Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3704: Unexplainable future


Grand Master Gan Yun took a breath of cold air and whispered, "Someone wants to do something to the Heavenly Venerable Wei Lan? He...could they be crazy?"

The humanoid shrugged and smiled: "Who knows?"


Grand Master Qian Yun smiled bitterly, "In that case, I should help the adults to find Zhanxiantai. Zhanxiantai can suppress the power of punishment. In case of danger, she frantically provokes some kind of immortal weapon. Prepared."


The humanoid smiled and said, "If you think like this, you are wrong again."


Grand Master Gan Yun was taken aback, and asked, "What do you mean, your lord? You are seeking to kill Sendai... not to prevent accidents, or to control the power of punishment?"

"Do you know why I didn't go to Tianzunhai?"

The humanoid replied, "Of course it is because the group of people have their own plans, and they may not be able to work together. The most important thing is that they are discussing the strain after Moban Mountain is broken, and I was long before Zhilan Xianzun discovered the change of the heavens. , Has started...

"My lord means~"

Grandmaster Gan Yun understood, and asked, "I'm going to find Zhanxiantai, there are other kinds of things, not for the power of punishment, but for the immortal world to change?"


The humanoid nodded and said, "It is important to cut Sendai, but the Immortal Palace where Sendai is located is even more important!"

"I understand~"

The ancestor Gan Yun suddenly said, "The fairy palace is the place where the ancient immortal world suppressed the air luck. Not only the human air luck remains in it, but it can also replace the Moban Mountain and reorganize the order."

"Not only me~"

The human form said again, "The Palmer Heavenly Sovereign has also set out a long time ago. It is also for the ancient immortal realm and the immortal clan that they are looking for the ancient family and the immortal clan. We cannot speak the same day."

"What did Zhanglu Tianzun do?"

Grand Master Qian Yun turned his head to look in a direction and asked.

"Naturally it is also a fairy palace~"

Humanoid said, "There is her shadow behind Tianzun Zhilan, I suspect that she asked Tianzun Zhilan to find the fairy palace."

Ancestor Gan Yun said in a strange way: "Didn't you say that Tianzun Tianlan disappeared after going to the Dragon Realm last time?"


The humanoid replied, "Hanji has now gone to the Dragon Region again."


Ancestor Gan Yun was stunned for a moment, and said strangely, "Hanji went to the Dragon Region in person? I thought it was Tianzun Yunlan. Since it is Hanji, I am afraid that the Dragon Region already has the exact news of the fairy palace, otherwise she Impossible to go."


Speaking of this, Patriarch Qian Yun thought of something, and asked, "Isn't there a Tianzun who wants to do something with Weilan Tianzun? Your lord knows, Zhang Li Tianzun must know, she doesn't care?"

"I will take care of her naturally~"

The humanoid smiled and said, "Look at other Tianzun's shots. How can she manage if the Tianzun does not ask for her door?"


Grand Master Gan Yun shrugged and said, "Lian Lan Tianzun is not a good thing either. She deserves it because she was calculated by others. I think the matter of Hanqiu going to the Dragon Realm is more important."

"My lord, Xiao Hua disappeared in Longyu, I was just about to go and see, since the cold has gone, I will go there too?"

Patriarch Qian Yun thought that the humanoid would immediately agree, but he knew that the humanoid shook his head and said: "You are the clone of Tianzun, within the bounds of the immortal world, you are protected by Tianzun's source of power. You will not encounter any special dangers, but the dragon domain is the mysterious place. Your strength is not as good as Xiao Hua now, what can you do when you go to Longyu?"

"How did Xiao Hua say he was also my disciple of the Imperial Thunder Sect~"

Grand Master Qian Yun accompanied with a smile, "He was driven out of the door wall by the innocent in the Mortal Realm. Since I, the Grand Master, have the opportunity to make up for it, I naturally want to do my best..."

It's a pity that before Grandmaster Qianyun finished speaking, the humanoid sighed and interrupted Grandmaster Qianyun's words, and said, "Dianyun, what I mean... didn't you understand it?"


Grand Master Gan Yun was taken aback for a moment, and then he was quite surprised, "My lord, what do you mean..."

Grandmaster Qian Yun did not finish speaking, but the human figure did not answer.

Grandmaster Gan Yun looked at the thunder and blood all over the human form, took a deep breath and said, "Could it be that I can't go to the Dragon Realm?"

"It's more than I can't go!"

The humanoid waved his hand lightly, and a thunder light phantom flew out of Lei Tao, and fell in front of the ancestor Qianyun. The humanoid said word by word, "The dragon field is your burial place!"


Grand Master Gan Yun was not particularly surprised. He smiled and said, "Could it be that Hanhua's trip to the Dragon Region is a trap?"

However, before Grandmaster Qian Yun's words fell, his eyes fell on the electro-optical phantom, but when he saw the phantom, the expression on his face changed sharply, exclaiming: "No...impossible? How? It's him??"


The humanoid also looked at the Phantom and smiled bitterly, "I never thought that the one who killed you was...Xiao Hua!!!"

But seeing an indistinct light and shadow above the electric light, in the light and shadow, Xiao Hua probed lightly with his right hand, and a light blue halo emerged between his five fingers, which was deeply inserted into the head of the grandmaster Qianyun. As for the grandmaster Qianyun, he doubled My eyes are closed, the seven orifices are bleeding...

Seeing the shock of Grand Master Qian Yun, the humanoid said: "The Dragon Region is too magical, and I can only see these with my power. As for why Xiao Hua killed you, I don't know."


Grandmaster Gan Yun suddenly smiled when he looked at the electric light phantom. He stretched out his hand to dissipate the electric light and said, "My lord, that is to say, I still went to the Dragon Realm?"

"Forget it..."

The humanoid hesitated and said, "But you can't go now."

"My lord~"

Grand Master Qian Yun asked, "For the immortal world, is it important for me or Xiao Hua?"

"For me~"

The humanoid did not answer directly, but said, "You are the most important."

"From all the current information~"

Grand Master Qian Yun thought for a while and said, "Xiao Hua never kills innocent people. He is a kindhearted person. If he does it, must be my fault."

"That was before,"

The humanoid replied, "It doesn't mean the future."


Grand Master Qian Yun asked again, "Are there already many Tianzun sending people to find Xiao Hua in the Dragon Region? And on this trip, UU reading www.uukā has the same intention, right?"


The humanoid still replied truthfully, "As far as I know, Zhengfa Tianzun first sent Wang Suhuan to find Xiao Hua, accompanied by Chen Lei Ting and Su Zhe, other Tianzun naturally also moved, so I don't need to elaborate."

"Wang Suohuan, haha, that Hunyuan peak that claims to be the closest to Tianzun~"

Grand Master Qian Yun chuckled, "Real Thunder is Xiao Hua's taoist friend in the Mortal Realm, Su Zhe, it seems that he has met Xiao Hua in the Demon League, and Tianzun of Proving Faith is really bothering to find Xiao Hua!"

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