Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3717: Jiang Yuanfeng prestige

The Star-Moon Tree seems to be much larger than the previous starry sky in Xingmenghai. The stars that make up the Star-Moon Tree are also stars, but these stars seem to be in another time and space. No matter how they rotate, how do they grow? Extinction, in Li Moyi's eyes, was just a spot on the tree of stars and moons.

   "Far wind~"

   Li Moyi didn't lose his vigilance, but whispered, "The dragons in the Dragon Region are all cunning. There is no dragon in the Tianluo Palace. There is absolutely something wrong."

   "Don't worry, brother~"

Jiang Yuanfeng had long released Yannian to explore the surrounding area, and said, "This is the place where the Dragon Realm 7th-level Singing Emperor Dragon Advanced 8th Yuanguang Weilong is located, but it is equivalent to our Immortal Realm Nine Palace Immortal Advanced Da Luoxian, no There will be a Hunyuan Dragon Lord..."

   It's a pity that Jiang Yuanfeng just finished speaking, "Hohoho~" A mirror-like halo flashed, and in the other direction, a star road emerged out of thin air, and a dozen dragons roared out of it.

   These dragon races are the same as Li Moyi and others. They immediately roared when they saw the tree of stars and moon, and their teeth and claws were ready to pounce on the tree of stars and moon.

   "Damn the human race~"

   Ten Dragons immediately gave up the Star-Moon Tree, and went to Li Moyi and others, clamoring, "I actually came to my Dragon Realm to make my Dragons cheap. It's time to kill!"

   Li Moyi and others didn't panic, they just watched coldly, like a group of loach.


   Seeing that a dozen dragons are near, and there is no possibility of escape, Li Moyi said coldly, "Nishiyong, finally, you can't always stay in the shadow of the far wind, now is the time for you to take action."


   The other dozens of Taoist immortals were obviously taken aback. They didn't expect Li Moyi to send them to fight suddenly, but they looked at each other and replied together, "Big Brother, we are going to fight."


   A dozen immortals screamed together and flew out to face the dragons.

Watching the dragon's body flying, the fairy weapons fighting for the front, the silver light and the golden light fighting in the stars, Jiang Yuanfeng whispered: "Big brother is right, this place has already left the dragon domain, otherwise we brothers cannot belong to the dragon clan. adversary."


Li Moyi nodded and said, "This is also the reason why I let them take action. However, Yuanfeng, please pay attention, don't let the brothers get hurt. These brothers are the seeds and pillars of our dominance of the seven realms in the future. We must not lose. ~"

   "Understand, brother~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng nodded repeatedly.

After    is about a stick of incense, the defeated Dragon Race is timid, turning around and preparing to escape.


   A little silver light flashed past the mouth of the river and the wind. It couldn't tolerate the struggle of the dragon clan, and the dragon head of the dragon clan was pierced with a sound of "puff~".

  The dragon clan failed to even let out a wailing, just like a dead snake falling from the air.


   Seeing You Dao Xian Hun Yuan, the dragons quit, and there is no need to discuss them at all, each flying away in all directions.


Jiang Yuanfeng sneered, rubbing his hands lightly, "Shushushu~" Scraps of light flew down, chasing after the dragons. At first, the scraps of light were just like feathers, but they flew across the starry sky, and after starlight poured in. , Has turned into a dragon shape.

   After a short while, the star dragon has caught up with the scattered dragons. Those dragons have panicked, although they are fighting the star dragon with their teeth and claws, but where do they still have the fighting spirit?


   A dozen star dragons rushed into the dragon dragon body, entangled the dragon body like a galaxy, and then roared and strangled these dragons to death!


   When the star dragon returned, dozens of dragons fell in front of everyone.

   Jiang Yuanfeng looked at Li Moyi and whispered softly: "Brother, these dragons are good. How do you deal with it?"

   "Haha, give it to Nishinaga and the others~"

   Li Moyi laughed and said, "Let them get some benefits first."

   "Thank you, brother~"

   Everyone was overjoyed and hurriedly accepted them.

   "No way~"

   Li Moyi has something else to say, Jiang Yuanfeng frowned suddenly, his figure turned into starlight and rushed towards the tree of stars and moon.

"what happened?"

   Li Moyi then flew over, looked at the huge star-moon tree like a galaxy, and asked in a low voice.

   "Big Brother~"

Jiang Yuanfeng still looked around carefully, but he didn't dare to neglect, and replied, "Although my brother didn't fly into this galaxy before, my brother has already sensed where some star power condenses in it. If nothing happens, it's not five. Taizhenye is the seven-color five-color pill, but to the contrary, when the little brother explored again, the condensation of these star powers completely disappeared, and you can see that the star-moon tree is bare and there is nothing in it. Strange."

   "Could it be that the dragon has boarded first?"

   He Qiong reminded.

   "It must be~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng nodded, "But the problem is, I didn't find any traces of dragons."

   "Perhaps you made a mistake in your investigation~"

   Seeing that there are no stars here, Li Moyi has lost interest and urged, "Anyway, let's go to other star palaces~"

   However, what surprised Li Moyi was that in this starry sky, except for the 1.5 real liquid in Ye Zhe's palace, everything else was cleaner than a dog licked it.

   "I...we will not have such bad luck, will we?"

   Daoxian named Juncheng couldn't help but mutter.

"how come?"

Li Moyi smiled, "Don’t even think about it. The Star Menghai Sea is so big, how many stars such as this kind of sky exist. If Wutai Real Liquid and Colorful Five-color Pill are so easy to get, UU Read www.uukanshu. Com so the star Hua Yao Sun fruit is not considered rare."

   "Ok, brother~"

   finally nodded and said, "Let's continue searching."

After coming out of this eight-sided mound, Li Moyi didn't just look for it, but nodded towards Jiang Yuanfeng. Jiang Yuanfeng immediately sealed his hands, and the surrounding stars converged like fireflies, as if the stars condensed into a hexagram. Jiang Yuanfeng sprayed in with a mouthful of blood, "Om~" The starlight burned in Daoxian Hunyuan's blood, and there was a lot of profound meaning in it.

   "Big Brother~"

   Jiang Yuanfeng glanced, raised his hand and grabbed it. The burning starlight condensed into a light red bead. He looked at a eight-faced hill in the distance and said, "There is a chance in that."


   Li Moyi was overjoyed and took all the immortals to the Bamian Hill.

Rushing into the Bamian Hill, naturally there is another starry sky. Although this starry sky also has the nine houses and the galaxy flowing through the hexagrams, the star power of the starry sky is obviously different from that of the previous starry sky, and in the central Taiyi house, it shimmers like the sun. Flames, a faint smell of strange fragrance immediately poured into the noses of Li Moyi and others...

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