Revival of the Gods

Chapter 353: cunning

Xiao Hua had to release a small gold, but he could hear the sound. He felt that something was wrong. When he looked back, a human figure with a silvery body was standing in the thunder of the real thunder. This person shaped a mouth and the rest of the thunder Into this humanoid body!

However, the number of interest rates, the thunderstorm swept away, "slightly" that human form actually hit a full.

Xiao Hua looked around in a panic. At this time, Xiao Hua was already outside the peach blossoms. In front of his eyes, the place where the peach blossoms were already mottled in the winter, it seems that it should be destroyed by the real water, the central peach blossom Where the previously dark eucalyptus disappeared, the silver human figure stood on the side of the center of the peach blossom.

Seeing that he can no longer escape, Xiao Hua is full of courage, and he will stand up when he trembles. He said: "Predecessors are good..."

"There is a home in Xuange, where you are fighting, what are you doing here?" The man said in a faint manner, "and also used the real thunder! If the old man happens to pass by, you are not really thundering." Jiaxuan Pavilion will be destroyed?"

Xiao Hua did not care, but had to bite the scalp: "The younger generation has reached the point of life and death, really did not think so much. And the younger generation does not know the true power of the real thunder!"

"Oh, that's it!" The human figure smiled slightly. "You seem to be really refining, and it is not common in six days."

"Yes, yes!" Xiaohua chicken nodded like a glutinous rice. "This is the coincidence of the younger generation."

The human form is open again. "Although the old man collects the real thunder, it is to prevent you from destroying the Jiaxuan Pavilion. But this is really useful for the old man! The old man can't take your things in the white, the old man did not take anything out this time. There is no way to compensate you. This is the old man's token. If you are in Kunming, you can come to the old man!"

After that, the human figure raised his hand, and a bead of lavender mist fell to Xiao Hua’s eyes. When Xiao Hua took the beads and looked up, where is the human figure?

Xiao Hua looked at no one around, and then looked at the empty center of the peach blossoms, as if he understood something. His eyes turned and Xiaojin was released, and he flew back to where he had been destroyed.

Sitting on the back of Xiao Jin, Xiao Hua’s eyes turned sharply and thought out, and the palm of the palace chased the city of Xuanyi. Even Yan Fei stayed with him for a long time. How did Xiao Hua dare to stay? Xiao Hua thought at this time is to quickly leave Xuan Yiguo, just find a hidden place to escape. However, when he thinks about it, he feels that this method can't be done. He doesn't say that he is now poisoned by the spirits and can't fly. Even if Xiao Jin takes his own fly away, what do you use to cover up the scent marks? Judging from the situation of Yan Fei's pursuit of himself, the armor can be concealed to a certain extent, but it cannot be completely concealed. It is impossible for oneself to be alone. In that case, Yan Fei’s deity is very easy to find himself.

Although I have seen the deity of Yan Fei, I can know what his illusion is like in the fairyland. He is in the dark and wants to escape.

"And don't rush to escape..." Xiao Hua had a decision. "When Xiaomou solved the poison, Xianli resumed his plan. Even though Yan Fei had a subpoena, his deity could not arrive in a short time, otherwise Yan. Flying will never be so mad!"

Xiao Hua let go of his heart, his eyes swept through the space, he wanted to find the two jade pots. Because Yan Fei said clearly, there is one antidote to Xiaoling San, but unfortunately everything in the space has been destroyed by drowning, where is the trace of jade pot? However, Xiaohua was also disappointed when he was disappointed: "nnd, Yan Fei is really awkward. He said that one of them is an antidote. Is that an antidote? Maybe it is still his secret hand! Xiaomou can not Being fooled, the dead Yan Fei is poisoned again!"

Xiao Hua’s body was slightly restored. He immediately took out the shooting and printed the plaque to the nursery, and let him rush in!

The nursery heard a hundred thousand fires, and the sound of riding in the seal was scary enough. He said that he would bring a team of celestial soldiers to come over. Xiao Hua refused to stop, and only let him come alone.

After receiving the shooting and printing, Xiao Hua took out the purple beads that the unknown person gave him. He took a closer look and did not see any flaws in it. After a careful thought, Xiao Hua smiled bitterly: "nnd, Xiaomou was deceived by this smuggling predecessor. If he sincerely wants to give compensation, what can't be done! Why do you leave any tokens? Kunguo? Kun State Where do I not know, where do I go to find him? Even if I have the opportunity to go, but it is a disaster, the real thunder, Xiaomou has a face to find someone? This 厮 空 空 空 空 空 空 空Ray took it, nothing, then..."

Xiao Hua thought about the capacity to crush the beads, but unfortunately, where is his arm? Waiting for the sensation of Xian Li, he is reluctant, simply throwing purple beads into the space and ignore it.

"No, no..." Just lost the beads. A thought in Xiao Hua’s mind suddenly passed like lightning. "I still licked this purple bead! I remember that this dark black coffin should be the body of the fire thirteen. It’s the English 妃 here. This person’s shape is to take the thirteen corpses of fire. Since he came to have a house, he will naturally find out who is here. Yan Fei’s identity may not be known, but Xiaomou is The arrogant take out the shooting and printing, Xiaomou is now hot in the capital, he must know that Xiaomou is shooting in the Prince of Zhaoyan, even he may think that Xiaomou is an English school Come on. Nnd, is it that he gave him a **** token to Xiaomou, is it through Xiaomou telling Yingying what?? Too complicated, too complicated..."

Xiao Hua scratched his head, Tao Rong panicked, Xiao Hua received Xiao Jin, face like cold frost asked Yan Fei's things, watching Xiao Hua with a serious injury, Tao Rong scared to say everything. Xiao Hua secretly admired the arrangement of Yan Fei, and ordered the peach velvet to call the manager. The manager was a more awkward female singer. When she saw Xiao Hua’s riding and printing, she secretly complained, and she rushed to pay for her crimes. To take out Qian Jing to compensate Xiao Hua. Where will Xiao Hua take it? After he let the female fairy and the peach velvet under the promise, promised not to reveal the situation of Yan Fei and their own fight, the nursery also rushed over.

When Miao Wei saw Xiao Hua seriously injured, his face changed greatly like a mourning test. He became more and more intimidated and threatened to have a housekeeper. Xiao Hua knew that the nursery was to let himself see. He waved his hand and left some money crystals. Let the nursery bring himself back to the Prince’s House.

Because Xiao Hua did not want people to know, so Miao Wei quietly brought Xiao Hua back, but did not alarm what Xianwei. Miao Wei sent Xiao Hua back to the temple, and carefully asked Xiao Hua not to find a fairy doctor. Xiao Hua hesitated, he can heal himself, but the law of the palace is dissipated? But if you let the immortal doctor come over, isn’t your secret known to the fairy doctor? In particular, if the immortal doctor knows the origins of Xiaoling San?

Headache, this is the only feeling of Xiao Hua, even worse than the pain of the baby body!

However, Miao Miao looked at the words, he whispered: "Adult, if you do not want people to know, you can tell what you need to be derelict."

"Well, that's the only way!" Xiao Hua could only nod and say the symptoms of his weakness, and he went to find some evidence.

Miao hurried to go, Xiao Hua began to repair the baby body, but it was a small half hour, the nursery returned to take a hundred bags, inside the dozens of crystal bottles, there is a Moxian. The nursery handed the bag to Xiao Hua and left with his own interest.

Dozens of antidote have been placed in dozens of crystal bottles. It seems that the nursery is practical. Xiaohua explored Mo Xianzhen for a moment, and there is an antidote similar to Xiaolingsan. Xiaohua took out the crystal. The bottle first took a little try, and it was effective. Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, hurriedly sat down on the knees and began detoxification according to the records in the ink fairy.

The poison of the palm of the palace was really powerful. Xiao Hua even served several antidotes. It took four or five days to dispel the poison. After solving the poison, Xiao Hua’s mind was determined, and he immediately spent all his efforts to repair the baby body.

It took about a dozen yuan of work, and Xiao Hua’s body recovered as usual, and his heart was calmed down.

"It is too dangerous!" Xiao Hua is not afraid of the infamous, if there is no reminder of the nursery, Xiao Hua is absolutely in jeopardy. Because he never thought that Yan Fei was actually the fairy baby of the brother of the palace, this fairy baby even joined forces with him to fight against the enemy!

Really have experienced life and death together!

"I just don't know, Xiaomou killed Yan Fei, how long will his deity arrive? Xiaomou still needs to be prepared!!"

Xiao Hua is ready to explore the things left by Yan Fei. He is afraid of accidents and does not come out in the temple space, but the mind enters the space.

Surabaya is really overbearing, and Yan Fei’s Bai Na bag is almost completely destroyed. Yu Xiao Xiao Hua has found several broken ink fairy cockroaches from inside, and Yu Xiao Xiao Hua’s face has shown a happy color because of it. One is obviously used by the subpoena, which wrote some words intermittently: "...I am in the city of Xuanguo...The deputy is riding a small Zhang...He seems to have a cockroach...but I am not sure...The Holy Spirit Palace There is a sign inside... I will make a test... I will have a result and then I will be called..."

"Hey..." Yuhua Xiaohua was relieved for a long laughed, "It seems that this is a message that there is no going out, that is to say, Yan Fei knows the identity of the poor road, but his The deity does not know. Even if his deity knows that Yan Fei is dead, he may not be able to come to declare the capital of a country, because his deity does not know that Yan Fei is coming to declare the capital of a country. Well, even if he comes, he does not. Know the true face of the poor road!"

"Of course, Yan Fei does not rule out leaving messages elsewhere..."

Yan Fei’s Yan Fei once again lied to Xiao Hua after the fall. He clearly had already sent a message to Mo Feiyan and the deputy, but he still made another false communication, even if he was killed by Xiao Hua. The fake communication will also confuse Xiao Hua, let him feel that his secret has not leaked, and strive for time for Mo Feiyan or the deputy.

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