Revival of the Gods

Vol 2 Chapter 3680: Reap the dragon

"The clan~"

"The clan~~"

At this time, Ui Longqi and Xun flew over from two places at the same time, and shouted with some regret, "Qianlongyuan and Longshendong have disappeared."


The clan laughed and said, "Lost two forbidden places, in exchange for the stability of the Dragon Realm for hundreds of millions of years, this account is worth it, fly, let's entertain the future Dragon King of the Dragon Realm!"

The dragons went happily, and no one mentioned Han Long Ji and Yun Long Ji, as if they did not exist at all, or they were guilty of death.

It's a pity that they never imagined that the two dragon girls had another romance in the Dragon God Cave.

Simply speaking, Xiao Hua urged the evolution of the yin and yang hexagrams, and merged the 4.2 billion double spiral clones into one again, and the whole dragon body was born with Wuji. He smiled lightly, and his figure fell into the hexagrams.

When Xiao Hua fell into the hexagram image, the entire electric light and thunder began to introvert, and the huge dragon slough Tai Chi began to shrink...

Finally, as the lightning and thunder disappeared, on Xiao Hua's ancient dragon body, the Promise Totem flickered three hundred and sixty-one times and then disappeared, and the aura of the two dragons also disappeared within the Promise.

"Boom boom boom~"

The breath of dragon slough disappeared, the surrounding space immediately had a roaring sound, and the space collapsed inch by inch.


Xiao Hua was ready for a long time, and between one mouth, another Tai Chi flew out. In this Tai Chi, the previous time Long Feng, the real person Lei Ting and Han Long Ji, Wang Ji Su and Yun Long Ji, and even Su Zhe and Ao Sheng remained. It's all inside!

When Xiao Hua was evolving Tai Chi, he deliberately kept the place where Wang Suhuan and others practiced, and did not move at all.

It's not that Xiao Hua's strength at this time is far superior to Wang Suhuan, but Xiao Hua's double helix avatar is in the form of Lightning and Thunder, which originally represented two dragons. Xiao Hua separated this Tai Chi long before the evolution. , Because of the effects of time and space, even Wang Suhuan at the peak of Hunyuan could not perceive what Xiao Hua did in the Dragon God Cave.

Of course, this does not mean that Xiao Hua can kill Wang Susu, or even transmit his voice to the real person of Thunder. If Xiao Hua interferes with any change in the dragon in this Tai Chi, Wang Susu can be aware of it and can give Xiao Hua a thunder at any time. hit.

Xiao Hua raised the dragon claw with a finger, ready to pierce the Tai Chi, but before lifting the dragon claw, he took it back again, took a close look at the surroundings, and even checked his realm of strength.

Seeing that there was no flaw, he blew a breath. This breath only carried a glimmer of electric light, but the electric light fell into Tai Chi, "Kachacha~", Taiji burst immediately, and the people and dragons flew out from within, Xiao Hua Immediately pretending to fly upside down...


The real person Lei Ting hugged Han Long Ji and rolled in the air, first raising his head and screaming.

"Not good~"

Wang Susu was much more reserved than the real person of Thunder. His consciousness awakened, and he immediately received the real body of Hunyuan Law, but after a glance, he whispered, "Dragon God Cave collapsed, and the law of space has changed."

With that, Wang Susu waved his sleeves, and Yun Longji flew out.

"Baby Yun~"

Wang Suhuan hurriedly shouted, "Quickly, the world is closed, immediately sacrifice the fishing dragon and panchen hook to find the space gap to escape!"


Yun Longji promised and immediately sacrificed the fishing dragon panchen hook.

"My son, my son~"

Xiao Hua pretended to wake up, and immediately looked around, spreading his wings to search.


Chi Longyu screamed first, looking at the collapsed space around him, and said anxiously, "My son, the Dragon God Cave is about to collapse..."


Ao Sheng didn't answer, but seeing the shaking of the earth and mountains in the distance, the Dragon Seal of the Ten Thousand Territories was sacrificed, and the collapsed space around him was immediately suppressed. Wang Suhuan and others were among them.

Su Zhe was going to make a move. Seeing this, he simply folded his hand and looked at it with a smile. He has benefited a lot from the evolution of the yin and yang hexagrams in the Dragon God Cave. Moreover, he is a enthusiastic temperament, so he will naturally not interrupt Ao Sheng. Kindness.

Wang Suhuan glanced at Ao Sheng, and said faintly: "Walk with us in a while."


Ao Sheng was overjoyed and replied, "Thank you very much."

Wang Suhuan then stopped paying attention to Ao Sheng, and Ao Sheng also stopped talking with interest.

Although Ao Sheng believed that he was the only dragon emperor reincarnated in the Dragon Region, he would also reign in the Dragon Region in the future, but this has something to do with Wang Suhuan!

If there wasn't a real person Lei Ting, if there wasn't a real person Lu, Wang Suhuan would have pinched Ao Sheng to death.

Daoxian's fierce and weird temper, even the Dragons are very jealous!

Yun Longji sacrificed the fishing dragon panchen hook. Seeing the golden light shining, a series of star phantoms were born. After 129,000 phantoms were condensed, these phantoms flew to different places like a wandering dragon. It disappeared soon, and everyone only saw dense golden lights flying around and looming like a hook.


Yun Longji has a well-established heart, and her familiar fingers point to each other. When everyone was expecting it, she raised her hand and pointed, excitedly, "Help me, suave!"

"Good to say~"

Wang Suhua knew that Yun Longji was acting like a baby. He smiled slightly and flew over, holding Yun Longji’s waist with one hand, and a little on the fishing dragon panchen hook with the other hand, "Om~", but he saw the fishing dragon panchen hook. In the golden light masterpiece, a thick golden hook rushed out of one of the fine lines, and the breath of dragon domain gushing out from the place where lightning and thunder were surging.

Wang Suhuan turned his head to look at Ao Sheng, and said in a low voice, "Don't hurry up?"

"Thank you~"

Ao Sheng smiled, thanked Xiao Hua and waited, "You fly first!"

"The son~"

Chi Longyu said, "You go first!"

Xiao Hua Ni squinted at the real person Lei Ting in the distance. Since he came out, he has been getting tired of Han Long Ji, and it seems that he doesn't care about the dangers around him.


Xiao Hua cursed maliciously, "If you have the power of immortality, you should write this in Moxian pupil and send it to Qingqing. I see how this servant can explain it!"

Secretly, Xiao Hua flew up first, and said to Ao Sheng: "Thank you, son, let's fly first."

Then Xiao Hua Chongying waited and said, "You come with me!"

Ying was dumbfounded by the side, it never thought Xiao Hua would fly first. UU reading

"The son~"

Ying had to look at Ao Sheng, rather asking for help.

"Listen to Ye~"

Ao Sheng said angrily, ‘you all fly quickly, don’t you see how difficult it is for me to support the Wanyu Dragon Seal? ’

"Oh oh~"

Ying awakened and hurriedly nodded at the other dozen Dragon Guards, and flew behind Xiao Hua into the place where the golden light had split.

The golden light is not smooth. The space between the lightning and the thunder is torn to pieces in the mutual impact. Xiao Hua and Yingfei are in front of their heads. Their powerful dragons are strong enough to resist everything, so Ying looked behind him and asked in a low voice: "Ye , I... Am I annoying the son?"

Add more for "the fattest cow dung"~

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