Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3723: See also Wanyu Longxi

"Aren't there still black and white galaxies?"

Ryuxiang looked at the center of the starry sky and suggested, "Maybe there is a chance for you to come back."


Zhenren Lun sighed, and led the dragon sumo towards the white galaxies of 108 galaxies, and said, "I'm afraid it can only be so."

"I...I'll go~"

The real person Dangdelun flew into the white galaxy, looked at the countless colorful five-color pills within the galaxy, and whispered, "Someone can eat the colorful five-color pills in the future!"

"Since it is Long Hao's layout~"

Long Xiang smiled, "There is Wutai Zhenye in the seven colors. It is normal to have the Seven Color Five Color Pills here, and how long has it been from the layout, so many Seven Color Five Color Pills are even more normal."


Zhenren Lu looked at these colorful and five-color Dans without any joy, and he sighed, "When there is no star dew, I look forward to washing away Long Chen with star dew. Now that the dragon body is recast, Long Chen has long since disappeared, but instead got these stars. dew."


Ryuxiang laughed and said, "Go and see the black galaxy, there may be stars in the galaxy."

To the surprise of the real man and the dragon, there are certainly three hundred and sixty star-moon trees in the black galaxy, and there are three hundred and sixty galaxies around the star-moon tree, but there is no star-moon tree. Star Hua Yao Sun Fruit.

Looking at each tree of stars and moons, there are nine disc-shaped moons hanging high.

Real person Lun groaned and asked, " this considered as a star-flowered moon fruit?"


Long Xiang coughed slightly, sniffed the faint fragrance that was different from Xinghua Yao Riguo, and said, "You said yes, then so be it!"

Seeing that there was no chance to restore the dragon's body to its original appearance, Real Man Leng said without interest: "It's boring."

"This...isn't this interesting yet?"

Long Xiang whispered, "If Daoist Xiao is here, I am afraid that he would have laughed out Big Fang a long time ago?"


Real person Lu suddenly thought about something and whispered, "Didn't you see the superposition between black and white galaxies in the starry sky before? Why did you just fly in from the white galaxy and didn't see it?"


Long Xiang also woke up and nodded, "I am afraid that it is a special space that needs to be entered alone."

Zhenren Lun didn't bother to pick up some stars, and flew out of the black galaxy in a hurry.

Sure enough, the place where black and white are intertwined is still between the two galaxies, and it is also where the real person just passed through.

It's just that when the real person of Delun flew down, the black and white intertwined place gave birth to a lot of golden dragon patterns, blocking him.

"Don't worry~"

Long Xiang smiled, "Since it was Long Hao's arrangement, this place naturally has to use the Nine-Eyes Passing Heaven Crown."

It's a pity that even if the Nine-Eyed Heaven Crown was revealed, the golden dragon pattern did not disappear.

Long Xiang was quite embarrassed.

"When did you make a mistake?"

Zhenren Lun laughed and said, "Don't forget, since this is Long Hao's arrangement, he naturally has absolute certainty to let the dragon in. Of course, your nine-eyed celestial crown is a voucher, but if there is no exception to Ao Shengzhi If other dragons outside get this Nine-Eyed Heavenly Crown, can they also go in?"


Long Xiang woke up and nodded, "Your dragon bones and Ao Sheng's soul are all proof of entry."


Real man Lun opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of dragon blood, hitting directly on the dragon pattern.


The dragon pattern began to vibrate, "Boom~" In the space intertwined with black and white, a golden light rushed out, directly covering the body of the real man and the dragon, dragging them directly in.


Zhenren Lun and the face of the dragon fell directly into the golden dragon shape in the space!


The inexplicable fluctuations gave birth, and the golden light began to slowly penetrate into the dragon body of the real man. I don’t know how long it took before the golden light was collected. "Roar~" The real man screamed up to the sky, the golden light shining all over his body, his original dragon appearance was in the golden light. In recovery.

"I'll wait to meet your majesty~"

Without waiting for the real person to get out of joy, the sound of a tsunami sounded from his body down the mountain.

At this time, Zhenren Lun was not in the slightest shocked. Everything he should know is known in his fusion of golden light, and those that should not be known are also integrated into his soul, leaving it to be stimulated after encountering opportunities in the future.

However, the real person Jianlu calmly looked under the sky, and his eyes showed satisfaction. These are the Tibetan soldiers before Long Hao's fall, and they are also the biggest support for Long Hao's comeback. Without Long Hao's own dragon bones or spirits, no dragon clan would have been able to come in. of.

After seeing these creeping dragon soldiers and generals, Zhen Zhenren couldn't help but sigh, and truly admired Long Hao's foresight.

The other dragons wanted to test in Xingmenghai, but Long Hao hid his soldiers in this secret place.

Not only the Tibetan soldiers, but also the Nine-Colored Galaxy's Wutai True Liquid to cultivate these dragon soldiers and dragon generals. For such a long time, I don't know how many soldiers have been raised in this space!

"You waited hard~"

Zhenren Lun closed his gaze and said word by word, "From today onwards, you will follow Zhen to fight the Dragon Realm, and I...will dominate the Dragon Realm again and ascend the Dragon Emperor again!"

"Yes, Your Majesty~"

Zhonglong once again promised magnificently.

Afterwards, Zhenren Lun cast his gaze on the Dragon Temple below him.

The Dragon Temple is the key to collecting these dragon soldiers and generals, but Jin Guang has no information about this Dragon Temple.

Zhenren Lu looked at the little Dragon Temple, UU reading flew into it with a trace of doubt on his face.

However, real person Dang Delun saw everything in the Dragon Temple, and suddenly exclaimed, "Huh?"

There is no dragon **** in the Dragon Temple, and some are just a seal.

Wanyu Longxi!

It's exactly the same as Ao Sheng's Wanyu Longxi!

"I'm going~"

Zhenren Lun looked at the Wanyu Dragon Seal incredibly, and said to himself, "If this is the Wanyu Dragon Seal, then...what is the Wanyu Dragon Seal in the hands of Ao Sheng?"

"With Ao Sheng's soul and blood, it... it can't possibly not know the authenticity of Wanyu Longxi, right?"

"Even if Ao Sheng can't tell the difference, what about the dragon behind it?"

"Moreover, the power of Wanyu Longxi, even if a certain family is afraid of it, can't be fake!"

With that said, Zhenren Lun stretched out his dragon claws and slowly grabbed the Wanyu Dragon Seal.


The Wanyu Dragon Seal began to vibrate, and golden flames were born, and the flames rushed into the dragon's body along the dragon claws of the real man, and the flesh and blood of the real man disappeared again, revealing the dragon bones.



When the flames fell into the dragon's head, a trace of surprise flashed in the eyes of Real Man Lun, and he opened his mouth again, and nine mouthfuls of essence and blood spurted in one after another.

After that, Zhenren Lun took the dragon's claws, and the dragon's body flew around the Wanyu Dragon Seal, spewing out the breath of the dragon from time to time, and even the appearance of the dragon.

At the end of the day, the golden light on the Wanyu Dragon Seal, the real man Lu stretched out his dragon claws to crush the golden light again, and when he grabbed the Wanyu Long Xi, the halo fell into the eyes of the man again...

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