Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3684: Shards of Primordial Dragon Realm

"Don't tell me these moral kidnappings~"

Wang Suhuan sneered, "Let’s not talk about what their lives and deaths have to do with me, just say that there are more than three hundred deities above me, and there are Sanqingtian above them, oh, there are also penalty palaces and palm law palaces besides them. , There are also Dao Zun Tianfu, Dao Zun Tianfu, and Tao Lord Tianfu. Where can I take care of these?"


Seeing what Su Zhe had to say, Wang Suhua waved his hand to beckon him to shut up, and then said, "I might as well tell you, since the old immortal thought of the Dragon Region and Xiao Hua, what about the other old immortals? There are also old immortals. What about the old immortal? They will think of it, and they will also send someone over. You and I will be the first to reach the Dragon Region today, which is considered a first opportunity, but this opportunity is very short. If you can’t find Xiao Hua immediately, Then... we are in danger!"

"In the immortal realm, the time and place are good for people and people, then in the dragon domain, the time and place are good for dragons~"

Wang Susu glanced at Yun Longji who was flying around, and said, "I originally wanted to use Yun to use the power of the'Ring Jia' clan to find Xiao Hua, but I didn't expect to encounter Ao Sheng as soon as I came up. "

"Yun has already told me in detail that Ao Sheng is the reincarnation of Long Hao, the only dragon emperor in the Dragon Region, and the other man named Man, that is, the one who took the pillar dragon weapon, is the last Dragon Emperor in the Dragon Region. Man's reincarnation body, the two dragons are ready to win another battle in the Dragon Realm, and the current choice of the'Anjia' clan should be Longman, not this Ao Sheng."

"My purpose of saying this is to tell you that Ao Sheng draws me in and I will ignore it, because I don't want to interfere with the power war in the Dragon Realm, and it is even more impossible for me to help him find Lord Tianzun. However, since it is a dragon Hao's reincarnation is naturally supported by a part of the eight heavenly dragons. If you want to find Xiao Hua, you'd better ask him first..."


Su Zhe couldn't help but smiled bitterly, "Isn't it better if you ask?"

"Why should I ask?"

Wang Suhuan smiled and said, "I killed Xiao Hua for lust, and it is righteous for you to look for Xiao Hua, I don't need to ask, but you...I'm afraid you can't help but ask?"


Su Zhe also smiled slightly and asked, "I shouldn't have to ask, right?"


Wang Suhua laughed and said, "You really don't need to ask, someone will definitely ask you first."


Yun Longji turned around at this time, looking confused, and said, "I haven't been here before. If nothing happens, it should be a nightmare hidden in the depths of Bing."


Wang Suo raised his brows and said, "Is that what you said before, the fragments of the Primordial Dragon Region?"


Yun Longji nodded and said, "Bing is also called bìnghóng (bìnghóng). There are a lot of hidden fragments hidden in the sea of ​​Thunder, and this should be one of them, and it has not been discovered by other dragons!"

"Haha, Vali City~"

Wang Suo laughed loudly, "It must be the fusion of the electric light and thunder in the Dragon God Cave, which triggered the law of the interface, and the fisherman Pan Chengou found the interface gap between the fragments of the Primordial Immortal World."


Yun Longji roared, "Survival, our realm has improved a lot in the Dragon God Cave, but the dragon power is a bit weak. At this time, it happened to swallow some Yin dragons to make up for the dragon power!"

"Not bad~"

Wang Suhua also urged his figure to fly, and said from Su Zhe, "This is not a Yinlong, it should be a thundering dragon. I can also nourish it later!"

Even Wang Su Suo at the peak of Hun Yuan, seeing the dragons roaring and fighting frantically in the world, he couldn't help but look sideways. Let alone Su Zhe, Su Zhe looked at the dragon's body rather incomplete. The Dragon Race still desperately attacking and killing, unexpectedly gave birth to unbearable in his heart.


Yun Longji didn't hesitate. It gave a long roar, and the graceful human form rolled in the air, turning into a dragon body, and plunged into the dragon group. With the claws waving, dozens of dragons were torn to pieces. Opening his mouth, an electric light spurted out, and the electric light rolled the remains of the dragon clan and fell into Yun Longji's mouth.

"Baby Yun~"

Wang Suo smiled and groaned, "You don't need the panchen hook after you have fished the dragon, do you want to use the dragon power yourself?"

"Haha, no~"

Yun Longji laughed, and the dragon's claws raised, "Om~" The fishing dragon 頖頖頖頖 flashed golden light soaring into the sky, and the nearby Wanli dragon clan shivered immediately, could it not be creeping and mourning.


But seeing the dragon catching the golden light like electricity, Panchen shoots down and catches the Zakon dragons. As Yunlongji's dragon claws flicked, the golden light retracts, I am afraid that thousands of dragons will turn into thunder and fall into Yun. Long Ji's mouth?

"Sure enough, it's the thunder transforming a dragon~"

Seeing the fragments of thunder falling from the broken dragon body, Su Zhe felt a little relieved and said inwardly.


Wang Suhuan’s methods were even more domineering. There was thunder in his chest and abdomen, and then there were sparks of electric light from his mouth and nose, and the electric light turned into clouds to fall, and it also enveloped another dragon of thousands of miles, which was covered by the electric light for an instant. Broken, Wang Suhuan just took a breath, and these broken thunders immediately fell into Wang Suhuan's belly.


Wang Suo burped and said with satisfaction, "Yes, yes, I heard that the laws in the nightmare of the Dragon Region were smelted by the Yin Dragon and can be directly absorbed. Now when I see it, the taste is really good, haha~~"


Su Zhe was also amused by the humor in Wang Suhuan's words and said, "The seniors are here to taste the delicious food, the juniors look elsewhere!"


Wang Suhuan nodded and said, "Go, don't go too far. Let's see the situation in a while, we will leave here. If Clan Chi knows that we have escaped from birth, we will definitely chase and kill them."

"Yes, juniors know~"

Su Zhe smiled, urging his body to go.

Wang Susu was right. Ao Sheng had long been interested in getting to know the Celestial Lord of the immortal world. While he was flying in the golden light, he paid attention to his back and wanted to wait for Wang Susu, so he did not pay attention to the vision before him. It is a pity to wait. He flew out of the golden light, and no human figure followed. Ao Sheng had to sigh, raised his eyes and looked around, preparing to wait beside him.


However, when UU read when Ao Sheng saw the surrounding scenery clearly, he suddenly exclaimed, "Why... how come you got here directly?"

Ao Sheng immediately raised his voice and shouted: "Father Lu, fellow Daoist..."

Unfortunately, there was no response in the surroundings.

"No, the reel is behind me,"

Ao Sheng was a little lost. At this moment, he recalled and said to himself, "He shouldn't come out yet, oh, it's not right, what about them?"

Ao Sheng hurriedly released Long Gan to investigate, only to discover that there was no shadow of Xiao Hua around him, and even the shadows of Chi Longyu and Huang Longyuan were missing.

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