Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3718: Fisherman and Trap (Happy New Year)

   "Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit!"

Li Moyi looked at the group of dragons fighting frantically in front of Taiyi Palace, with contempt on his face, and said in a low voice, "Far wind, don't be too swagger, let's fly closer first, wait with confidence, and immediately thunder strikes. "

   "Don't worry, brother~"

  Jiang Yuanfeng glanced away, and he immediately felt confident, and said, "This star Huayao Sunfruit must be something in my younger brother's pocket, my younger brother dedicated this star Huayao Sunfruit to my eldest brother!"


   Li Moyi nodded, and then said to the other Dao Xian, "You wait to fly closer from the other side to attract the attention of the dragon clan..."

  All the immortals flew up separately, Jiang Yuanfeng and Li Moyi were together, deliberately concealing their breath.


   All the immortals just flew close, and the dragon clan immediately noticed that the dragon clan was not stupid, and immediately gave up internal fighting and ran towards Jiang Yuanfeng and the others.

   Jiang Yuanfeng did not immediately reveal his strength, but flew among the dragons like a fish, slowly approaching the Taiyi Palace.

   When the dragon clan found out, Jiang Yuanfeng had already rushed through the heavy encirclement to the side of the star halo of the Taiyi House.

   "Not good~"

   A red dragon shouted loudly, "The immortal is cunning, stop it now~"


   A word to remind the dragons, all the dragon clan gave up Li Moyi and others, turned around again and rushed towards Jiang Yuanfeng.


  Jiang Yuanfeng turned his head slightly, looked at the dragons indifferently, and said faintly, "A bunch of stupid dragons, just rely on you??"

As he said, Jiang Yuanfeng suddenly opened his mouth, "Woo~" like a violent wind, swallowing tens of thousands of miles to the left in one mouthful, and then, a "poof" burst out, "Boom~" The space debris was mixed with stars. The galaxy burst and pounced on the dragons.

   "Oh oh oh~"

  The dragons were blown to pieces by the space debris, and the stars rushed down, and the dragons of dozens of dragons were riddled with holes. All the dragons were wailing and tumbling in the air.


Jiang Yuanfeng snorted coldly, turned and stepped into the Taiyi House. The Taiyi House is naturally a starry sky, but in this starry sky, on a star-moon tree standing on top of the earth, a brilliant sun hangs high. Under the sun's fire, not only The flames billowing around the star-moon tree brightened the entire starry sky.

   "This is Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng squinted his eyes and looked at the nine colors around the sun, as well as the rich fragrance. He flew straight to the sun with a flick of his figure.

   "Far wind~"

   Li Moyi's voice hurriedly sounded from behind, "Remember, this is a star fruit. You can't take off your hands, you can't drop the instrument, and the law can't be controlled. You must directly confine the space!"


   Jiang Yuanfeng raised his hand and sealed the space around Xinghua Yao Sunguo. He laughed and said, "Big brother, don’t worry, fortunately..."

   With Jiang Yuanfeng’s laughter, the flame of "Sweep~" Xinghua Yao Riguo suddenly disappeared.


   Li Moyi laughed when he saw this, "Good brother, thanks, big brother!"

   "No, no~"

   How can I know that Jiang Yuanfeng yelled like a ghost, "It's not me!"

   Talking, Jiang Yuanfeng's eyes are like electricity, sweeping around, and shouting loudly: "Who, who is it?"


   Li Moyi's hair was terrified, and he exclaimed, "What's going on, far wind~"

   "Yes...someone took away Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng said, his tone of voice was full of incredible, and then he even raised his hand, "boom boom~" hit the surroundings, seeing the entire starry sky sifted like a sieve, and no figures appeared.

"How can this be?"

   Jiang Yuanfeng looked at the surroundings in despair, and muttered, "Could it be that there is really a mysterious existence in this dragon realm that is beyond the reach of the immortal?"

   "Don't worry~"

   Although Li Moyi was disappointed, he flew to the front and reminded, "Far wind, first explore the surroundings before speaking."

   As he said, Li Moyi even said in a voice transmission: "Yuanfeng, you don't have to sacrifice real means, just find an ordinary fairy!"

   Although Jiang Yuanfeng didn't know what Li Moyi meant, he still did.

   Seeing silver light from a copper mirror, sweeping around, nothing strange, Li Moyi winked at Jiang Yuanfeng.

   Jiang Yuanfeng knows, regrets: "Brother, I didn't find anything."


   Li Moyi also pretended to be angry, and cursed in a low voice, "There must be someone, no, it may be that the dragon is a fisherman, go, let's rush to another place immediately~"

   "Big Brother~"

   While flying out of the starry sky, Jiang Yuanfeng said in a low voice, "What do you mean?"

   "With your power~"

   Li Moyi said in a light voice, "Even if it is the Dragon Lord, it is impossible for it to **** the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit face to face, right?"

   "Of course~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng replied proudly.

   "This is in person~"

   Li Moyi reminded, "It's the starry sky where you are, don't forget, Xingmenghai, besides the starry sky, there is also Menglan!"


   Jiang Yuanfeng was dumbfounded, and the sound transmission said, "That place is where an ordinary flesh and blood body can't enter freely. It can only be in the state of primordial spirit, purposeless, and unable to fly freely!"

   "If you are in the fairy world~"

   Li Moyi smiled and said, "I can guarantee that it really doesn't exist, but this is Dragon Domain, and I can also guarantee that it really...may exist!"

   "Also, my brother, think about it carefully, apart from this possibility, how could there be a dragon who would take away the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit before you, the Dao Xian Hun Yuan?"


   Jiang Yuanfeng thought for a moment, nodded and said, "I'm afraid this is the only possibility."


   Li Moyi said in a voice transmission, "We can lead the snake out of the cave, and the real exploration fairy tool will not be too late when you pick the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit, and the direction controlled by the fairy tool... is also colorful..."

   "Ok, brother~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng gritted his teeth and said, "Brother understand."

   Xiao Hua was trailing around, but how could he hear this? He knew that Li Moyi and the others would be suspicious, but how could he know that a trap had begun to be quietly set in front of him?

   Of course, Xiao Hua had already stunned the snake once, and then seeing that there was no Xinghua Sun Fruit, he did not make a special move. This action obviously dispelled many of Jiang Yuanfeng's suspicions.

   Dang should once again enter the starry sky of an eight-sided mound, UU reading "brush~" Seeing that there is another halo like a blazing sun penetrating through the nine colors, Xiao Hua knows that there is another star Hua Yao Sun fruit here.

   "You don't have to wait for Daoxian Hunyuan to approach here~"

   Xiao Hua certainly wouldn't follow Jiang Yuanfeng again stupidly. After he noticed Xing Hua’s fruit, he immediately urged the power of fantasy to approach.

It’s a pity that Xiao Hua couldn’t think of it anyway. Seeing Xinghua’s sun fruit shining like a scorching sun, He Qiong whispered: "Moyi, are you working with Jiang Yuanfeng to find the person who took Xinghua’s sun fruit? Or dragon?"


   Li Moyi replied absent-mindedly, "I know you can understand at a glance, so I didn't explain it to you."

   "The dragon took the Xinghua Yao Sun Fruit before,"

   He Qiong didn’t care, she still said, “It’s definitely not going to repeat the same mistakes here, it’s definitely going to shoot ahead of time...”

  All fairy friends, happy new year!

   Thousands of words are not as straightforward as adding~

   Come on, 2022, full of love, all fairy friends are satisfied.

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