Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3696: I'm going to see the emissary of Heaven

"No, no~"

Barely shook his head, "His third dragon claw stepped on his boat. He just wants to use the power of Tianzun to achieve himself."

"Look, see~"

The dragon was even more happy, and said, "You just said that your memory has never recovered. What about now? You can see through it a lot."


He said indifferently, "I think Wei Zhen left me in Dongyangchong and Ao Sheng at Xiyuexuan. He himself discussed the secrets in Chi Palace, whether he should kill both of us!"


The giant dragon nodded and said, "If you wait for the support of our company, you will never leave the'electricity', and the result of the negotiation in the Chi Palace is what you can see now..."

"You wait a minute~"

Before the dragon finished speaking, he frowned slightly, and said in a low voice, "There is a message from the Anji family."

"Let's see~"

The dragon said coldly, "It must be the news of Ao Sheng's escape."

Man mouth sprayed the dragon breath, a Mo Xuanzhen dragon pillar with ink cloud falling down, covering Man, and taking out the communication dragon weapon very carefully, and when he took the communication dragon weapon, he looked extremely after dispersing the ink cloud. Looking at the dragon complexly, he whispered: "You are right, Ao Sheng was rescued by Dao Xian Hun Yuan."

"The two dragon girls must also follow~"

The dragon sneered and said, "Flying Dragon Heaven and Qianlongyuan must also be closed, and no one knows if Dragon God Cave and Qianlongyuan are really destroyed."

"Then what shall we do?"

Quite frowned, "I have reached an agreement with Wei Zhen, is it possible to destroy it?"

The dragon asked back: "What do you think?"

"An Jiao can mouth a honey belly sword~"

He hesitated a little, and tentatively said, "Why can't we lie to you? Just treat him as if he didn't do anything, and sincerely cooperate with us."

"Yes, not bad~"

The dragon nodded again and said, "What I want is your sentence. Everything I said before is my own guess, and it is an inference based on my understanding of Wei Jia. It may not be all right, and it may even be possible. It's all wrong, and you need to have your own ideas. In fact, this is the biggest difference between you and Ao Sheng."

Man looked at the giant dragon, and the dragon also looked at Man. After having a stick of incense, Man slowly nodded, "I see."

"It doesn't matter if it's true~"

The dragon said, "This trip you have persuaded Wei Zhen very well and accomplished the goal we had to achieve before. You did an excellent job, far beyond my expectations."

"It's okay~"

Man replied, "If it's true, it's also because of the presence of Ao Sheng, if it's false, it's just that Anguo pushes the boat along the river, it's nothing."


The giant dragon nodded, "Anyway, the matter of the Xizhi clan is over."

Quietly asked: "What's next?"

"We discussed everything before~"

The dragon smiled and said, "You do what I told you to do, and then you should make your own decision."

"I will decide by myself?"

Man's eyes lit up, and he wondered, "What's the matter?"

The giant dragon said word by word: "Dao Immortal Realm Celestial Envoy!"

"Human fairy?"

Quite startled, he asked casually, "Why are you immortal again?"

"Why isn't it a fairy?"

The dragon asked back, "Why can't we find the help of immortals?"

"I understand~"

Quite thoughtful, "It is precisely because you have found a fairy, that you know that Anzhen is doing a show."

"You are half right~"

The dragon shook his head and said, "I was found by the immortal."

"Why are people looking for us?"

Man Rhetorically asked, "What do we have to rely on from the immortals?"

The dragon did not answer immediately, but asked, "Do you know why you lost to Long Hao in your previous life?"

Quite stunned, he hesitated, and replied: "Dragon Region has many records about that war, and also said many reasons."

"Which reason do you think is right?"

"I think it's all right~"


The giant dragon nodded and said, "Of course they are all right, they are all in hindsight, how could it be wrong? But there is one thing you should not realize now. The reason why Long Hao can defeat you is because he is the dragon clone of the Emperor. He has the ability to command."

"Well, I know this too~"

It seemed to understand something, and replied, "A dragon has analyzed it. My dragon power is not inferior to Long Hao. The dragon's loyalty to me is no less than Long Hao, and even far superior. The reason why I am defeated is because of me. I only care about fighting, not good at arranging troops, not good at layout."


The dragon said, "This is the purpose of our use of the immortal, you go to the stars next, the heavenly envoy is gathering the star power from the stars, you can talk to him."

"Is this mission to cooperate with Tianzun?"

Quite nodded and said, "Our bottom line..."


The dragon stretched out and said, "This time it's not a mission, and there is no bottom line. This time you are talking to the Heavenly Envoy yourself, it doesn't matter to me."

Quite startled, and asked in a low voice: "This~"

"Didn't I just say it?"

As the dragon spoke, the devil cloud all over his body began to dissipate, "You are the Lord of the Dragon Region, I...I am only assisting you. It is your own business to meet the Heavenly Envoy, and there will be more and more things like this in the future."


Although surprise and excitement flashed in Man's eyes, he still asked, "You should also be able to control the Dragon Realm, doesn't An Zhen think so?"

"That's because he hasn't seen it through~"

The dragon’s body has become transparent, and the voice has begun to faint: “Neither the Dragon Emperor nor the Dragon Emperor can achieve this from the ordinary dragon clan. Only you and Ao Sheng, the dragons of the dragon and the heavens, are qualified, otherwise Long Hao After falling for so many years, why didn't a dragon emperor appear?"

"Look at Ao Sheng again. If the annihilation of Longshen Cave and Qianlongyuan is true, do you think it was Renxian who saved him, or he saved Renxian..."


Before finishing talking, the outline of the dragon's body exploded, and a gray-white totem slowly fell on the central Moxuanzhen dragon pillar.

"Great Dragon~"

Man suddenly remembered something, and said anxiously, "You haven't said who the Heavenly Envoy is, and where is it!"

It's a pity that the totem fell back to the Dragon Pillar of Moxuan Town, and there was no more sound.


Reluctantly accepted the excess Mo Xuan Zhen Longzhu, and said in his heart, "Since the big dragon, no, since he has let me be the master, then...I will try to be the master of everything I approached with the emissary. UU看书www"

Before I confronted Ao Sheng directly, Ao Sheng was in the bright and dark, and he had seen everything about Ao Sheng clearly. He was actually very envious of Ao Sheng. After all, Ao Sheng did everything he wanted and was not controlled by Long. He looks like, but he is different. He has to do almost everything according to the requirements of the big dragon behind it, even the "electricity", the words of the clan, etc., are all confessed by the previous big dragon. It dare not be a little rebellious.

Man felt like he was a puppet, and at this time, the dragon finally spoke, and everything could be decided by himself, which made him a little bit unable to believe his ears.

Excitement is inevitable, but the biggest feeling is blankness.

Fellow Daoists can guess, who will this heavenly envoy be?

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