Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3705: Master Qianyun who regards death as home

"Since adults can see the cause and effect in the future, Zhang Li Tianzun can naturally too~"

Seeing that the human figure did not speak, Grand Master Qian Yun continued, "Then the trip to the Dragon Region of the Cold Humulus would be intriguing..."

"Dry Cloud~"

The humanoid interrupted the words of Grand Master Qian Yun and said, "It doesn't make sense to say so much. The problem is that I saw you were killed by Xiao Hua."

"My lord~"

Grand Master Qian Yun smiled and said, "What you see is based on the current cause and effect. If I don't go, can you change the result of Xiao Hua being subdued by other gods?"

"Even if you go, there is no way to change~"

The humanoid said mercilessly, "Even if you are determined to sacrifice and want to move Xiao Hua, you can't be afraid."

"If I go, it's still possible~"

Grand Master Qian Yun still smiled and said, "But if I don't go, it's impossible."

Speaking of this, Patriarch Qian Yun was taken aback, looked up at the human figure, and whispered: "My lord, could it be that you saw Xiao Hua as your enemy..."


The human figure interrupted the words of Grand Master Qian Yun a little bit crudely, and said, "I can't see that far, let alone Xiao Hua's cause and effect. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to detect it."

"My lord~"

Grand Master Qian Yun smiled, "Anyway, you are already alert, right?"

The humanoid looked at the ancestor Qianyun, and it took a long time before he nodded slightly.

"Siu Hua now~"

Grand Master Qian Yun said, "Whether it is for Tianzun, Immortal King, or even Immortal Realm, it is very important, so my lord..."

As he said, Grandmaster Qianyun fell on his knees and kowtowed, "I say goodbye to you. I want to do one last thing for you and the immortal world, and I hope you will be approved."

The humanoid lifted up Master Qianyun, and said lightly: "If I'm not sure, will you still go?"

"Haha, my lord~"

Grand Master Gan Yun laughed and said, "What do you think?"

"Ha ha,"

The humanoid laughed too, raised his hand and grabbed it, and a **** thunder fell in front of Grand Master Qianyun, and said, "It doesn't matter if I say it or not, the key is that you are determined to die."


Grand Master Qian Yun opened his mouth and swallowed Scarlet Thunder into his abdomen, and said, "It is the fortune of my life to be an adult clone in this life. I hope that I will have a relationship with an adult in the next life, leave and leave."

After speaking, Patriarch Qianyun turned and flew out of the hall.

How similar the back of Master Qianyun is to the helplessness of the year!

Naturally, the human form does not know helplessness. He just looked at the back of the grandmaster Qianyun and thought to himself: "Why did Xiao Hua kill Qianyun? Could there be a problem with Qianyun when he arrived in the Dragon Region? Or this Xiao Hua...not Xiao Hua?"

"It's not Xiao Hua, who is it?"

"This person is clearly Xiao Hua!"

Even the punishment of Tianzun doesn't know things, who in this world can know?

At this time Man also flew in mid-air, looking at the barren desert in front of him, and as dazed as the penalty Tianzun, he turned his head and asked Bai Long: "This... is this'star'?"


Bai Long turned his head and looked at the other Dragon Guards, and asked, "Is this a'star'?"

"The son~"

Several Dragon Guards also looked at each other, and hurriedly replied, "This is the ‘Star’, haven’t you been here?"


Man laughed and cursed, "If I had been here, how could I not know that this is a "star"?"

Bai Long asked, "Have you been here during the trial?"


Several Dragon Guards smiled, and replied with some embarrassment, "My son, this place is too dangerous, just like Hu, not ordinary dragons who dare to go. We were promoted to Yuanguang Weilong and tried in other places. ."

"Look at the dragon scale carving~"

Quietly pursed his lips, he said to Bailong, "Did we fly the wrong way?"

Bailong hurriedly grabbed a dragon scale carving with his dragon claws. After looking for a moment, he looked around and said, "Yes, son, this is the'star'. When Menglan did not appear, it was just like this, don't you Looks like this is gravel, but in fact, every gravel is a star..."

"What nonsense~"

With a sneer, the dragon's claws grabbed it, "Swipe" grabbed a handful of gravel from the desert, and raised it casually in the air, saying, "Are these all stars?"


Obviously, Bai Long had never been to the "Star" either. It was a little bit gutted as he watched the gravel fall in the air.

"Yes, son~"

Just when Bai Long was embarrassed, a loud voice sounded from a distance, "These gravels are stars, but these stars have lost their star power and turned into ordinary gravel."


Several Long Wei were taken aback, and quickly flew up, guarding Man in the middle.


Didn't know that Bai Long laughed when he heard the voice, "Joan, are you finally here?"


Following the voice of the white dragon, a sound of earth-shaking dragon roar sounded, and then a white light was seen flying from a distance like electric shots.

"Dragon Lord?"

Several dragon guards felt the mighty dragon might rush like a sea tide, could it be that the dragon's tail curled up and the dragon's body trembled.


Man also breathed a long sigh of relief, knowing the danger of "electricity", and finally asked Dalong to send the dragon master to him as a dragon guard.

The white dragon named Qiong was still quite measured. Although Longwei was vast, but there was not a trace of it. Even when the white dragon flew up, Longwei had already begun to fade.

"The son~"

Bai Longqiong fell in front of Man and said respectfully, "I am Qiong, Dalong sent me to wait here, and I will protect the son from now on."

As Bai Longqiong's voice fell, the dragon's power all over his body dropped sharply again, but for a few breaths, it was exactly the same as the other dragons.

"Thanks a lot~"

Although there was some arrogance in Man's heart, it didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly smiled and said, "I will rely on you for my safety in the future."

"Don't worry~"

Bai Longqiong said proudly, "Yu is not my opponent, next time I meet, I will tear its dragon body apart."


Very overjoyed, then he looked at the surrounding deserts and asked, "Did the dragon send you over and say anything? Where should I find the Heavenly Envoy?"

"Heavenly Envoy?"

Bai Longqiong was stunned for a moment and shook his head, "Dalong didn't tell me this. I am only responsible for the safety of the son, and everything else depends on the son himself. UU reading"


Bai Long smiled and said, "I don't care about the others. The safety of the son is the most important, Joan, do you know? Seeing that Ao Sheng actually has a dragon lord next to him, I was so scared that my liver trembled."

"Not necessarily~"

Bai Longqiong looked at the man, and said with interest, "In the eyes of the son, it is more important to find the emissary of the heavenly sovereign."


Man had nothing to hide and nodded, "The most important thing at this time is to find the Heavenly Envoy. This is a test given to me by the dragon."

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