Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3683: Wang Suhuan's true thoughts

"Don't talk about you, even when I just left from Tianzun Mansion, I was so excited~"

Wang Suhuan continued, "Thinking that Master Tianzun’s attention has been paid to him, Longyu must be able to get a Tianzun on this trip, but the more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong, especially when the Tianzun order is for you to hold instead of me. This is too abnormal. Yeah, so I asked Jin Yong to find all the information about Xiao Hua."

"When I received the message from Jin Yong and even used my blood for divination, I suddenly understood that Lord Tianzun knew my temper and knew that the mere order of Tianzun could not restrain me. He wanted to use me against Ye Qiong. Tianzun’s hatred, and God’s Mirror... come to seduce me!"

"Of course~"

Wang Su Suo looked at Su Zhe again, with a hint of pride in his eyes, and said, "The old and undead man in Zhengfa wants to use me as a gun to kill Xiao Hua..."


As soon as Su Zhe heard this, his blood immediately surged. He felt that his head was covered, as if he was drunk. He had never heard someone call Tianzun by his name, let alone scold Tianzun for being immortal!

Su Zhe hurriedly interrupted Wang Suhuan's words and exclaimed: "Senior, I just pretend to have never heard this!"

"What shit~"

Wang Suhuan dismissed it and said, "This is the Dragon Region, don't worry, the old immortal can't hear it."

"Also...there is also Tianzun Order~"

Su Zhe said tremblingly.

"Do you think the Heavenly Honored Order in your hand can return to the immortal realm safely?"

Wang Suhuan asked, "Or, do you think you can return to the fairy world?"

"What do you mean?"

Su Zhe became even more confused, why did he do it well when he came out, and said he couldn't go back if he couldn't go back?


Su Zhe asked in a low voice, "Senior, you... Since you can fortune that the reincarnation of Ye Qiong Tianzun is in the Dragon Region, you should also be able to find Xiao...Xiao Hua's approximate location, right?"


Wang Suhuan shook his head and said, "Dragon Territory is not a law, but Long Chu, especially the cause and effect of Dragon Territory is extremely heavy. I can only probe this place, and I will be beaten if I want to go further."

While speaking, the golden light had come to an end, and the roar of stone smashing came from all around, huge thunder pillars rolled between the sky and the earth, and the sound of shouting to kill came from afar.


Wang Susu snorted coldly, "Is that old immortal old man really lying in ambush here? That's the case, don't blame me being welcome!"

"No, it's not~"

Yun Longji had been looking at Wang Suhuan admiringly, and at this time his face was also surprised. It looked around and hurriedly explained, "It looks like it is near the Lei Ting Tomb, but why is it so strange? There is no reason..."

Of course Yun Longji is very naive. Although it is Tibing, it usually doesn't come here, but with its temperament, Tibing seldom has a place where it hasn't been.

"Not the best~"

Wang Su sternly waved his hand and said, "Otherwise, don't blame me for being polite!"

"Why are you polite to them?"

Yun Longji explained the essence of the sentence "the water thrown out by the married girl", and replied without hesitation, "We are all driven into the Dragon God's Cave, kill it if you should!"

Wang Suu smiled, and said to the trembling Su Zhe: "Although I already know the plan to die, I still want to come to Longyu, do you know why?"

Su Zhe thought for a while and replied: "Naturally it is for the future of the fairy world~"

"Don't talk about me so noble~"

Wang Suhuan replied, "I am not you. I don't see the immortal world in my eyes. The destruction of the immortal world has something to do with me. I came here to kill Xiao Hua and to get a lesson from the gods."

"You know this is bait~"

Su Zhe was dumbfounded and asked, "Why are you still fooled?"

"And you?"

Wang Suhuan asked, "What is the purpose of your coming to Longyu?"

Seeing Wang Suhuan, Su Zhe hesitated: "I..."

"Actually, you don't have to say, I also know~"

Wang Suo smiled and said, "You are really for the immortal world."

"Yes, yes~"

Su Zhe watched the golden light disappear, and Yun Longji took the fishing dragon panchen hook and looked around blankly, as if looking for a familiar scene. After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "I am really anxious when I hear the immortal world has changed."

"People are different from people~"

Wang Yuhuan nodded and said, "Jin Yong also sent me the message about you, and I know that you actually went to the demon in order to kill the demon Zun Tengjiao and to avenge the Taiyi immortal who died in its hands. Meng, this... really makes me feel incredible."

Su Zhe whispered: "I also got a lot of benefits~"

"This is the power of that old immortality~"

Wang Suzhe ignored Su Zhe’s words and continued, “He knows that you are upright and willing to do something for the immortal world. He also knows that I don’t care about the immortal world, but I am willing to seek revenge from Ye Qiong Tianzun, and I am willing to find God. Chang Jian came to set foot on Tianzun, so he sent the two of us over..."


Speaking of this, Wang Suhua couldn't help laughing, and said, "But the old immortal can't think of it. I can still set foot on Tianzun without the gods."


Su Zhe also smiled, and said, "Junior congratulations to senior."

"I got a lot~"

Wang Suhua looked at Su Zhe and gave Su Zhe a slanted look, saying meaningfully, "You may not be unprofitable, chances like Dragon God Cave are rare in the immortal world, and it is absolutely no problem for you to set foot in the high-level Hunyuan in the immortal world of the last days."

Su Zhe laughed and said, "Looking at the good words of the predecessors~"

"Then do you know why I want to tell you this?"

Wang Suhuan asked back.


Su Zhe smiled and replied, "The junior is a bit stupid as the senior said, but the junior is not a fool. The senior never said in the immortal world that he is naturally scrupulous about Lord Tianzun, and when it comes to this, the senior naturally has to show his attitude to the junior. The predecessors' ambitions are Xiao Hua, and the ambitions are for God's sake."

"Yes, yes~"

Wang Suhuan smiled and nodded, "Talking to you is much easier than the brainless Thunder."

"Of course~"

Su Zhe added, "The younger generation also expresses their attitude to the seniors. The younger generations are determined to find a way out for the immortal world of the last days. The younger generations don't care about the gods and the Yeqiong Tianzun. The younger generation has no conflict of interests with the seniors."

"Well, this is the purpose of my showdown with you first~"

Wang Suhuan said, UU reading "As for the thunder of **** luck, he and Xiao Hua should have known each other in the mortal world, oh, and the dragon, they should have ascended from a mortal world, so he must Will defend Xiao Hua, I am not going to explain to him that Xiao Hua is too powerful now, and his strength in the Dragon Region may be limited. If I can kill him, that's the best, if I can't kill him... Hey, I might as well tell you , I may not go back to the fairy world again."


Su Zhe sighed, "Senior left the fairy realm, so he can naturally be free in the dragon realm, but there are still hundreds of millions of immortals in the fairy realm who are still unpredictable!"

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