Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3697: Another dragon behind the scenes

Quite felt that there was a blank in his mind. The blank made his heart feel guilty, and it didn't know what to do.

"You can do it well, pretty~"

Man still urged Mo Xuan Town's Dragon Pillar to fly, and cheered himself up secretly, "You are the last dragon emperor reincarnated in the Dragon Region, you are the emperor of the past, you must be able to!"

"If it's a big dragon~"

After a while, the excitement gradually subsided, and it began to think, "What will it do now?"

"Message, yes~"

"I want to figure out who the Heavenly Envoy is..."

"No, Tianzun? How many Tianzuns are there in Taoist Immortal Realm?"

"No, I'll wait for the other dragons to send a message, let them help me to detect, this is definitely not my one dragon can complete..."

Not to mention that Man rushed to Xing Menghai to meet with the Tianzun special envoy who didn't know who it was. Just talking about Ao Sheng, seeing Wang Susu's big sleeves waved to show the universe in his sleeves, he indeed raised his brows, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

It's just that this different color disappeared in a flash, and a smile appeared at the corner of Ao Sheng's mouth, entering the former grace.

Seeing the halo around him, everything has changed. Ao Sheng knew that he was included in Wang Susu's sleeves. He looked at Zhenren Lu and smiled: "Friend Lu, don’t worry, go to Xingmenghai, I will definitely think How to find the star dew for you."

"It's better to find Friends Xiao Dao~"

True person Lun didn't even want to say, "His safety is the most important thing. My Long Chen is nothing compared to Xiao Daoyou!"


Xiao Hua snorted at the side, and secretly said, "I still know that I am thinking about the poor way, even if I want to settle the ledger with you, now..."

It's a pity that before Xiao Hua's thoughts are completed, the real person over there continued, "I found Friends Xiao Dao, and got one or two star dew with his **** luck. It's really nothing!"

"Good, you dead dragon~"

Xiao Hua gritted his teeth, "Let's see how Pang Dao will deal with you in the future!"

It did not surprise Xiao Hua, but after a stick of incense, the surrounding halo began to dissipate, and when a ray of dim sun shines on the faces of the dragons, they are already above a huge ring of mountains. Up.

As for Wang Suhuan, the real person Lei Ting, etc., they have long since disappeared.

"Thank you senior~"

Ao Sheng was still gentle and elegant, shouting loudly around the sky, "When there is news from Master Xiao Long, the younger generation must report it as soon as possible."


Chi Longyu said angrily, "The immortal has flown early!"


Ao Sheng smiled and said nothing, rushing to Qinglong, "Let's use dragons, I'm a little exhausted."


The Azure Dragon sacrificed to the dragon and sighed, "Don't talk about the son, I'm also terribly scared. I was afraid of being slain by the clan before and then falling into the Dragon God Cave, and I was afraid of dying in the boundless electric light. "

"Just steal the fun~"

Seeing the dragon swelling, Ao Shengfei fell on it and said with a smile, "The opportunity of the Dragon God Cave is enough for you to set foot on the Dragon Lord."

With that said, Ao Sheng looked at the dragons flying into the dragon's nest one after another, and said with a smile: "And you, each of them is my personal dragon guard. Turn around and I will report to Dalong."

Ao Sheng naturally knows how rare opportunities are in the Dragon God Cave, so he will never allow these dragons to fall into the hands of other dragons. He must firmly grasp this part of his own power.

Huang Longyan and others were naturally happy and thanked one after another.

"You guys have a rest in the dragon's house~"

After Ao Sheng instructed Qinglong to urge Long Nian, he said, "I have something to discuss with a few big dragons."

The dragons understood that they all dived into the pool.

As for the real person Lun, there is no need to say from Ao Shengduo, as soon as he gets on the dragon, he falls into the pool and never shows up again.

Too lost, Reality Lu and Reality Thunder teamed up to deal with Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua escaped. Although Xiao Hua didn't talk to Ao Sheng, Reality Lu couldn't face Xiao Hua's mocking gaze.

"Let's see~"

Zhenren Lu sneered and muttered in his heart, "I can find Daoyou Xiao until I'm waiting, and I will join hands to kill you!"

I want Xiao Hua to kill Xiao Hua, the real person's idea... I'm afraid it will never be realized!

Huang Long and Chi Longyu did not fall into the pool water. They knew what Ao Sheng was going to say to them. Xiao Hua didn't dive into the pool water, because at Xiyuexuan, Ao Sheng made it clear and will not hide any secrets in the future. Own, if I dived into the water first and asked Ao Sheng to invite again, then I would be too hypocritical.

Unexpectedly, Ao Sheng looked at Xiao Hua, and actually shook his head slightly at him, while the dragon's claws waved, the dragon scales that he had just obtained from Han Long Ji landed in front of Xiao Hua's eyes.

Xiao Huan stopped, nodded slightly, raised his dragon's claws and took the dragon scale carving and dived into the pool. That is, when the pool was submerged, Xiao Hua moved in his heart and secretly said: "Pan Dao understands, it is the big dragon that is coming. "

Sure enough, Huang Long saw Xiao Hua dive into the water, and just about to speak, Ao Sheng raised his hand to offer the Dragon Seal of the Ten Thousand Territories, "brush~" The dragon seal flashed from the previous dragon pattern into a faint dragon shape.

"Great Dragon~"

Chi Longyu, Qinglong and Huanglong hurriedly shouted for the dragon, and lowered the dragon's head.

"It's okay~"

The dragon looked at the dragons, as if he was relieved, and cursed, "You are still alive."

"Great Dragon~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "I don't blame Yu and them for this matter, but I will go my own way and go to the trial..."


Long Xing looked at Ao Sheng, and after half a cup of tea, he sighed, "I wanted to blame you for being reckless. I didn't know how to trespass into the scorpion, but I saw you fly out of'electricity' alive. Knowing that you persuaded Wei Zhen that this is your emperor's prosperity, what else can I say?"

"Dalong was wrong this time~"

Ao Sheng smiled and groaned, "Although I flew out of electricity alive, I didn't persuade An Jia that An Jia still chose Man."


Dalong was taken aback, wondering, "Then how did you escape from the Dragon God Cave?"

"This is strange to say~"

Ao Sheng laughed, UU reading www. "Let me slowly tell Dalong."

Ao Sheng's attitude towards Dalong is obviously different from that of Man. The Qinglong, Huanglong and Chilong who listened to Zuo Jin were all admired.

When Ao Sheng was speaking, Dalong did not ask a word. After Ao Sheng finished speaking, Dalong asked a few lightly. Ao Shengdu answered truthfully, and finally Dalong asked: "Ao Sheng, I used to be a short time Nei did not plan to arrange for you to try again at Lin Lin'."

"Thank you Dalong~"

Ao Sheng smiled and said, "It is important to go to'Lin', but at this time I plan to go to Xingmenghai..."

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