Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3681: Wang Suhuan cleans up the real Thunder


Xiao Hua has gained a lot, and now he is in a very good mood. He didn't even think about it and replied, "The son let us fly first. If you don't fly, I will call you. If you ask the son, of course the son is angry! "

  Ying did not hear the teasing in Xiao Hua's words, and seriously defended: "The problem is, the son is the son. If it doesn't fly first, how can we dare to fly?"


   Looking at a serious Ying, Xiao Hua sighed, "Well, then I will tell you carefully, why the son wants us to fly first."


  Ying nodded again and again.

   "First of all~"

   Xiao Hua pointed to the surrounding golden light, and the lightning thunder said, "This is the space gap opened by Yun Longji with the dragon weapon. No one knows whether it is safe or not, whether it is dangerous..."

   "Ouch, yeah!"

  Ying immediately woke up and said regretfully, "Why didn't I expect that we Dragon Guards should fly out first to block the danger."


Xiao Hua said again, "The son used the Dragon Seal to open up the space for the Human Race. If it flies, the Long Seal will also take it away, and the space will naturally collapse again, so the son's dragon love to the Human Race will be thinner... "

   Without waiting for Xiao Hua to finish, Ying nodded again and said: "Yes, yes, the son should wait until the end, wait for the two dragon girls and the human race to fly before flying. Why didn't I expect it!"

   "There are others you didn't expect~"

   Xiao Hua said with a smile, "That human race is very powerful, the son will stay at the end..."

   At this point, Xiao Hua himself cursed in his heart first: "Damn, I understand, Tianzun, Wang Susu was sent by Tianzun, this is the key to Ao Sheng's last stay."

   Xiao Hua was right. Watching Longwei fly away, and only Chi Longyu next to him, Ao Sheng laughed and said, "Senior, I wonder who Tianzun sent you?"

   "Why are you asking this?"

   Wang Su was unhappy, frowned and said, "Does this have anything to do with you?"


   Ao Sheng was not annoyed, but still smiled, "I don’t know more than three hundred deities in the fairy world, but my clan has friendship with many deities..."

   "Let’s go first~"

  Wang Suo became a little impatient, and waved, "My baby Yun is still urging the dragon weapon, wait until he flies out of the Dragon God Cave."

   "Yes, yes~"

Ao Sheng was overjoyed. Dragon Claw pointed at Wanyu Longxi. Longxi fell on his head. After Longxi had golden light spilled, Ao Sheng laughed and said, "Then I will fly first and wait for senior outside the space. "

   Wang Suhuan ignored Ao Sheng at all, and shouted at the real person Lei Ting and Han Long Ji: "Can you two leave?"

   "Go, go~"

   The real person Lei Ting replied carelessly, raising her hand and patted Han Long Ji. Han Long Ji rolled in the air, still turning into a dragon body, looking like he wanted Real Thunder to step on again.


There was a sharp look in Wang Suhuan's eyes, and after a light snort, a series of lightning flashes around the real person Lei Ting and Han Long Ji. The lightning struck Han Long Ji rolled in the air, and heavy strands of light moved on its dragon's body, forcing the Han to force it. Long Ji turned into a human form. As for the real Thunder, she was also struck by lightning and grinned: "You...what are you going to do?"


   Wang Suo said coldly, "The Dragon Realm is no better than the Immortal Realm, and the Dragon Race is no better than the Human Race, so I can ignore your affairs with Han Long Ji, but I will never allow you to abuse Han Long Ji in this way!"

   "You can control..."

   The real Thunder has a stiff neck, and he has to argue.


   Without waiting for Real Thunder to finish, Wang Suhuan’s eyes flashed lightning, and Real Thunder’s immortal body was immediately bound by strips of thunder patterns, which wandered around like a snake, marking the immortal body of Real Thunder.


   When did the real Thundering be so insulted? He roared, the immortal body was about to transform into thunder, but under the restraint of thunder pattern, he could not transform in any way.


   Wang Suo's finger moved, and a huge hand shadow fell on the real person, knocking the real person over again, and the whole body flashed with lightning.


   Wang Suo said gloomily, "I don't care what you have to do with the Luoyi Business Alliance, or whether you are a genius disciple of Chongxuanshan or not, it's actually very easy for me to kill you..."

   said, without seeing Wang Suhuan's hands at all, the real person Lei Ting felt that there were thousands of giant hands in his body that began to tear, and an unspeakable sense of suffocation came out of his mind.


   The real Thunder struggling desperately, like a person about to drown.

It's a pity that Wang Suhuan was not moved at all. He still looked at him coldly, saying word by word: "You think you are great, you think you are great, just gained a lot in the Dragon God Cave, so much for me. I'm all jealous, but I honestly tell you, people like you...I have seen a lot, you just got the shadow of the teacher, you are so arrogant in the teacher, I don't know how bad you are..."


  Long Ji quit, she turned into a dragon body and shook her head and rushed over.

   Wang Su Suo only glanced at Han Long Ji, "boom" a flash of lightning imprisoned Han Long Ji in the air, and Wang Su Suo looked at the collapsed space around him and raised his finger, thunder light supported the collapsed space.


Wang Susu looked at the same unruly Han Long Ji, and snorted coldly, "If you are not the Long Ji of the Anji clan like Yun, I will not care about you at all. I know that the dragons have no self-love, so they are self-conscious. Say, UU read, but after I met Yun, I told it, I’m your man, you can’t find other dragons, if you find one, I’ll kill one, even you Let's kill together! Our human men want this face!"

   "Also, no matter how the queen of dragon plays, but in front of the dragon, I will definitely hold you like a baby!"

   After finishing speaking, Wang Susu looked at the pale, almost suffocating real Lei Ting and scolded: "Thunder, can you do it? If you can't do it, I will kill you now~"

The real person Lei Ting is really a little scared at this time. He is different from other immortals. Since he has the wisdom, he has taught the second master of the good luck door. The foundation of the good luck door can be said to be built by himself. His position in the good luck door is definitely one person. Above ten thousand people, but unfortunately, he is not a real human race, acting arrogantly, rebellious, and after entering the fairyland, he made many mistakes.

Xiao Hua is a kind-hearted person, and usually doesn't punish him, even if he makes a big mistake, he just scolds him; as for Chong Xuanshan, it is even more outrageous, because the real person Lei Ting is a genius disciple, not to mention a small mistake, even a big mistake is also caught by the teacher. Closing one eye, pretending not to see, not to mention, the teacher will soon not be the teacher, and even become the junior of the real Thunder, who will care about him, who dare to care about him?

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