Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3702: Xiao Hua really had an accident!

"elder sister?"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu stepped out of the nine clouds in response, slightly surprised and said, "Why did you suddenly call my little sister?"

"Isn't it a long time no see?"

Fairy Hongxia smiled and said, "I want to talk to my sister. I don't know what my sister is doing lately?"

"Hey, thank you sister for putting the little girl in your heart~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu also laughed and replied, "The little girl hasn't been busy lately, but the ancient immortals and the ancient family have moved into the fairy space, and the little girl is busy arranging them."


Fairy Hongxia said in surprise, "How many people belonged to the Primordial Immortal Clan and the ancient aristocratic family, this... can this Immortal Artifact space be prosperous?"


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu smiled and said, "Xiao Lang has a huge space for this immortal tool, no problem. Of course, how big the space is, you have to wait for Xiao Lang to tell his sister, the younger sister is not too sure."

"Xiao Lang~"

Fairy Hongxia smiled. She had been wondering whether to explain the jade stone thunder and jade stone to Yuanjun Doumu, but when she heard this, she had already stifled this idea, but asked, "He is in the dragon The domain has been closed for a long time, right?"


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu nodded and said, "It's a bit weird for a long time."

"Isn't my sister able to go to the Dragon Realm, but also to Xiao Lang's side?"

Fairy Hongxia asked, "Can I go there again now and see the situation of Xiao Lang with my own eyes?"

"No... not good, right?"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu hesitated, "Xiao Lang is in retreat. The last time I went to Longyu, I didn't see him. If it disturbed him, it would not be beautiful..."

"It's okay~"

Fairy Hongxia said, "Just say I want to see him."

"In that case, why should my sister say~"

Doumu Yuanjun smiled and said, "Why don't you and I go there together?"


Fairy Hongxia was very happy.

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu stretched out his hand to support Fairy Hongxia, and said with a smile: "Sister, please~"

"Sister Lao~"

Fairy Hongxia also nodded with a smile.

However, when Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu took Fairy Hongxia out of the space, her face suddenly changed.

"Not good~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu exclaimed, "I...I can't perceive Xiao Lang, and I can't get out of the fairy space."

"What's the meaning?"

Seeing Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu's face pale, Fairy Hongxia was also anxious, and quickly asked, "What happened?"


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu looked at the surrounding sky in horror, and stammered, "I don't know what happened. This...this is a situation I have never encountered before."

"Sister, don't worry~"

Fairy Hongxia thought a little bit, holding the hand of Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu, and whispered, "We have to believe Xiao Lang, he will be fine, and this will not collapse."

"Uh, uh~"

Fairy Hongxia's comfort made Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu feel a little more comfortable, and she nodded and said, "I know, it's just that this is too weird, and the little girl is a little at a loss."

Fairy Hongxia asked, "How weird is it?"

"That's it~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu smiled and said, "As long as Xiao Lang is in the interface, the little girl can go to, and will appear around Xiao Lang, as for the distance...the little girl has not estimated."

"What if Xiao Lang is imprisoned?"

Fairy Hongxia thought for a while and asked.

"It's okay~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu replied, "When Yuanri was in the Heavenly Court, wasn't Xiao Lang suppressed in some Red Cliff Little Heaven Realm? The younger sister was still able to go out and saved Li Nianxiao and Yinghuo."

"What is special about Dragon Domain?"


Doumu Yuanjun’s face was unusually blank, and he shook his head and said, “After Xiao Lang arrived in the Dragon Region, I have also been there, not far from Xiao Lang. It’s just that the laws of the Dragon Region are powerful. I'm out of the fairy space. I started to transform the dragon, so I hurried back."


Fairy Hongxia also turned pale, and asked in a low voice, "What if Xiao Lang suffers an accident?"

"I~ I don't know~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu's face was pale, and the celestial phenomena around him changed drastically.

"Is there a space channel from the fairy space to the dragon domain?"

Fairy Hongxia asked hurriedly.


Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu shook his head and said, "Xiao Lang disappeared as soon as he arrived in the Dragon Region. He didn't have time to build."


Fairy Hongxia said in her heart, "You have to find the two master teachers just now."


Fairy Hongxia whispered, "This is just you and I guess, there may be other reasons, and, isn't Xiao Lang in retreat? Generally speaking, there is no danger, let's just wait..."

"Well, I know~"

Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu nodded and said, "Only you know and I know about this, and you can't let others know about it."


Fairy Hongxia said, "Everything must be business as usual. Don't mess up."

Afterwards, Doumu Yuanjun Liu Yanyu left and hurried away, while Fairy Hongxia turned back to the Tianji Temple, but when she entered the hall and saw Liu Xingyun and Liu Chenyun, she suddenly thought of something, and turned around again in a hurry. Is there a figure of Domo Yuanjun?


Fairy Hongxia said to herself, "Let's talk about this later."

The space of the immortal realm is still developing steadily, and it has not been chaotic because of Xiao Hua's disappearance, but the realm of the immortal is not. Even the immortal king is alarmed, how can Pingyu Jia Yitian be spared?

Tianzun Sea is the closest place to Sanqingtian, while Pingyu Jia Yitian is the highest heaven among the Four Brahmas. It is said that Tianzun Sea should be within Pingyu Jia Yitian, but on the contrary, Pingyu Jia Yitian is a strange heaven, and Tianzun Sea is not the same. Not in Pingyu Jia Yitian.

Pingyu Jia Yi’s talent is divided into two halves, one half is night, and the other half is day. Night and day are divided into six levels of heaven. The twelfth level of heaven is like a seemingly double helix, but the way of rotation is different from the double helix. Every time it rotates, one of the twelve layers of heaven will transform into the entire Ping Yu Jia Yitian.

One and a half of Tian Zunhai is above Jia Yitian in Pingyu, while under Jia Yitian in Pingyu, there are two equally special places in the lower half of the two spiral contours.

A bamboo knot shaped like a pale blue, UU Reading, the overlapping roads of order condensed into chains, book pages and other halos. In the center of the halo is a magnificent hall, not just a palm. Lu Palace?

One place is blood-red thunder. The dense road of punishment in all directions condenses spears, lightning and other brilliance. The center of the radiance is also a majestic hall, which is naturally the palace of punishment.

But saw a flash of lightning flashing from outside Pingyu Jia Yitian, directly piercing through all spaces and falling to the edge of Scarlet Thunder.


The thunder fell like water, scouring the lightning, and the figure of Grandmaster Qianyun was revealed in the lightning.

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