Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3701: If you speak more, you will lose


Outside the main hall, Yu Dilu looked at Yu Di Ting and cursed softly, "What did you provoke her to do? As soon as you and I show up, isn't the secret we waiting exposed?"

"I... where do I know~"

Yu Di Lei Ting was also a little bit on the wax, and said aggrieved, "I just want Xiao Yin to figure out King Kong. How can I know that Xiao Daoyou's mother-in-law is so smart, and I know what's going on at a glance?"


Yu Yan'er looked terribly disgusted, and said, "It's all troublesome!"

Listening to Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia Fairy calling in it again, and Jingangzhuo even added fuel and jealousy to complain, "Not only the second master, but also the seventh master, they are inviting teachers to inquire. I have no credit and suffering. Please?"

"what to do?"

Yu Yanlen also scratched his head a little.

"Two master teachers~"

Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia seemed to understand the scruples of the two jade avatars, got up and flew out of the hall, and smiled in the air, "The concubine knows that Xiao Lang, this space fairy tool is shared by everyone, and everyone can enter through the original spirit. You don’t have to hide it."


Yu Di Lei Ting and Yu Di Ling coughed slightly, showing their appearance in a rather embarrassing manner.

The two avatars had seen Fairy Hongxia in Mortal Realm, so the embarrassment would have been resolved with a few greetings.

Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia invited the two jade plaques into the hall to serve tea, and said with a smile: "Two masters, I don't know when to punish General King Kong?"


Yu Di Lei Ting shook his head like a rattle, and said, "How can it be punished? Pang Dao just came to ask, why this servant avoids fighting, let me wait for my face to fall to the ground in vain."


Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia was also stunned. She had always known Jingangzhuo's temperament, how could she not show her face if she had the opportunity to show her face? Things that avoid fighting will never happen to it!

"General King Kong~"

Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia asked with a smile, "Are you afraid that there is something unspeakable?"

"Who is unspeakable?"

Jingangzhuo replied in a daze.

"Don't talk about this yet~"

Yu Yanlen interrupted King Kongzhuo's words and said, "A certain family has an extremely important thing to ask you, General King Kong, do you think that clown dragon is Daoyou Xiao? Or does it have a little breath of Daoyou Xiao?"

"Palm... Master Master??"

King Kong was stunned, and it said in surprise, "How could that ugly dragon be the master master? The master master is tall and mighty, and incomparably brave. How can the ugly monsters who are not dragons, eagles or eagles be able? Compare?"

"Xiao Lang?"

Hearing Yu Dilu mentioning Xiao Hua, Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia was also taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"


Yu Diel was about to divide the words, but when the words came to his lips, he was shocked and cursed, "If you say too much, you will lose it. Speaking of the clown dragon, naturally you have to talk about Xiao Daoyou's disappearance, and Fairy Hongxia will definitely look for it. Lord Doumu, if Lord Doumu let Hun Yuanxian go to capture the clown dragon, he would definitely attract Ao Sheng’s attention. With Ao Sheng’s suspicion, he would definitely be able to suspect that the space was secret. This... if this space is hidden He knows, is it okay?"

"Moreover, Pang Dao has spoken Long Zhenyan, let alone this matter, if this matter can be leaked, will Fairy Hongxia be wiped out? Pang Dao has sought out Qiao Samsara and waited out and killed the clown dragon. Ten times and eight times."


Yu Di Lei Ting also curiously said, "Friend Lu, you only said that you killed the clown dragon, and you didn't say that it had anything to do with Xiao Daoyou!"

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Yu Yanlan smiled and waved his hand and said, "I also missed Xiao Daoyou, and went to the doctor for a long illness. If there is something, I have to ask. Even the King Kong general said that he has nothing to do with Xiao Daoyou, so naturally it is nothing."

Afterwards, Yu Diel also asked Jingangzhuo: "Yes, you have any unspeakable concealment that you can say, and we won't blame you."

"What can I hide?"

King Kong thought his neck was stiff, and said coldly, "It's just..."

At this point, Jingangzhuo's tone softened again.

"But what is it?"

Yu Di Lei Ting said anxiously, "You can say it quickly, there is Hunyuan Peak waiting for me outside!"

"Your young lady is fighting with you~"

King Kongzhuo looked at the jade Thunderbolt in anger, and asked, "What do you do?"

"She dare!"

Yu Di Lei Ting yelled without even thinking, "I will punch her **** out."


Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia was careful, she sipped and said, "Since you are Qingqing, you should stay away. After all, good men don't fight with women~"


Jingang Zhuo opened his eyebrows and smiled, and said, "Yuhua Yuanjun is still great, but a good man doesn't fight with a woman. I don't have the general knowledge of Jiu?yan Mangqianwen."

"Nine? Yan Mang Liwen fan???"

Don’t say Jade Diel and Jade Thunder, even Fairy Yuhua Yuanjun Hongxia also whispered, "What kind of baby is this?"


King Kongzhuo's face changed transiently, and he rose into the sky with a "swipe~" cry, "Don't ask me, I don't know anything."

"Weird, weird~"

Watching King Kongzhuo escape, he didn't even raise his hand to stop the reckless Jade Thunderbolt. He could ask the name of "Nine? Yan Mangyanwen Fan", and he felt pretty good.

"Needless to say~"

Fairy Hongxia said with a smile, "This nine-yan mangliwen fan also has a source, maybe even more powerful than Jingangzhuo, otherwise, why wouldn't it even dare to mention its name?"

Jade Yanlun also nodded and said: "It must be better than King Kong Zhuo, otherwise how could this fellow escape without a fight? But what kind of **** fan's origin... It should be even more powerful. The question is, how could a clown dragon in the Dragon Realm be able to get it? Such a powerful thing?"

"Kill it~"

Yu Di Lei Ting said viciously, "Isn't the fan yours?"


Jade Yanel also gritted his teeth and said, "Wait for me to find another chance."

"Ouch, I'm going~"

Yu Di Lei Ting suddenly raised his head, UU read to look outside and said, "Hunyuan Peak called me."

Looking at Yu Di Lei Ting's panic, why didn't Yu Di Lu know that it was Han Long Ji, but how could he say it?

Seeing that Yu Di Lei Ting was gone, Yu Di Lu also smiled and bowed to say goodbye.

As soon as the two jade avatars left, Fairy Hongxia frowned first. She was not as foolish as Jade Lei Ting, and Jade's words had already attracted her attention.

Fairy Hongxia paced in the hall for a long time, and finally crossed her heart, flew up into the air, and said with a smile: "Where is my sister?"

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