Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3722: Dragon Temple


The golden light fell on the keel, making a sizzling sound, and Real Man Lu cursed again, "I have come, how can I treat me like this!"

Zhenren Lun thought that when the golden light fell, there would be rain falling in. How could he know that the golden light still melted his flesh and blood, and the taste made him unbearable.


The golden light also gave rise to wrinkles as the real man cursed, and the keel of the real man began to set off a phantom. However, the phantom of the keel just raised a little, and the golden light flashed on the keel, and it was forcibly confined to the phantom.


Zhenren Lun raised his dragon claws, and the golden dragon claws rip apart the space, and nine-colored stars burst out of the space.


Zhenren Lun dragged the keel into the space, and the nine-color starlight fell on the keel, unexpectedly there was a thunderbolt.


When the real person Deluen flew into the space, he was stunned first, and he muttered in a low voice, "This...what kind of starry sky is this?"

It's no wonder that Zhenren Lun was surprised, and the starry sky that appeared in front of Mrs. Lun turned out to be nine-colored, completely different from the previous Xingmenghai.

Zhenren Lu immediately looked around, trying his best to recall, hoping to evoke some memories.

But in the center of the starry sky, there are two galaxies in black and white. The two galaxies do not blend with each other like Tai Chi, but overlap with each other at the edges.

The edge of a white galaxy is black, and within the galaxy, there are 108 galaxies, and within each galaxy there is a white giant star shining; the black galaxy is the opposite, the edge is white, but there are three hundred and sixty black galaxies .

Outside the black and white galaxies are the seven-color galaxies of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. The number of galaxies in each galaxy is different. Some are nine, some are twenty-eight, some are thirty-six, and some The number is forty-nine, some are sixty-four, some are seventy-two, and some are eighty-one. These galaxies overflow in each galaxy and produce different star powers. Either fall into their respective galaxies, or rush out of the galaxies to merge with each other, and the entire starry sky is full of familiar but unfamiliar dragons.

Zhenren Lun stayed for a while and didn't get any results. He thought about it a little, and urged the dragon body with only the skeleton to rush towards the red galaxy with the smallest number of galaxies.

"Boom boom boom~"

As the real person Lun approached, the nine red star rivers roared and began to spin faster, and a star power that suffocated the real person Lun forced towards the real person Lun through the starry sky.


Real person Lun coldly snorted and said proudly: "This is my layout. Although I have forgotten what it is, can these galaxies hurt me?"


The real person Lun rushed into the red galaxy, facing a familiar aura. As expected, Jiudao Xinghe was roaring and pounced on the real person, but as the golden light shined on the bones of the real person, Nine Stars immediately surrendered and immediately began to change their trajectory.


Perceiving the turning of the Nine Stars Rivers, a little bit of red color was emerging within the galaxy, and the real man was stunned, and exclaimed: "I'm going, this... this is the perfect liquid of the five true liquids!"

Seeing Taihe Miaoye all over the sky, Master Lun was overjoyed. Taihe Miaoye could open the dragon base. At this time, Master Lun only had keel bones. This Taihe Miaoye could reshape his body.

Perceiving this great harmony liquid seeping into the keel, the dragon base gradually opened, and the real man had an idea, trying to urge Wulong Zhaoju Jue.

"Boom boom boom~"

As soon as the exercise was activated, the entire starry sky began to vibrate. Not only the nine galaxies began to accelerate, but the great harmony liquid also fell in the depths of the galaxy, and as the great harmony liquid accelerated infiltration, the dragon bones of the real man began to rise slowly. Big, I don’t know how long it took, the dragon bones turned into giants, filling the galaxy...

Zhenren Lun absorbs the wonderful liquid of Taihe in the red galaxy, and there is an abnormal change in the black and white galaxy.

The place where the black and white galaxies meet is different from the red galaxy. Within the outline of a huge dragon-like seal, there are countless dragons floating. Although each of these dragons is asleep, they are covered by nine-color halos.

As for the origin of the nine-color halo, it is the sky above the dragons, where there is a strange-looking building suspended.

The reason is weird because this building is an ordinary temple.

If Xiao Hua could see it, he might scream out in surprise, because this temple is the dragon temple in the mortal world.

Of course, Xiao Hua, the Dragon Temple of the Mortal Realm, doesn't know if he still remembers it, or if Zhang Xiaohua had even seen it when he was a child.


At this time, in the Dragon Temple, the roar of the dragon rang out, and the golden light penetrated the temple for nine days.

The golden light condenses into the shape of a dragon on the nine heavens, isn't it exactly what Long Hao looks like?

The golden dragon shape does not move, but waits quietly, waiting for the fate of the billions of dragons in the space.


I don't know how long it took, the real man flew out of the seven-color galaxy angrily roaring.

At this time, the real person Lun is no longer just the embarrassed appearance of the keel, or even his original appearance, but another alive Long Hao!


Real Person Lun looked down at his dragon body and cursed, "I am certainly me, but I am Real Person Lun, not Long Hao!"


As the real man Lu yelled, the dragon head flew out from the corner of his dragon.

The dragon's appearance at this time is also different from before. That kind of dragon is many times stronger than before?

"This is fate~"

Ryuxiang smiled and looked at the frustrated real man, UU Reading said, "As early as when you got the keel, you have already confirmed your changes today and tomorrow."

"I don't want to be Long Hao~"

Zhenren Lun said coldly, "I...I am Mr. Lun, the one and only one in the world."

"It didn't make you Long Hao?"

Long Xiang still smiled, "You are the real person, but you have the appearance of Long Hao."


Zhenren Lun cursed in a low voice, "An Ao Sage in the Dragon Region is still annoying enough. Wouldn't it be even more chaotic to come out exactly the same?"

"Furthermore, Ao Sheng is the reincarnation of Long Hao. I am trying to get Long Hao's appearance, not to add chaos to Ao Sheng?"

"The problem is~"

Long asked instead, "At this time, can you come back?"

Real person Lun turned his head to look at the colorful galaxy, and said fiercely: "I think, but... it's terrible."

"That's right~"

Long Xiang persuaded, "Let's do it, you can get Miyuan, and you can change the dragon's appearance at will..."

"I don't want to change the dragon's appearance like this~"

Zhenren Lu impatiently interrupted Longxiang’s words, “It’s good to have Long Hao’s keel before, hidden in the dragon’s body, no dragon knows it, now it’s good, except for the soul, it’s Long Hao from the inside to the outside. Now, where is a certain family myself!"

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