Realm, and placed the Dragon Seal of the Ten Thousand Realms, and sent out the Dragon Soldiers and Dragon Generals in it.

Needless to say, the dragon soldiers and dragon generals regarded the real person as the dragon emperor, just to say that the jade reel is comparable to the dragon **** in the space of the dragon realm. The aura and will are more powerful than those of Long Hao. It's impossible not to listen to Jade's words.

Arranging everything to stop, Yu Yanling smiled and fell outside Xukong Chong and whispered, "Where is Dao Ting Fellow?"

After a long while, UU Reading Jade Die Lei Ting lazily flew in, and asked impatiently: "What's the matter?"


Jade Diane looked at the appearance of Yu Di Lei Ting and curled her lips, "Can you find Fellow Xiao Dao?"

"how is this possible?"

Yu Di Lei Ting shook his head and followed the rattle, "You can't find him in the Dragon Realm by yourself, how could I find him so quickly? We are still far away from what sea!"

Judging from the appearance of Yu Di Lei Ting, Yu Di Lun knew that he hadn't got Xiao Hua's cultivation experience at all.

"Fine, nothing~"

Yu Dilu sighed a little, threw the dragon scale carving to Yu Di Lei Ting, gritted his teeth and said, "You can just hang around with Han Long Ji, it's just plain troublesome."


Yu Di Lei Ting didn't care, but when he looked at the Dragon Scale Carving, he exclaimed, "This is the principle of the law? You...Where did you come from?"

"Isn't this nonsense~"

Yu Yanling replied with a hatred of iron and steel, "Naturally it is Xiao Daoyou's understanding. He passed it to you through the technique of avatar. You are not in the immortal realm. I am afraid that it was misinformed to me."

"Ouch, thank you, thank you~"

Yu Diel engraved the dragon scales in one bite, and said with a hippie smile, "Pan Dao gains a lot in the Dragon God Cave, and the previous accumulation has been exhausted. This principle can help Pang Dao set foot in Hunyuan, no, Hunyuan middle-level."


Yu Yanlan pouted, "I heard Daoyou Xiao talk about the difficulty of Hunyuan's cultivation. If you only cultivate with double %%, you will only be promoted to the middle level of Hunyuan. What is the face of Xiao Daoyou?"

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